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The Rest of College Football

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  • Nothing is more dangerous for 18-22 year olds than exposing them to a virus that they have a .0001% chance of dying from.

    Fortunately, they are cancelling games as a precaution. You can never be too safe.

    I wear a mask when I in my car by myself so that I won't give myself Covid.
    Last edited by Hannibal; December 23, 2021, 07:06 PM.


    • Never in the history of sports have we told asymptomatic athletes (aka not sick) that they cannot participate.

      The Progs have got their way. Fucking BS.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • The CDC and HHS have been rightly criticized for being slow to react to the ever changing circumstances associated with the SARS2 pandemic. The FDA has also been taken to task for the slowness of the EUA approval process for prophylactic and clinical pharmaceuticals that are aimed at mitigating COVID.

        Just yesterday, the CDC updated quarantine guidance for people identified as having been exposed to a COVID + person and are asymptomatic. Previously 14d, it is now 10d, 7d if testing is available. I'm going to use this seemingly refreshing news to expose a blatant fact that characterizes US government in particular and American citizens for letting this happen.

        The underlying push to update quarantine guidance comes from multiple places most notably nursing homes and hospitals who are short staffed due to quarantine recommendations which these places feel compelled to follow. Airlines, the service and travel sectors are also being harmed. Given the risks of asymptomatic spread - estimated by the CDC itself to be somewhere between 5% and 12% - the new guidance is, IMO, ridiculously conservative. The old guidance was just wrong. With the risk of asymptomatic spread being what the CDC says it is, if you take into account the age cohort related risks of serious illness, you have an infinitesimally small risk of asymptomatic spread causing stress on HC systems. I guess this is the goal of PH authorities, right?

        Hospitals in particular have been blowing off the quarantine guidance for a while now based on the analysis above and their own infection control department's inputs. So are pro-sports teams. Add in the emerging information that Omicron, now the predominant strain of SARS2, produces milder symptoms than Delta, also age dependent, and you have a strong case for WTF for anyone under 50 and I'd go as high as 65 and in reasonably good health.

        I recently read a historical account of global pandemics going back to the 13th century and how people reacted to them and the governmental guidance that was issued. In comparative terms the SARS2 pandemic is small potatoes compared to the Bubonic Plagues that occurred twice over a 200 year history and killed 1/2 to 1/3 of the European population. When governments imposed lock-downs, people ignored them and what was more likely to happen is that citizens would party.

        We're obviously not at the point of the kind of impact of the Bubonic Plaque with SARS2 but still, people are saying fuck this and I think rightfully so. Retrospectively, it seems to me that Governors who said, not in my state and passed laws preventing the feds from imposing most mitigation measures and sued the feds in federal courts if they tried were spot on. The sad part of that is that, if I'm counting correctly there were few governors that stood up and gave the feds the finger.

        SARS2 is going to do what it does and in the grand scheme of things, not much to most people. The loss of life secondary to it is tragic but it is not the shit storm that global governments aided by an irresponsible press wants to make it. Avoiding the complex argument of comparing loss of lives to economic and social chaos, on balance, how governments reacted in the early stages of the pandemic, and continue to react, created and continues to create more damage than the pandemic itself. Obviously there are people that would disagree with this. They are wrong ..... just look around.

        Given that there are ways to take personal responsibility to avoid serious consequences of COVID, to not resist the empowerment of governments to cover for irresponsible choices made by some at the expense of those who made responsible choices is the height of disregarding the Bill of Rights and the 5th and 14th Amendments. The somewhat shocking lesson learned in all of this is the how rotten an unaccountable to its citizens we have let governments become.
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • I can't believe I read all that and I really can't believe I agreed with every word. Wait, I really can't believe I read all that and am not terribly surprised that I agree with every word.

          We have been and continue to implement policies as if every person in this country is 80 years old with at least one comorbity.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Ohio State returns 7,000 of their 20,000 ticket allotment for the Rose Bowl. Don't tell me that the CFP doesn't affect the other bowls.

