If you're gonna beat us, oblitera Al Borges' freakin offense please to the point where Hoke can't keep him. But, not this year. You're goin down this year.
Stick Urban Meyer with a Steven Threet or a Nick Sheridan and see what he does.
Anyway, he's still woefully short playmakers. They've done a nice job with Hyde and especially Rod Smith, who has was teetering on oblivion for awhile. Now it looks like can reliably take carries.
Next year will be interesting. The lose the converted TE off the OL, but his backup really pushed him for time in camp. And they lose Boren, but he's already lost, sort of. Other than that, I think everyone else is back.
Also -- the Boren thing was a pure UFM move. And, oddly enough, he's adjusting to the position. I mean, he still isn't particularly good, but he hasn't been a disaster