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M-Borg vs. THE Flavortown U Thread, Orig. by Buckeye Paul, absconded w/by talent.

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  • There's two interpretations: one that paints Michigan in as positive picture as possible (hard to do, considering they were refusing to give up ringers) and one that is more likely the truth: Michigan was forced out by the Western Conference who were hoping to clean up the game.

    Obviously, this being a Michigan forum, most posters here will prefer the wrong interpretation.


    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
      TBH, I haven't a clue who you are. Troll, I suppose. Whatever. I've got a nice list of blocked posters.
      Doesn't the fact that you've got so many blocked posters kinda mean you've got little interest in carrying on with the dialogue?

      But since I'm most likely one of those posters, you won't hear me ask why the fuck are you wasting so much time here anyways?

      LOL at calling someone else a "troll", though.


      • This is great stuff. DSL reminds us that football did, indeed, exist before osu emerged from the shadows of Michigan football to obtain its ill-be-gotten dominance over the Maze and Blue ...... CHEATERS ....... during the 2000s. So any counters by osu fans that M's utter dominance over osu is certain (interrupted of course by the Horror) should not include football before 1950 are now rendered irrelevant.

        What is amusing about this is that those ......... CHEATERS .......... who claim allegence to the scarlet and gray have to go all the way back to the seedy sports period of the early 1900s where gambling, betting, violence and other sordid undtertakings were a big part of CFB. Everybody DID do it then ..... it was an accepted part of the sport.

        During the modern era of CFB, a period which osu claims equality or after 2003, some level of dominance over Michigan football teams, the rule breaking that characterized the bucks football program under jim tressel and gene smith is startling. Meanwhile, Michigan continues to win with honor. This is the truth and the right order of the universe.
        Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; May 20, 2012, 01:44 PM.
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • DLS...Master of (attempted) Deflection.


          • It is fun to watch them squirm. DSL resorts to his list of stupid deflections and Talent pretends that he's never been here before. It's a small group of posters here. Easy to get to know the names and be familiar with roughly where everyone stands on the recurring issues. To not know any of them is either a sign of stupidity, indicative of a lack of social graces, or perhaps simply the result of an exceptionally subpar post-high school education.


            • If I had to wager I'd say Methamphetamine addiction would best characterize their behavior.
              ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


              • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                This is great stuff. DSL reminds us that football did, indeed, exist before osu emerged from the shadows of Michigan football to obtain its ill-be-gotten dominance over the Maze and Blue ...... CHEATERS ....... during the 2000s. So any counters by osu fans that M's utter dominance over osu is certain (interrupted of course by the Horror) should not include football before 1950 are now rendered irrelevant.

                What is amusing about this is that those ......... CHEATERS .......... who claim allegence to the scarlet and gray have to go all the way back to the seedy sports period of the early 1900s where gambling, betting, violence and other sordid undtertakings were a big part of CFB. Everybody DID do it then ..... it was an accepted part of the sport.

                During the modern era of CFB, a period which osu claims equality or after 2003, some level of dominance over Michigan football teams, the rule breaking that characterized the bucks football program under jim tressel and gene smith is startling. Meanwhile, Michigan continues to win with honor. This is the truth and the right order of the universe.
                The shame of it is, Jeff, that it was an accepted part of the game. Until the reforms of the Western Conference, that is.

                Michigan refused to go along with the reforms. Their program had come to depend upon ringers and gamblers and illicit funds, along with the"professional", dirty coach at the center of it all.

                It's a reflection upon the nature of Michigan Men everywhere that they have tried to destroy and tear down two of the programs that helped keep their program afloat during that dark decade. Michigan State and Ohio State kept playing Michigan, even though the Western Conference had made them the embarrassment and scorn of the nation.

                Michigan has never repaid this debt. Indeed, they've done everything in their power to spit in the faces of those who aided them. Shame on us, I suppose. You can't make a leopard change his spots.

                But keep it in mind that Michigan's entire success is built upon a history of flouting the rules. Yost is regarded as a hero, no matter how many 27-year-old professional baseball players he hired to play for his teams. When asked to clean up their act, Michigan told the Big10 to go to hell. Ever since then Wolverines have tried to sanitize this history, to cover it up, and to guiltily accuse every other program in the nation of engaging in the same sorts of activities Michigan's program was built upon.


                • DSL picks his battle (which, of course, he may be wrong about) from a time when it was "White's Only" to compare to the transgressions of the past 10-15 years in stinktown.



                  • DSL=douchebag supreme lowlife. Hack's right. One has to wonder why scumbags like Talent and DSL hang out here and take the scorn that's heaped upon their sorry asses.


                    • Originally posted by *JD* View Post
                      DSL picks his battle (which, of course, he may be wrong about) from a time when it was "White's Only" to compare to the transgressions of the past 10-15 years in stinktown.

                      Careful, JD. Tread lightly. Those "whites only" days are the era of Michigan's greatest triumphs.


                      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                        Careful, JD. Tread lightly. Those "whites only" days are the era of Michigan's greatest triumphs.
                        Speaking of Michigan's greatest triumphs, one of them is on BTN right now: The 2011 Game, in which Good rose up from the ashes to triumph over evil and put things back in their right order after Lucifer Tressel was finally cast back into his fiery lair.


                        • It will happen again this fall in Columbus, as Meyer gets rolled like he did in the Citrus. A Team on probation, bowl ban , season finale ending in disaster.
                          ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                          • Originally posted by Optimus Prime View Post
                            It will happen again this fall in Columbus, as Meyer gets rolled like he did in the Citrus. A Team on probation, bowl ban , season finale ending in disaster.
                            Are you counting on facing a defense as poorly coached as Mattison's was in 2007?


                            • More like the defense that rolled Tressel in the desert, you may recall that particular humiliation?
                              ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                Are you counting on facing a defense as poorly coached as Mattison's was in 2007?
                                Ahhhh, 2006.

                                This is the year (along with the defeat of Michigan in the 2007 Rose by Vince Young), I believe that Lloyd decided to retire.

                                Chad Hene, with one arm and not his passing arm, nearly beat the cheating bucks in C-bus in a one v. two match-up. If not for the OOB hit by Sean Crable in that game, M probably wins it and goes on to win the MNC (at least that's my story and I'm sticking with it).

                                So, osu beats #2 M and goes on to play the ufm coached Gators with GM as co-defensive coordinator and gets embarrassed 41 -14. Are we talking about the same game there DSL? osu was stuffed, ineffective and for the 10th time fell to and SEC foe embarrassing the B10 once again.

                                Not only that, but for reasons beyond comprehension the MNC should have pitted M and osu against each other in a rematch if the LSU match-up last season was the benchmark for the BCS. Well, never mind. Oh, the shame.
                                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time

