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The Rest of College Football

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  • I think that they'll go interim with Bradley and give him the job during the off season. Unless Bradley's name shows up in a grand jury document somewhere.


    • Really? Were I them I'd clear absolutely everybody out after the season and pay Meyer whatever he wants plus 10%. If ever you wanted to imply a clean break from the past, this is that time.


      • 20 victims, countless lawsuits, when it all settles, coffers will be mighty thin.
        ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


        • Donors gonna be in control.


          • Nah, why would they want their hard-earned money to go towards, buyouts, settlements, payoffs and get-out-jail-free cards? If I were an alum, my cash needs to go to tangible improvements of the University.
            ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


            • They want a good football coach, and, as you pointed out, finding the money to get one won't be as easy given the costs associated with this.


              • Originally posted by hack View Post
                Really? Were I them I'd clear absolutely everybody out after the season and pay Meyer whatever he wants plus 10%. If ever you wanted to imply a clean break from the past, this is that time.
                There's not necessarily a need to make a clean break with anyone but Paterno, Mike Mcqueary, and everyone above them. I haven't heard Tom Bradley, Ron Vanderlinden, Galen Hall, or Larry Johnson Jr. mentioned in all of this. Those guys are the motor boat that has been dragging the Paterno anchor through the mud for a decade. Penn State needs to keep those guys around. A bad transition could be a Rodiguez-like disaster.


                • I don't know Hanni, this might be big enough to require a complete house cleaning
                  Atlanta, GA


                  • You could be right. It will take a while to gauge the perception. The vibe I'm getting so far is that they still love JoePa in Happy Valley and outside of Happy Valley, there isn't a perception that his whole organization is poisoned beyond repair. This is a unique scandal in that it may truly have been limited to a few individuals.


                    • I don't see why Schiano would be poisoned seeing he got out of Happy Valley years before any of this stuff apparently happened.


                      • EVERYONE on staff knew, pink slips all around, top to bottom and jail for those criminally convicted in the cover up.
                        ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                        • Perception, agreed.


                          • Wakeup Call: At Penn State, the statues are safe … little boys, not so much
                            Rick Chandler Nov 9, 2011, 9:00 AM EST

                            Students are guarding the Joe Paterno statue outside of Beaver Stadium at this hour, in case you were thinking of going over there to try and deface it. There were demonstrations last night, police in riot gear showed up … it all should have made Paterno a little nostalgic for the protest culture of the 1960s, when he first became the head football coach. Or it would have, if students were doing it right.

                            I offer these graphs from The Daily Collegian:

                            Protesters brought signs including one with the slogan “We Support the Lions,” another held aloft a framed sketch of Paterno. A life-size cutout of Penn State’s coach was held next to his bronze likeness.

                            Kyle Patterson (freshman-broadcast journalism) expressed satisfaction that students have shown their solidarity with Paterno, and have separated the Sandusky scandal with this year’s football team.

                            “There is a big football game this weekend, and we’re in the running for a Big Ten Championship,” Patterson said. “We are not going to let this bring us down.”


                            Paterno just announced that he will retire at the end of this season. It’s still up in the air as to whether he’ll make it that far. But when he’s in the locker room during pre-game this Saturday, talking about honor and commitment and doing what’s right in the eyes of your teammates, your family and God above, I hope he uses air quotes when he uses certain phrases. Because they would sound hollow and pathetic coming from him otherwise.

                            Many college kids never seem to get this: Deifying a man is dangerous, because men have feet of clay. Especially, it seems, when they have their own statue.

                            ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                            • That kid's 18 or so. These are his formative years and he's spending them learning to circle the wagons regardless of moral implications.
                              Last edited by hack; November 9, 2011, 12:49 PM.


                              • If Joe is going to finish the season he should at least have the dignity to arrange for a rope and a wobbly stool to be waiting for him in his office when he returns from Madison.

