Well, ohioans don't generally think past 24 h as defined by their next meal and their next dump.
So, it will be a crushing loss for osu fans that will continue for 365 days with the looming fear of the Death Star, HARBAUGH!!! asserting himself.
M fans are used to losing to osu. It's become part of their being. HARBAUGH!!! has given hope and an escape from the epic fail of Dave Brandon. We'll see this loss short term as soul crushing but as a minor set back long term to a return to relevance in The Game as a minor stepping stone to national acclaim.
The Nick will be concerned too and should be.
So, it will be a crushing loss for osu fans that will continue for 365 days with the looming fear of the Death Star, HARBAUGH!!! asserting himself.
M fans are used to losing to osu. It's become part of their being. HARBAUGH!!! has given hope and an escape from the epic fail of Dave Brandon. We'll see this loss short term as soul crushing but as a minor set back long term to a return to relevance in The Game as a minor stepping stone to national acclaim.
The Nick will be concerned too and should be.