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The Rest of College Football

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  • Mental Note: No cupcakes, pies or turkey if I attend a Nebraska tailgate.


    • Another year and this Mealy-Mouthed loser is still employed and ruining halftime.


      • States defense is good, but Maxwell isn't performing like a Junior. Here's for Sparty going down a peg.


        • I wish Maxwell would save some of this for October 20th.


          • Maxwell and Spartans with well deserved shitty performance. D'Antonio must go...


            • We can only pray that Gholston's knee gets blown out. What a sad victim of D'Antonio's sick system...


              • I dislike Spartans only because D'Antonio is a greedy bastard, willing to sacrifice the sport for his own narrow desires...


                • Originally posted by Detroit Dan View Post
                  I dislike Spartans only because D'Antonio is a greedy bastard, willing to sacrifice the sport for his own narrow desires...
                  I think that can be said for CFB in general and, that circumstance, is in large measure, why the game's value has declined.

                  I was trying to explain this in a conversation last night. One of the great values of team sports being played by young people is that it has the potential of teaching the importance of goal setting and achievement through collective effort whle sublimating self interests.

                  In the current environment of CFB, that's becoming increasingly difficult. Bo saw it in his later years and bitched about it; it gnawed at Lloyd because he new about the depth of cheating both at his level among peers and among players.

                  There are core Values in team sports played at the collegiate level that are being eroded by the behavior of coaches at programs like osu, Auburn, Oregon, USC and the like. The kind of behavior that Dantonio and Narduzzi appear to be encouraging among players is also destructive to thes core values.

                  TBH, I think Dave Brandon is doing it in a different way but is none the less creating environments where these core values are being sacrificed at the alter of entertainment in exchange for money to be made. It's irrational to ask young people to do what they do in a 4 year CFB career, live on Ramen noodles and have just 3 bucks in thier pockets, knowing all along that others are making s pile of money on their sacrifices. I'm not sure I could do it. I'd be thinking, "what's in this for me."

                  Some will argue that CFB is as strong as ever, it's value is in tact and there is nothing wrong. Those that are doing so, I believe, aren't seeing the erosion Because they are caught up in vicariously living through their team's successes without regard to the lack of integrity in achieving it.
                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                  • Cheating has been a part of college football forever.

                    Gambling and making money off of amateur athletes has been around college football forever.

                    Dirty play has been a part of college football forever.

                    Romanticizing the past while uttering grim predictions for the future has been around forever too


                    • I think the concern is that as more and more people have to pretend in the way that DSL does, at some point people will lose the distinction between their pretend version and actual reality.


                      • Sorry, but I'm the one pretending what exactly? Are you suggesting that cheating is a recent phenomenon?

                        The recent phenomenon is that cheating or dirty play is so much easier to catch today than it was 50 years ago. Improvements in technology and communication have seen to that.


                        • In the old days reporters protected their favorite players and teams from negative press, sometimes in order to maintain access. Well, now everyone is a potential reporter. And players, thanks to twitter, facebook, etc., can now bypass the filter (the media) and express things to the general public directly. And sometimes, shockingly, they say/do dumbass things.

                          Cheating is not more prevalent today. Dirty play is not more prevalent, it's far less so!


                          • Jeff can speak for himself but I interpret his point as addressing a larger phenomenon than just all the two-bit Tressells out there.


                            • Yeah yeah, the general decline of society that social conservatives embrace. As if premarital sex, drugs, crime, and booze were invented sometimes around 1980


                              • ...except in the SEC...
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

