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M-Borg vs. THE Flavortown U Thread, Orig. by Buckeye Paul, absconded w/by talent.
Originally posted by Mike View PostLesson learned. Never, under any circumstance, speak truthfully and candidly if there's a chance someone's little feelings might get hurt.
Some people are now considered mentally ill when they speak out against things they oppose."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Originally posted by lineygoblue View PostIts only going to get worse before it gets better.
Some people are now considered mentally ill when they speak out against things they oppose.Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.
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Its only going to get worse before it gets better.
Some people are now considered mentally ill when they speak out against things they oppose. Liney
Originally posted by entropy View PostI've thought that way about OP for years..
To the untrained eye, perhaps.
The truth of the matter is that The Prime has the strength of character and wisdom to speak candidly at all times…..steadfast convictions, unwavering, foolproof......
.....as for Gee, merely a poser & likely 80-proof.?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?
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Mike is spot on, talent, is as well about the tuition thing (washes mouth out with soap).
America would be a much more enjoyable place if this PC bullshit didn't permeate our culture. I've spent a fair amount of time in Australia. Aside from the fact that being there is like returning to the US in the 50s and 60s, they have a terrific sense of humor.
Julia Gillard, a stunning red-head, is the current Prime Minister from the Labour Party. Her critics call her a "Wranger." I had to ask when I heard this description of her ...... red heads in Australia are a rare breed and are named such because their heads (and apparently her face) look like the red ass of the predominant breed of Orangutangs in that county.
She laughs about it.
Anyway ..... I love the "poop flinging" at osu.
Richly deserved.Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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That article is so good, and so accurate, that it deserves to be posted in its entirety.
It was only a joke. It was just a lie. It was only a gold pants trinket.
The world is too sensitive, you know. Like no one has ever lied at their job. Like players shouldn?t be able to sell something given to them by the university.
And on and on and on.
Until, that is, someone in the most blindly loyal, recklessly protective culture of any college campus in America decides enough is enough. Then they just cut you loose and let you bleed.
And then it starts all over again.
Gordon Gee resigned Tuesday as president of Ohio State University. Sort of like Jim Tressel?s resignation two years ago. Or Terrelle Pryor?s decision two years ago to leave early for the NFL Draft.
All three men left Ohio State when it became beyond the pale to defend them anymore. And make no mistake: The legion of Ohio Staters?a vocal, vicious and vacuous fan base?would have defended all three and kept all three had it not been for that pesky thing we like to call the truth.
We?ve now reached the saturation point, the unmitigated and unparalleled universe where only Notre Dame treads. Ohio State has become bellwether in college sports; the powerful, prosperous program you follow to just watch it trip up?and then revel in its misery.
The best part of all: Ohio State has no one to blame but itself.
Time after time we see a university completely botch any semblance of damage control no matter the size and intensity of the problem. We see a university become completely unhinged, defending at all cost and ignoring the greater good.
Why would a university with so much to give academically; with a revered role as the unquestioned leader of the megaconference Big Ten; with an alumni base and fans more passionate than any, get caught up in nonsensical fights they?re guaranteed to lose? (Mr Talent Esq. will love that part)
Your coach lied to the NCAA three different times. Fire him. Your quarterback sold his jewelry and memorabilia and lied about it. Kick him off the team.
Jim Tressel, far left, was caught in lies that eventually caused his downfall at Ohio State. And now, Gordon Gee, middle, is gone two years later after a series of unfortunate quotes disparaging others. (AP Photo)
Your president made a fool of himself two years ago when he said he hoped the coach who had just been exposed as a three-time liar to the NCAA didn?t fire him.
Tressel, Pryor and Gee were all three defended by the university to the very bitter end: They were misunderstood, there were mitigating circumstances, they didn?t do anything you wouldn?t or haven?t done. Picking on them is what?s wrong with the world today.
No, they?re what?s wrong with the world today.
Gee has been offending people and embarrassing the university for years. His latest insults of Notre Dame, Catholics, Louisville, Kentucky, the SEC, Bret Bielema?have I missed anyone??finally did him in. Prior to that, he was the weird uncle who raised a ton of money, so the university put up with him.
Tressel had become so beloved and so successful at Ohio State, he was as untouchable as Woody Hayes. That?s right, the same Woody Hayes who wasn?t fired?despite legendary antics?until he was caught punching a player on national television.
Tressel did so much for the football program and the university?s stature, he became intertwined in the very thing that eventually gets all of those in power at Ohio State: the culture of arrogance. He didn?t need Terrelle Pryor to win another national championship; he won one with, of all players, molecular biology major (and Michigan native) Craig Krenzel.
But he begged Pryor to play at Ohio State, let a recruit dictate and ch
ange what made him successful, then paid for it three years down the road. Meanwhile, the 2012 Ohio State team rolls off a magical unbeaten season that finishes with a victory over rival Michigan?and has nothing to show for it.
Why? Because of the culture of arrogance.
Go ahead and make fun of the guy who killed trees in Alabama. Or the Tennessee fans who named their kids Peyton.
No one does crazy like Ohio State.
More than 16 months ago, Ohio State welcomed new coach Urban Meyer with open arms, despite the odd and controversial way he walked away from another mega program. Blind loyalty, all right.
Makes you wonder what Meyer will have to do to eventually get run."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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