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  • Hope seems to be better at whining than at winning.


    • Hope is to Purdue as Rodriquez was to Michigan as Brewster was to Minnesota as Booby and John LLLLLLLLL and Muddy were to msu as all IU coaches except Bill Mallory have been to IU. He shouldn't and won't last too much longer at Purdue; question is, will Purdue bounce back with a good hire ala Tiller, or hire 2 to 3 awful coaches to every one good one, as seems to be the case at places such as msu, Minny, IU, and formerly, Northwestern.

      When you think about it, though, NU is one place that kind of surprises me---they've had a pretty good string of good HC's there, starting with Barnett, then Walker and their current coach . Pretty good for a place that had about a 30-year stretch of futility from the early 60's when Ara Parsegian coached there, and the mid 90's. In case any of you youngsters didn't know it, there were many who questioned back then whether the Big Ten should jettison Northwestern in favor of going back to 10 teams when Penn State joined, even some within the school's own administration back then who were suggesting that NU go the way of the Univ. of Chicago and drop football entirely.

      Calling them the "doormat" of the Big Ten back then was being charitable. I'd say they've done a pretty good job of rebuilding and stabilizing the program to the point that they're usually at least competitive and even a title contender from time-to-time


      • Well said, Rob. And when you add academics they're at the very top. Our UofM is not far behind but being a state school we have to admit a certain minimum of in state applicants and we are a public university whereas NW is private. At the graduate student level we are as good as anyone.

        NW is pretty exclusive with tuition levels running as high as 50K a year.

        NW was indeed a very strong FB program after WWII and were one of the first B10 teams to qualify for the Rose Bowl after that arrangement was started with the WCC in 1946.


        • M has well over twice the students too, compare the top half of M's students to those of a much smaller private school.


          • We should send this link to any recruit wanting to play for OSU:

            "Remember kids, this is your fanbase. Enjoy!"


            • Heh. Well...message boards are message boards. If I wanted to, I could probably find some nasty stuff about Tate Forcier or Rich Rod or G Robinson being posted by Michigan Men over the past couple years. People on this very board were calling for Denard to be permanently benched in favor of Gardner at halftime. That the type of fan loyalty you want shared with recruits?


              • LOL!. Yes, saying a kid should be benched is EXACTLY like saying he should die. No difference at all.


                • Originally posted by Jamie H View Post
                  LOL!. Yes, saying a kid should be benched is EXACTLY like saying he should die. No difference at all.
                  You found one quote from one person saying "Bauserman should die" and expanded it to be an implication of the entire fanbase and also insinuated that Michigan should engage in negative recruiting by pointing out to recruits that "see? at osu the fans think you should DIE if you can't complete a pass!".

                  I just wondered if I searched every Michigan forum in existence if I could find a similar quote about a Michigan player or coach anywhere saying something similar. If so, is that an indictment of the fanbase as a whole?


                  • It's not just one quote. It's just one more item to add to the pile of crap that has come out of college footballs most vile and degenerate fan base. Or at least the 2nd most if West Virginia's is as bad as our resident V-Tech fan says they are.


                    • My goodness, I can't wait till this tell-all book on Michigan football comes out. Hopefully it will devastate the holier-than-thou, repugnantly self-righteous, tongue-clicking, "stop standing to cheer", Michigan Man fanbase that thinks it doesn't engage in such lower-class, plebeian behaviors.

                      The self-delusion is barely tolerable in the worst of times (i.e. "we may be 3-9, but we play with class and the Michigan way, and no one else can say that!") but in good times the pompous piety would make any Cardinal at St. Peter's gag.

                      At any rate we'll get a good look at how the Michigan athletic department conducts itself. I expect plenty of underhandedness, petty rivalries, backstabbing, arrogance, and overall sour-pussedness. You know, the kinds of things that only go on at other programs


                      • OOH, not a book about a coach that has already been fired!!! Look out, that might affect the current team how exactly?

                        Nice deflection. It's not my fault that OSU's degenerate fans are calling for their QB to die.


                        • There may have been a lot of shit going on at the administrative level at U-M, but too much stretching does not compare to the culture of cheating a the t*su football level.
                          I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                          • Originally posted by Jamie H View Post
                            We should send this link to any recruit wanting to play for OSU:

                            "Remember kids, this is your fanbase. Enjoy!"
                            For some real entertainment, click around some of the other threads. It's funny for the first few posts, until you realize how scary and strange and deranged some of those bucknut posters are.


                            • That is like most college football forums, except for most the M ones.


                              • dsl is right- all fanbases have an amount of assholes and rednecks. We saw the letters with death threats that were shown with the Fab 5 and those guys were winning.

                                Tattoo U and their fanbase just have a greater asshole to quality/normal person quotient. I think even dsl recognizes this. I mean, I don't think any alum ever had to move out of A2, ala Herbie.

