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Around the Big Ten

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  • Not in the next coupla weeks, no. But the scenario shared by the Purple Cat person, which I've since seen batted about elsewhere, makes intuitive sense; the 3 superconferences bit. Pac, SEC and Big. If that's the case, they're all going to 20. For now, UVA and UNC make a ton of sense. But, if thinking ahead to those next steps, then you can envision what may entirely be wishful thinking on my part -- that is, a return to something close to a Big Ten-like annual round-robin schedule among our traditional rivals, with maybe UNL added in because, admittedly, they are a good fit. As long as Delaney's in charge we have to have stupid names for things, but it would be nice to have a division called the Big Ten within whatever the superconference is going to be called.

    Again -- three steps ahead, wishful thinking, etc. But it does seem like the momentum is pushing to 20, and the Big Ten is wise to get UVA and UNC before the SEC do. Then I guess the next step is Ga Tech for the Atlanta market, and to try and get Oklahoma and Texas? That leaves one spot for a certain school...

    If they do pods, the Means Justify the End Pod could have Maryland, Rutgers, Tech and Oklahoma. The Ends Justify the Means Pod would have Texas, ND, UVA and NC.


    • I think the B12 has saved itself with its GoR agreement and its partnership with the SEC. So I see 4 major conferences.

      I think VT, NCS, UNC, UVa, FSU, Clemson and GT all find a seat at the table and possibly Pitt and Syracuse, too. That's 9 for a potential 10 seats b/t B12, SEC and B10.

      I think Duke, Wake, BC, Miami (they're in for a world of hurt), Louisville, Cincinnati, South Florida, Temple, etc. -- I think they're in the East coast version of the Mountain West.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • OK. What's a GoR? Trust your wisdom on that.

        Duke, though. As much as I'd love to see them eff right off, that is not for rational reasons. You can't destroy Duke/UNC. Basketball shouldn't have to suffer just because Jim Delaney wants to justify his own existence. He's not going to take UNC in one sport only, is he? Taking members in just one of the two money sports does not seem to the Big Ten's way, and perhaps not even in the rulebook? He can't think UNC's going to forego its basketball rivalry with Duke in order to benefit a second-priority sport for that school. So surely Duke is part of the long-term package. Its and Northwestern's football teams can play for the Silver Spoons Jug.


        • Assuming Virginia and North Carolina are #15 and #16.....IF (big IF) the ultimate goal is 20....then i think these would be the schools added...

          Vanderbilt, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame and not sure who the #20 would be. maybe Duke?
          2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


          • Vandy's in the SEC and has trad rivalries. Tech has its logic. I know little about this so could easily be corrected, but I cannot imagine UNC without Duke coming along too.


            • GoR=Grant of Rights for television. Each B12 school granted the conference all television rights through 2025. So, even if Texas comes to the B10, the b12 would own the TV rights to broadcast Texas home games. You can see the problem.

              The B10 has the same thing in place. The ACC does not.

              As for UNC, Duke and NCS are the biggest obstacles. I don't think UNC can up and leave without cause. Delaney needs Slive or the B12 to give UNC the cause. If FSU/Clemson leave or if VT/NCS leave, then UNC is forced to decide between the B10 or going down with the ship. I think that's how it has to play out.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • I know the NCAA mandates divisions and division champs in order to have a CCG...but does that necessarily mean there has to be round-robin play within those divisions?

                IOW, could we basically have an interdivisional schedule, and the team from each division with the best conference record goes to the CCG? Maybe play 3 from within your division and 4 from the other on a 2-year rotating schedule. That way nobody would go more than two years without playing anybody within the league, like it was done in the Big 12. And it is pod-free.


                • Why do you hate pods, Hoss? You a socialist, beastiality-practicing America-hating terrorist?

                  You need to embrace our Pod Overlords.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • Thanks. Point taken on the TV bit. When was this grant of rights? Good on the Big 12 for getting it but I'm surprised the schools consented to it in the current environment. (I'm assuming this happened after Texas almost jumped)

                    I guess, yeah -- NC State too. I could be wrong, but basketball is UNC's priority and UNC and Duke are surely a package deal. We'll see...


                    • If Maryland allows NC to join the BiG, that is a win
                      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                      • Well, now I know why iam416 used to be called Talent! You guys surely put some time into this! If you haven't seen it, MVictors created a Big Ten Hate Meter that is at, about 2/3 of the way down. What it shows is that for every team but Nebraska, they hate UM more than the reverse.

                        And this is why Talent's pods are so totally unequal in ability. (sensing the dark visage of UFM here)

                        In pods A/B we have OSU, UM, PSU, Neb, MSU, Iowa, Maryland and Rutgers playing each other every year

                        In pods C/D: Wis, Vir, NW, Ind, UNC, Goofers, Ill and Purdue (each year)

                        Now, which group of teams would you like to try to go undefeated against?

                        The core problem with this re-alignment is that OSU's protected rivalry game is with PSU, and there is not a person in Ohio who feels that is their rivalry game. And I assure you, there is no UM fan who views MSU as our primary rival. The reason the final game of the season is between UM and OSU is called the game is because it is THE GAME

                        I'm with Hack. Expand to 20 if possible and keep the real Big 10 in one division


                        • It'll be the Leaders Division. Legends will have all the new teams of course.


                          • Actually, Geezer, Pods A and B are NEVER in the same division. So OSU/M and PSU/UNL are ALWAYS split.

                            For two years, one division will be Pod A+C and B+D. Then, for the next two years, A+D and B+C. Then back to A+C/B+D. So the division alignment actually switches.

                            That allows teams to play 8 teams twice every 4 years.

                            You also play everyone in your pod every year.

                            Then, you have one pod with a protected rivalry and your rotate through the other 3 every 6 years. A-B are linked. So, MSU is protect for M and PSU is protect for OSU. M then cycles through N, PSU and Rutgers every six years.

                            I know it sounds crazy, but they're blowing shit up already, might as well blow up traditional concepts of divisions. And actually, I like that concept because it does get you to play all the teams at least every 6 years.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • So, for two years, the divisions would be:

                              OSU, Michigan, Maryland, Iowa, Wisconsin, Virginia, , NW, Indiana
                              Penn State, Nebraska, MSU, Rutgers, UNC, Minnesota, Illinois, Purdue

                              then for the next two seasons:

                              OSU, Michigan, Maryland, Iowa, UNC, Minnesota, Illinois, Purdue
                              Penn State, Nebraska, MSU, Rutgers, Wisconsin, Virginia, , NW, Indiana

                              In Season 1 sample interdivisional games:

                              OSU: PSU + MSU
                              M: MSU + UNL

                              Season 2:

                              OSU: PSU + Rutgers
                              M: MSU + PSU

                              Season 3:

                              OSU: PSU + UNL
                              M: MSU + Rutgers
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • OK I get it now, I think. You can see why A/B every year seems inequitable (and I figured they played every year) Thanks for the clarificatiion.

