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Brady Unlimited III: Wolverines in the NFL & NFL News

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  • LOL!

    Jim Tressel's NFL career? He was interviewed for the HC Colts vacant position but was rejected. Instead, the Colts found a position worthy of his stature:

    On September 2, 2011, Tressel was hired by the Indianapolis Colts as a game-day/replay consultant. Tressel was suspended by the Colts until the 7th game of the season due to his involvement in the NCAA violations during his tenure as head coach at Ohio State.

    Video replay consultant! LOL I guess the Colts were not taking any chances letting Jim anywhere near the actual field. Sadly he was fired at the end of the season.
    "Whole milk, not the candy-ass 2-percent or skim milk."


    • Not sad. Releasing him back into society led another batch of stupid Ohioans to hire him, at Youngstown State. This time his brief includes academics. Putting him in charge of anything that requires any sort of ethical behavior -- now THAT is sad. The Colts should have done humanity a favor and kept him occupied in his clearly Very Important Job.


      • "Jimmy, do see anything illegal or unethical on your video monitor? Should we throw the flag?"
        Last edited by Prime2; May 14, 2015, 11:01 AM.
        "Whole milk, not the candy-ass 2-percent or skim milk."


        • Comment

          • Theoretical Crime:

            Exclusive: The NFL meted out a four-game suspension to New England Patriot quarterback Tom Brady while also fining the team $1 million and taking away two draft picks -- though the NFL didn’t conclusively prove that footballs were deflated, establishing only a theoretical crime, a dangerous preceden
            I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


            • This is getting fun.

              There is no evidence, PERIOD. In fact, there is NO evidence as to what Tom Brady's game ball PSI preference actually is. LOL

              Pats Launch website,, NFLPA launches appeal.

              To explain science to the NFL, and corroborate their refutation, the team has also providing the findings of Dr. Robert MacKinnon, a professor of molecular neurobiology and biophysics at Rockefeller University in New York City.

              "There is no evidence that Tom Brady preferred footballs that were lower than 12.5 psi and no evidence anyone even thought that he did," the statement reads. "All the extensive evidence which contradicts how the texts are interpreted by the investigators is simply dismissed as 'not plausible.' Inconsistencies in logic and evidence are ignored."
              "Whole milk, not the candy-ass 2-percent or skim milk."


              • What is Circus needs at this point is for Tom Brady to swear a public affidavit that he actually prefers a slightly overinflated game ball but depending on the time of season and actual game weather conditions, it's usually a game-time decision.
                Last edited by Prime2; May 14, 2015, 04:18 PM.
                "Whole milk, not the candy-ass 2-percent or skim milk."


                • Originally posted by Prime2 View Post
                  What is Circus needs at this point is for Tom Brady to swear a public affidavit that he actually prefers a slightly overinflated game ball but depending on the time of season and actual game weather conditions, it's usually a game-time decision.
                  Yep. But I do like that talent has staked his impeccable reputation for sound and logical thinking on the NFL's side of this case.

                  Brady, the Pats and the NFLPA are going to destroy, nuke, and otherwise make mince meat out of the NFL's claims and make Goodall and his cronies look like shit.

                  Like shooting fish in a barrel. I'm suprrised talent has hitched his wagon to this circus.
                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                  • The Pats won't make mincemeat of anything by claiming "the deflator" was in reference to trying to lose weight.


                    • Brady, the Pats and the NFLPA are going to destroy, nuke, and otherwise make mince meat out of the NFL's claims and make Goodall and his cronies look like shit.

                      Time for a new commissioner anyway.
                      "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                      • A national sports radio host that I was listening to today compared deflating balls to holding and said the refs should've just given the Pats a 15-yard penalty and been done with it.
                        Does anyone really know how much of an advantage a slightly deflated ball gives a team?


                        • SUPPOSEDLY, it allows a QB to grip the ball better, and make his throws more accurate.

                          For the game in question, Brady actually had better stats in the second half when the balls were allegedly "legal".
                          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                          • But, but ..... talent has intoned, Brady cheated, end of story.

                            LMAO ...... I'm going to send the young man the proverbial bowl of dick when Brady's suspension and the Pat's fine gets tossed or at the very least, just to save face, gets substantially reduced.

                            The NFL should be totally embarrassed by this and men smarter that Goodell and his cronies are going to shove this right up his ass.

                            Count on it.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                            • Goodell is hearing Brady's appeal.


                              • Seems odd to me that the referees who spot the ball after every play never noticed anything wrong with them.

