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M-Borg vs. THE Flavortown U Thread, Orig. by Buckeye Paul, absconded w/by talent.

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  • OP- When you're out of Schlitz, you're out of beer.


    • Fulmer Cup is by school, we need a cup (e.g. Urban Cup) that is by coach.

      Talent has argued that because Urbz players records were clean at BGU and Utah, the Florida experience was an aberration.

      Someone needs to tally up the all of Urbz players' points (including the recent rash of incidents) and compare them with all of Hoke's players' points (including time at Ball State and SDSU).

      Comparison of M to Ohio is not helpful here, since it was really Urbz that was being questioned, not Ohio ... that is the relevant comparison if one is truly interested in facts. If Talent is right, Urbz rate per year should be no different than any other D1 coach.


      • An article with some balance from Stewart Mandel

        Prior to last week Meyer had actually experienced relatively few off-field issues in Columbus. Save for a player from last year's team, David Perkins, was arrested on a visit to Bowling Green after having previously decided to transfer, Roby's and the two freshmen's arrests were Ohio State's first in at least a year. That's not something to get a medal for, but it also doesn't fit the pervading narrative.


        • The facts DO NOT matter here
          It's nice to see a M man admit what I've known for years. If they did matter, M fans would have nothing to spew on this thread.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Just to make sure that everyone knows the context in which Jeff wrote:

            The facts DO NOT matter here
            , here is the entire post (unedited and unaltered, of course):

            TBF, this is pretty murky water being waded into here.

            Is a DUI "worse" on the crime scale than felony robbery? Hell, don't know.

            I did find this site. Goes back to 2010 but its probably pretty accurate. The Fulmer Cup thing is supposed to be funny. I can't find anything objective in it at all. It's meant to be tongue in cheek.

            There's a link on one of the comment posts that ranks the B10 teams by arrests. Iowa is far and away the worst football program for arrests. M and osu are essentially tied at 7 and 6 arrests respectively.


            I believe the problem for osu is meyer and his connection to Hernandez at UF. Fair or not, that's what's allowing sports journalists and M fans to have a field day. The osu nation has to defend against the claims and stories no matter how utterly ridiculous they might be ..... and I think a good portion of them are.

            Another problem stalking osu is that when they have an arrest in the news, it's always spectacular. I mean hyde allegedly hitting a woman in a bar is spectacular as far as alleged crimes are concerned. Then we have Clarett, a thug if there ever was one, and I doubt truthful osu fans would deny that. tressel a confirmed liar, beloved though he may be by the osu nation .... That's a perception bonanza for any osu hater. pryor? Meh as a criminal. He is just dumb as a box of rocks. Nonetheless, the faces of these ohio boys, spectacular as they all are, represent osu.

            Does any CFB fan know who Darryl Stonum even is? I doubt it but he was a serious and dangerous drunk driver. The osu criminals and liars? Different story all together and it this reality that the osu nation has to deal with. Too bad. I love it.

            The facts DO NOT matter here. It's perceptions. Deal with it.
            As always, glad to be of service here!


            • Talent's Sweater Vest must have been too tight.


              • The facts DO NOT matter here
                Hence, the name change of the thread.

                ::: pats self on the back for fantastic foresight :::
                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                • Heh

                  Well done, liney.


                  • Doesn't take much foresight to see M fans trolling an OSU thread with make-believe.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • In actual football-related news (I know, how silly), UFM continues to shore up the two target areas of the 2014 class by adding Demetrius Knox this weekend. OSU has done a great job at OL and LB for 2014.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Incidentially, just two more days until August. The football season starts in August. The long slog through the offseason is almost over. WOooooOOooOT!
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Bucknut desperation to change the narrative is essentially pointless as Meyer's haunting Florida past and unfortunate OSU present consumes all the oxygen in the room.

                          Hope he survives long enough to take another asskicking on November 30th in AA.

                          "The legacy is tarnished. The shine is off the apple. Meyer is nothing but an enabler. His players are out of control. At Big Ten Media Days, in the main room, the head coach with a Top 10 team heading into the 2013 season fielded just one question about said team, while answering a flurry of questions about non-football activities."

                          Last edited by Optimus Prime; July 29, 2013, 08:51 AM.
                          ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                          • Here's a bottom-line for you cro-magnons: you are craven and inferior. Now with your reinforced your commitment to cheating you are fated to a future in which the victories will be a bit hollow and the losses will sting that much harder because Michigan is above that shit and you are not, and there's not a single person on the planet paying attention that doesn't know that. It's gonna be so much fun to hang that ``you cheated and still can't beat us'' tag on you people. Nobody's fooled by your bullshit, including the two of you. I figure that's on account of the difficulty of staying in character 100% of the time. Try as you might, neither of you are utter psychopaths or retards or tweeting pedophiles, which you'd need to be to avoid letting the truth slip out time to time. We know you from those moments of honesty. (Which is perhaps why most of us like you and defend your contributions here when the needed.)

                            What's worse for you clowns is that you risk Urban having ``health problems'' again. Who's gonna be Aaron Hernandez in five years? And what's gonna be the impact on the coach's poor heart? We'll see. Probably it won't be Adolphus Washington thought. He's getting all the classroom help he needs and is surely likely to matriculate into a productive and engaged citizen. Just like Martavious Odoms and Vincent Smith, who, with support from Michigan fans worldwide, are making their hometown a better place through philanthropy.

                            Thank you for the recruiting update, talent. In case you are interested in seeing whether Michigan has snagged any notable recruits lately you are welcome to visit the recruiting thread here.
                            Last edited by hack; July 29, 2013, 08:51 AM.


                            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                              In actual football-related news (I know, how silly), UFM continues to shore up the two target areas of the 2014 class by adding Demetrius Knox this weekend. OSU has done a great job at OL and LB for 2014.

                              More CFB news, George Campbell told Urban Meyer to stick his offer from January 20th of this year when he committed to Michigan.
                              ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                              • and the losses will sting that much harder because Michigan is above that shit and you are not
                                Losses? To M? LOL. That's cute.

                                Enjoy No Titles and the Gallant Defeat. LMAO.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

