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M-Borg vs. THE Flavortown U Thread, Orig. by Buckeye Paul, absconded w/by talent.

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  • She's more than likely a spokesperson for the family, as she almost surely knows them. She also softened her analysis considerably on the radio today. It's now a slap or a push.

    Regardless, the police have the video. The father of the alleged victim, who undeniably swung at Hyde, is a Westerville Police. So it wouldn't seem like they'll do Hyde any favors. The alleged victim is out of the country. There are dozens of people who "know" something. I've yet to hear anything that makes me think Hyde is facing any serious criminal issue (misdemeanor assault seems to be max). As for his status on the team, I'm less certain about that.

    In any event, I'll continue to wait until the facts come out.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • On the balance of credibility are we to believe Meyer (fighting for his coaching life), Hyde (fighting for his OSU career) or reporter Mindy Drayer of NBC channel 4 doing her job?

      It's not unreasonable to assume multiple copies of the tape have been generated, suspect the Police have a copy, the Bar owner and legal council have another and now it appears NBC channel 4 has one too.

      Surveillance Video Shows Encounter Between Hyde, Alleged Assault Victim
      Posted: Jul 25, 2013 8:43 AM EDT
      Updated: Jul 25, 2013 8:43 AM EDT
      By: NBC4 Staff

      COLUMBUS, Ohio -
      NBC4 has learned new information in the alleged assault case in which Ohio State running back Carlos Hyde is a person of interest.

      NBC4 reporter Mindy Drayer has watched surveillance video from inside the Sugar Bar 2, where the alleged assault occurred early Saturday morning.

      According to the Drayer, the video shows Hyde and a group of friends walking into the downtown Columbus bar, and then engage in a conversation with the 19-year-old woman who filed the assault report.

      The video then shows Hyde pointing at the woman's face, saying something to her, and turning away from the situation. At that point, the video shows the woman batting or swatting at Hyde, but it was unclear if she made physical contact with Hyde.

      Drayer reports that Hyde turned back in response, and that he stepped toward her and appeared to slap the woman in the face.

      After the contact, the video shows the woman grabbing her face and turning to her friends, Drayer said. The video then shows Hyde leaving the area.

      As of Wednesday afternoon, no charges have been filed against Hyde. Investigators are still examining all of the evidence.

      Hyde was suspended from all team activities Monday, pending the outcome of the student code of conduct and criminal investigations.
      Last edited by Optimus Prime; July 25, 2013, 02:42 PM.
      ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


      • Taking everything Drayer says to be true -- and she, apparently, was given a private screening of the video by the CPD -- what probably happened is that Hyde said something to the girl, the girl swung at Hyde, and Hyde pushed her away.

        The alleged victim doesn't crumble to the floor; spin around or have any visible injuries. If Hyde had slapped, say, OP, with any force, he'd be missing teeth and laying on the ground crying like Mike Hart after going 0-4.

        I wouldn't be too concerned about that if I were Hyde from a legal perspective. Whether he stays on the team would be my concern if I'm Hyde.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Mindy Drayer explains in detail via NBC video, doesn't look good for Meyer & Hyde.

          Carlos Hyde film is new Zapruder film
          FOX Sports
          Clay Travis,

          UPDATED JUL 25, 2013 3:35 PM ET

          Local news rarely if ever disappoints. Even when, as is the case here, there's a story of some importance for local news to cover. Did or did not starting Ohio State running back Carlos Hyde punch, hit, or slap a girl at a club?

          GO DEEPER!
          For true college football fun, news, analysis and more, check out all the latest from Clay Travis at Outkick The Coverage.
          Thus far, stories have differed.

          On Monday Hyde was suspended from the team — the Columbus-Dispatch reported that he'd been dismissed, but that didn't happen. On Tuesday afternoon, Yahoo's Charles Robinson said that sources told him Hyde didn't make any contact with the woman on the video and that authorities were unlikely to charge Hyde with any crime.

          Wednesday night came the latest news in the Hyde case. Local Columbus NBC news reporter Mindy Drayer is on the case.

          From her living room.

          You have to watch this:

          Yep, we've got an awkward local news video. Let's break it down.

          1. Why is she in her home?

          She's in Columbus, Ohio, was there such a rush that she couldn't make it back to the studio for the report? How long does it take to drive from one part of Columbus to another? I have no idea how someone's living room ended up being the scene of the report.

          2. Was the diagram of Sugar Bar 2, where the alleged incident occurred, really necessary?

          Check out the FOXiest fans from schools across the country and tweet us your photo.
          If it was, could no one have made an actual diagram at the news station?

          Or used Star Wars figurines to reenact the club scene? Hyde is clearly Lando Calrissian, right?

          As is, this looks like a really bad science project graphic from eighth grade. And, trust me, I know all about really bad science project graphics from eighth grade.

          3. Why is the dog not outside for the news report?

          At the least, if you were going to do a live news broadcast from your home, wouldn't you put the dog outside?

          I'm sympathetic here, however, as my two boys have been featured on every sports radio station in the Southeast over the past five years. Basically, if I'm talking on the radio and the boys are here, there's a 100 percent chance that one of them is going to have to poo and wants me to take them to the bathroom while I'm on live radio.

          4. Yes, Mindy Drayer is married.

          You perverts.

          What, were you going to move to Columbus and woo her?

