Regardless that the NCAA has not connected the dots .... because as you correctly point out the facts can't substantiate what circumstantially is fairly clear ..... tressle's conduct (his lying and cover-up of inappropriate benefits making there way into the hands of players) point to an institutional culture where that sort of thing is (a) looked the other way at (tressel in the eyes of his players .... "he has our backs") or (b) lacks the mechanisms to identify unethical conduct and then put a a stop to it.
As an aside, here's a link to a short blurb on inductive reasoning and why ....When you get right down to it, the statement “you cannot prove a negative” is really just a different way of saying “You can’t prove me wrong because I don’t even know what I’m talking about.”
As I said before -- I'd LOVE to have this whole thing tried in Court -- civil court, even. Standard rules of evidence. Verdict would be "more probable than not". I would love that. LOVE THAT.
Anyway, carry on with your blather. I'm quite certain that's all any M fan will ever post on the OSU thread. I understand -- probably too painful to talk about the team.