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The Rest of College Football

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  • Originally posted by Brandon View Post
    Ticket purchasers are clamouring for me, The Great And Powerful One, to impose a 'convenience fee' on tickets, consessions, and parking.

    I'm clamoring for you to use spell check, "Brandon".


    • Franklin is an excellent hire at PSU, but he is stepping into a situation that is going to be really really bad for at least a couple of years. He has to weather that storm. Armageddon hits this year and it will last probably through 2016. Even before the scholarship sanctions hit, Penn State's last couple of classes were pretty bad by their standards. They lost some fantastic assistants during this offseason too.


      • Missouri, Sasha Menu Courey, rape, football, Clery Act, Title IX, Outside the Lines, Tom Farrey, Nicole Noren, sexual assault, mental health, Article, 21654415

        rape cover up at missouri?
        Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


        • saw this posted as well... not sure the source..


          The University of Missouri released a statement Sunday saying university police have turned over to municipal police names and information about the alleged rape of former Tigers swimmer Sasha Menu Courey, who committed suicide in 2011.

          "Outside the Lines" on Friday published a story detailing how the university had not told law enforcement officials about the alleged rape, possibly by one or more members of its football team, despite administrators finding out about the alleged 2010 incident more than a year ago.

          In the statement Sunday, Missouri said its university police department acted Saturday night because of new names and information in the story, and that "it was determined that the alleged assault occurred off campus, and therefore lies within the jurisdiction of [the Columbia Police Department]. The university will assist CPD in any way possible as they conduct their investigation."

          About The Reporting
          "Outside the Lines" spent 16 months investigating Sasha Menu Courey and mental health among college athletes. Menu Courey's parents cooperated in the investigation and voluntarily released all of the personal journals, photos, documents and other materials used in reporting these stories. Thousands of pages of documents were released at no cost by Missouri to her parents and "Outside the Lines" in response to records requests.

          The University of Missouri was contacted several times by "Outside the Lines" during the reporting of the stories and made certain individuals available for interviews. In December, Missouri sent this letter to "Outside the Lines."

          A spokesperson for Columbia police could not be reached for comment Sunday morning.

          "Outside the Lines" reported that for most of 2010, Missouri swimmer Sasha Menu Courey harbored a secret: She believed she'd been raped by a football player. Late that year, her life spiraling downward, Menu Courey began to share her secret with others, including a rape crisis counselor and a campus therapist, records show. In the ensuing months, a campus nurse, two doctors and, according to her journal, an athletic department administrator also learned of her claim that she had been assaulted.

          The administrator denied to "Outside the Lines" that Menu Courey had told her she was assaulted.

          Healthcare providers are generally exempt from requirements to report such crimes and also are bound by medical privacy laws. But those same protections do not extend to campus administrators, who at Missouri were made aware of claims that Menu Courey had been raped through several sources, including a 2012 newspaper article as well as the university's review of records when fulfilling separate records requests by her parents and "Outside the Lines."

          In its statement Sunday, Missouri said it had not acted previously "because there was no complaint brought forward from the alleged victim or her parents, and there was otherwise insufficient information about the incident. Privacy laws prohibited MU medical personnel from reporting anything Sasha might have shared with them about the alleged assault without her permission."

          Under Title IX law enforced by the U.S. Department of Education, once a school knows or reasonably should know of possible sexual violence it must take immediate and appropriate action to investigate or otherwise determine what happened. The law applies even after the death of an alleged victim. Further, the federal Clery Act requires campus officials with responsibility for student or campus activities to report serious incidents of crime to police for investigation and possible inclusion in campus crime statistics.

          Among the thousands of pages of documents gathered by Missouri administrators in late 2012 in response to a records request was a December 2010 online chat transcript between Menu Courey and a rape crisis counselor that had been saved in Menu Courey's university email folder. In the transcript, the former top swim recruit describes an assault after having consensual sex with an unidentified man. Another document discovered by a university hospital administrator shows Menu Courey had told a campus nurse and doctor in 2011 that she had been raped by a football player in February 2010.

          Menu Courey committed suicide in June 2011, about 16 months after the alleged assault. The incident has not been reported to campus police, University of Missouri Police Capt. Brian Weimer said Thursday. City police and the Boone County prosecutor's office say they also have not received any reports.