          You think a woman who can whip up hot graphics like that club scene is going to stay on the market for long?

          Somebody put a ring on that back when there was only one Sugar Bar in town.

          6. Mindy Drayer has three rings on her right hand and an immaculate manicure.

          This is the longest I have seen a local news report focus on someone's fingers.

          George Costanza would be proud.

          7. The dog walks by in the background.

          What's more, it's like the dog planned his appearance for the absolute climax of the news report.

          Just as Mindy gets to the money shot at Sugar Bar 2, bang, the dog.

          I love how the camera angle changes as you can almost see the camera guy thinking, "Oh, s---, that's a dog that just walked by. I'm getting fired for this."

          8. Drayer with the Zapruder-style analysis.

          "He did make contact with her. Again, it was not a punch. As far as what I could tell ... she was not knocked unconscious. He did make contact with his hand on her face."

          Eventually this club video will end up on the Internet.

          In the meantime, there are conflicting stories about whether Ohio State's running back hit a girl in the face at a club.

          The college football season kicks off in 35 days.

          Last edited by Optimus Prime; July 25, 2013, 03:05 PM.
          ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


          • Only in Buckeye land is a reporter a spokesperson for the family and an anonymous person who saw the tape that leaked an impression to another reporter an unassailable bastion of credibility.

            Ftr, I agree that it's a pretty minor crime in the whole scheme of things. I don't know why anyone could have a problem with a football player hitting a woman in a bar at 2am.
            To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


            • Most compelling.

              ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


              • LOL @ the trolls.

                Mindy Drayer has given you new hope.

                Gimme a second, I'm going to post some M fan quotes that perhaps you should follow...that is, if you don't more shit shove down your throats...LOL
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • LOL....

                  Not sure. We dont have all the facts. For Fitz, first offense and could already have been pled down.

                  Not trying to minimize DUI. But there are reasonable punishments that don't involve pushing this great FB player to the bench. Lots of lessons to be learned here and I have no doubt Hoke has fashioned a path to redemption that tested Fitz's mettle.
                  These kids are entitled to their day in court so to speak. Frankly, local law enforcement in this country scares the hell out of me. Many are poorly trained and paid, grossly incompetent and that goes for many prosecutors as well.

                  Often most get charged and the cops let the courts sort it out. Be prepared to shellout 5-10K to simply defend yourself against weak or erroneous charges. A travesty of justice for those that can't afford a proper defense or get terrible legal counsel, I say.

                  These kids deserve a rigorous defense.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • LOL..LOL..LOL....

                    Not sure. We dont have all the facts. For Fitz, first offense and could already have been pled down.

                    Not trying to minimize DUI. But there are reasonable punishments that don't involve pushing this great FB player to the bench. Lots of lessons to be learned here and I have no doubt Hoke has fashioned a path to redemption that tested Fitz's mettle.
                    These kids are entitled to their day in court so to speak. Frankly, local law enforcement in this country scares the hell out of me. Many are poorly trained and paid, grossly incompetent and that goes for many prosecutors as well.

                    Often most get charged and the cops let the courts sort it out. Be prepared to shellout 5-10K to simply defend yourself against weak or erroneous charges. A travesty of justice for those that can't afford a proper defense or get terrible legal counsel, I say.

                    These kids deserve a rigorous defense.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Serious question Iam. Assuming he did slap this girl in the face, do you have a problem with him slapping a woman in a bar at 2 am? (Obviously leaving out the question of the appropriate level of punishment)
                      To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                      • It's not looking good for Talent, Hyde, Meyer & DSL.

                        Was wondering why the crew wasn't on Ricki Lake espousing their innocence? LOL

                        You boys are going down, in part, thx to Mindy's fine work.
                        ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                        • She's an Ace Reporter, that Mindy.


                          • SLF:

                            I he actually slapped her -- legitimate pimpsmack -- he should be off the team.

                            My personal guess, and this purely a guess, is that the most he incurs is misdemeanor assault which, incidentally, we as a society consider "less bad" than a DUI.

                            My personal guess is that his future with OSU is, nonetheless, up in the air.

                            But I don't have any actual facts to rely on either way. Gads of speculation and hearsay. I'll wait.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Although this one belongs to Aaron Hernandez, soon Hyde will have one of his own. Of course Urbie knows what it looks like, after 41 arrests, some for the most serious crimes imaginable, how could he not?

                              Would not surprise to see OSP & Homeland Security make Meyer install one of these at The Shoe just to catch the overflow.

                              Last edited by Optimus Prime; July 25, 2013, 05:07 PM.
                              ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                                I he actually slapped her -- legitimate pimpsmack -- he should be off the team.

                                My personal guess, and this purely a guess, is that the most he incurs is misdemeanor assault which, incidentally, we as a society consider "less bad" than a DUI.

                                My personal guess is that his future with OSU is, nonetheless, up in the air.

                                But I don't have any actual facts to rely on either way. Gads of speculation and hearsay. I'll wait.
                                All BS aside, I'm not sure if a generalized statement regarding "assault" versus a DUI is correct. I would say most times that's true, but it depends on the circumstances, and the victim. As does a DUI. Blowing a .09 after a cocktail party is less egregious than a .210 after a Frat Party. Hitting a woman outside a bar will carry more scrutiny than hitting a guy who insulted your wife.