            According to a report from Bill Rabinowitz, Ohio State fans are showing their true colors as the Rose Bowl approaches. Rabinowitz is reporting that the Buckeyes have returned 7,000 of their 20,000 Rose Bowl ticket allotment because they were not able to sell them. Rabinowitz added that most of the red in the stands at...


            • Yeah, it's a complete failure of a season. It's not the CFP, per se, it's losing to HARBAUGH!!!! It's an unmitigated and complete failure.

              When they went to the Rose Bowl for the 2018 season that was tolerable. They had dispatched HARBAUGH!!!! won the B10 and were denied the CFP as a 1-loss B10 champion, but such is life. The Rose Bowl was still a nice way to cap the season.

              There is no nice way to cap this disaster.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • I have enjoyed the argument from osu fans that "there are no elite teams in the CFP this season" among all the other stupid shit they've come up with to explain the ass jacking osu got in AA last month.

                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                • If you can overcome mighty FROSTY!!! in Lincoln late in the can move MOUNTAINS!!!

                  HARBAUGH!!!! (note the 4th !...he's earned it!!!!)
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Despite the bowl game being canceled, Memphis football players are the true winners. Receive a free trip to Hawaii? Awesome for all of them!

                    Meanwhile the SEC is 0-3. Oof so far.
                    Missouri L
                    Texas A&M L*
                    Florida L
                    AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                    • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                      I have enjoyed the argument from osu fans that "there are no elite teams in the CFP this season" among all the other stupid shit they've come up with to explain the ass jacking osu got in AA last month.

                      It's true. Sorry. It's not an explanation for why OSU lost. They lost because OSU is bad. But, teams that barely beat UNL and PSU and lose to a shitty Sparty team certainly aren't elite. And a team that needs a miracle rally to beat Auburn isn't elite. I mean, you can look at the players on these teams. It's fairly obvious.

                      But, you know, 2019 LSU, 2019 Clemson, 2019 Ohio State -- undefeated...and easily undefeated. 2020 UAT -- undefeated. 2021? a bunch of 1-loss teams and UC. Anyone who pays attention to CFB wouldn't put any 2021 team in the same league as, say, 2019 LSU or 2020 UAT or, for that matter, 2019 Clemson or 2019 Ohio State.

                      In 2014, Ohio State ended up with a pretty decent break in that no SEC team was truly elite. The UAT team they beat was like, well, this year's UAT team -- very good, but not hell-raising. And Oregon was a nice team, but not elite. The 2019 OSU team was, IMO, solidly better than the 2014 team.
                      Last edited by iam416; December 24, 2021, 10:21 AM.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by Cody_Russell View Post
                        Despite the bowl game being canceled, Memphis football players are the true winners. Receive a free trip to Hawaii? Awesome for all of them!

                        Meanwhile the SEC is 0-3. Oof so far.
                        Missouri L
                        Texas A&M L*
                        Florida L
                        The more I ponder Georgia's schedule, the more I like UM's chances. Maybe can escape a low scoring game.


                        • If HARBAUGH!!!! can escape Lincoln and FROSTY by the hair of their chinny chin chin...ANYTHING is possible...
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by klondike View Post

                            The more I ponder Georgia's schedule, the more I like UM's chances. Maybe can escape a low scoring game.
                            Right. They're not elite. Their offense is just meh.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                              Right. They're not elite. Their offense is just meh.
                              They(Harbaugh) will have to throw it to win. NOT run into a brick wall which they most certainly will.. just like they did vs. Frosty and co. as we're reminded repeatedly.. If Hatbaugh is stubborn UM will lose. If they're creative in the passing game they have a chance.


                              • Honestly, I think it's more about M stopping UGa's running game. I don't think M is going to move the ball that well on UGa. But, if they can force UGa to throw then they're really in the game. But, if UGa can establish a good running game then it's going to be a blowout.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