          Courtesy of Lynn Courey
          Former Missouri football receiver Rolandis Woodland alleges that more than one of his teammates raped her.
          On Thursday, after being shown medical records by "Outside the Lines," Chad Moller, athletic department spokesman, said that the university, in declining to launch an investigation, was honoring what it believes were the wishes of Menu Courey, who never reported the incident to police.

          "An important consideration in deciding how to address a report of a sexual incident is to determine what the alleged victim wants," Moller wrote in an email. "In this situation, it is clear that Sasha chose not to report this incident to anyone at MU other than mentioning it to healthcare providers who were bound to respect her privacy."

          At least one expert told "Outside the Lines" Friday evening that it appeared Missouri administrators had shirked their duties under Title IX law.

          "At the point that the university's administrators had notice of the alleged rape[s], they had an obligation to investigate, based on the potential harm that the alleged rapists posed and pose to the university community," said Brett Sokolow, executive director of the Association of Title IX Administrators. "Title IX obligates universities to these actions, and to efforts to remedy the effects of the acts for the victim and the community."

          "Outside the Lines" also reported Friday that Menu Courey shared with at least one other person details of the alleged assault. A friend, former Missouri wide receiver Rolandis Woodland, said he has seen a videotape of the alleged incident that corroborates the basics of what she told medical officials, and that three other Missouri football players actually were involved.

          In a second release Sunday, Missouri took exception with reporting by "Outside the Lines" and stood by its actions over the past three years.

          "We continue to believe that the university did the right thing in trying to be respectful of Sasha's parents and determine their wishes. We think it is strange and inappropriate for the university to be criticized for not undertaking an investigation when Sasha's parents chose not to respond to our request for their input.

          "If they wanted an investigation, they simply could have responded or made a report to law enforcement. Instead, it appears that great lengths have been taken to paint the university in a bad light simply because it asked Sasha's parents about their wishes rather than immediately launching an investigation based on a highly ambiguous chat transcript."

          Menu Courey's parents told "Outside the Lines" for Friday's story that they did not respond to Missouri officials because they had lost faith over time and did not feel it was their job to investigate the matter as they had no access to documents. In one example, they doubted university's officials' sincerity, they said, because it took three months for the university to give them a copy of Menu Courey's online chat transcript with the rape crisis counselor. The university discovered it in late 2012 but provided it three months later.
          Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


          • ...WHERE THERE IS SMOKE...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • What's the capabilities of university police departments to investigate crimes of this nature? When do the jurisdictions cross?
              Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


              • Ask Penn State.
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • I believe in Michigan, the police officers who are members of the campus police at both Michigan and Michigan State are actually Sheriff deputies of the counties they are in.

                  U-M Police = Washtenaw Sheriff Deputies
                  MSU Police = Ingham County Sheriff Deputies

                  I believe I was told that by another Ingham County Sheriff Deputy who is a fellow football official I worked with some time ago.
                  Save Michigan Football. Fire Warde Manuel.


                  • Why it's hard to compete with the SEC:

                    Bama will be 10+ over on scholarships after signing day and will 'cut' the deadweight till the time they actually need to get to 85, when these kids arrive on campus in late June...

                    Over-signing just doesn't happen in the B10 as you can only over-sign on signing day by a maximum of 3 and only if you notifty the B10 that you know where that attrition is coming from... Alabama will have 95+ scholarships athletes on signing day and will discard all the scrap and for no reason other than they aren't going to have futures on the football field...

                    Rules need to be in place that limits the amount of scholarships on signing day, very much like the B10 rules and scholarships need to be 4 year commitments, not year-to-year like they are now. I'm sure sleazy Saban would find every loophole in those new rules but it'd go along way in leveling the playing field against the over-signing practices of Bama, LSU, Ole Miss, other USC and numerous other schools...


                    • the NCAA is only interested in $$$'s... look who runs and and where they came from...

                      The south lives and dies by CF. Student Athlete is something that gets in the way.
                      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                      • NFL teams have more restrictions than SEC teams...and a lower salary cap.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                          ...WHERE THERE IS SMOKE...
                          There's Cheech & Chong?
                          ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                          • For the first time in the history of college sports, athletes are asking to be represented by a labor union, taking formal steps on Tuesday to begin the process of being recognized as employees.

                            NW football players want to join a union
                            Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                            • That will have major implications for everyone. Forget about joining a union, if there's a decision made that determines that college football players are EMPLOYEES, that alone will shake up CFB as we know it.


                              • Good Lord.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

