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M-Borg vs. THE Flavortown U Thread, Orig. by Buckeye Paul, absconded w/by talent.

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  • Urban at either OSU or PSU would harm Michigan. Michigan is different from both OSU and PSU in that relying only upon home state kids would be a death knell for the program.

    But supposing Urban goes to OSU and a young, quality coach takes over in Happy Valley, Coach Hoke will find the future a tougher road than it is at present.

    However, I think a lot of the Urban in State College rumors are wishful thinking at best among PSU fans. Paterno will not leave until he dies and he & his family will do everything in their power to ensure Jay inherits the throne.

    Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; October 9, 2011, 02:12 PM.


    • "...& his family will do everything in their power to ensure Jay inherits the throne."

      Jay may be too old by then.


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
        Urban at either OSU or PSU would harm Michigan. Michigan is different from both OSU and PSU in that relying only upon home state kids would be a death knell for the program.
        True. That's why I'm glad we have kids from Ohio, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, California, Wisconsin, Texas, S. Carolina, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and Arizona who are contribuing to our team.
        I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          Heh. When I bring up LAST SEASON it's "living in the past". When someone on this board cites Bo or Fielding Yost it's because you "appreciate your tradition".

          You should be rooting for Fickell to do well. Every loss bring us closer to the Urban Legend. Maybe Hoke will start negative recruiting against his health though.
          Meyer will NOT want to inherit and fix OSU's NCAA woes, Matt Hayes is firm in stating there is ZERO chance of Meyer ending up in Columbus. The Nina, Pinta , Santa Maria & Flagship left port long ago.

          Throwing Fuckell under the bus already DSL, shame on you, he just got there.
          ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

            However, I think a lot of the Urban in State College rumors are wishful thinking at best among PSU fans. Paterno will not leave until he dies and he & his family will do everything in their power to ensure Jay inherits the throne.

            There's no way in hell that's happening. It'll either be one of the long time assistants who is actually good or a family member like Al Golden.


            • Did OP just cite Matt Hayes as an authority on college football? And did so in a serious, rather than ironic, manner?


              • The only serious fact you should be concerned with DSL is that Ohio State fell to 3-3 overall and 0-2 in the conference and it's gonna get worse.
                ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                • Classic Ohio behavior:

                  Yeah, it's all Bauserman's fault.

                  Instead of focusing on the fact that your star QB threw the program under the bus and your coach was disgracefully let go for egregious violations of NCAA rules, just blame the team's problems on a kid who wasn't supposed to take an important snap while at the university.


                  • Matt Hayes is firm in stating there is ZERO chance of Meyer ending up in Columbus.

                    But, but , but the new house, the fast track divorce, OP are you talking about the right person?


                    • George, is Urban getting divorced? If so, news to me and he may be on the coaching market again.
                      ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                      • George, is Urban getting divorced?

                        Apparently his wife does even want to go to o-lie-o.

                        (3) The reasons UM quit are still germaine (namely, I've heard from Florida and OSU people that he was on the fast track to divorce)


                        • This would be hilarious if it wasn't so F*ing egregious.

                          I am almost certain OSU paid law firms and PR firms, I bet over 1/2 of a million dollars, to explore if there was anyway after Tressel's criminal behavior was exposed, if he might survive as HC.... even remotely untenable as it seems to the reasonable-minded.

                          Ohio State paid DeVier Posey’s lawyer nearly $142K

                          Ohio State has paid a Columbus law firm nearly $142,000 to represent players during recent NCAA investigations into the eligibility of several OSU athletes.

                          Crabbe, Brown and James LLP has been paid $141,814.30 as of mid-September, said Shelly Hoffman, assistant vice president for OSU Media Relations.

                          Larry James, the attorney representing DeVier Posey, who was handed a five-game suspension by the NCAA for his involvement in the scandal, said he expected backlash from the release of the figure, but confirmed to The Lantern that the figure was correct.

                          James also represented the players involved in “Tattoo-gate,” including former quarterback Terrelle Pryor, and the group of football players James referred to as the “Sports Illustrated 9.”

                          The “Sports Illustrated 9″ refers to nine current players, separate from the six players suspended for “Tattoo-gate,” “whose alleged wrongdoing might fall within the NCAA’s four-year statute of limitations,” according to a June 6 Sports Illustrated article.

                          Hoffman did not immediately return requests asking for how much the firm was paid for representing athletes in each case specifically.

                          OSU’s athletics department paid the fees out of its general operations fund, which student fees do not go toward, said Dan Wallenberg, associate athletics director for communications.

                          He also said the funds for similar services could come out of the Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund, which was created by the NCAA in 2003 to provide direct benefits to student-athletes or their families, and is generated by NCAA basketball tournament revenue. However, the athletic department didn’t dip into the fund on this instance so as not to deplete the fund for other student athletes, Wallenberg said.

                          NCAA spokeswoman Stacey Osburn said according to NCAA rule 16.3.2, the cost of legal representation is allowed to be provided by the university in any investigation into a student-athlete’s eligibility.

                          Requests for comment from OSU President E. Gordon Gee, OSU athletic director Gene Smith and OSU associate athletic director for compliance Doug Archie were not immediately returned Monday night.

                          For non-athletes, Student Legal Services provides court representation to students in cases involving Franklin County Municipal Court, Franklin County Common Pleas Court, 10th District Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court of Ohio, according to its website.

                          However, students must pay a $40 fee for the service encompassing the school year from Aug. 1 to July 31, which students had the ability to opt-out of. Students enrolling for the first time any quarter other than Autumn Quarter are eligible to pay a prorated fee.

                          Richard Vedder, who studies higher education financing and is a retired economics professor from Ohio University, said he does not believe universities should provide athletes free legal counsel.

                          “I’ve never heard anything so outrageous in my life,” Vedder said.

                          Vedder said the current system in college sports is corrupt because schools are unfairly representing athletes. Vedder, however, said athletes drawing income for the university but not being paid was “athletic child molestation.”

                          Still, Vedder doesn’t agree with OSU paying for athletes’ lawyers. He said the university could spend the money on libraries or helping to lower tuition.

                          Auburn University paid $170,000 in attorney fees to represent former Auburn quarterback Cam Newton from November 2009 through February 2010 during the NCAA’s investigation into his eligibility, according to Feb. 9 report in The Birmingham News.

                          Senior running back Dan Herron and sophomore offensive lineman Marcus Hall, who were also employed by DiGeronimo, were suspended only for Saturday’s game at Nebraska. Junior defensive lineman Melvin Fellows was also involved but is out with a career-ending injury, as well as senior linebacker Etienne Sabino, who was permitted to play so long as he repaid the $60 he was overpaid to a charitable organization.

                          ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                          • Great non-news story.

                            NCAA spokeswoman Stacey Osburn said according to NCAA rule 16.3.2, the cost of legal representation is allowed to be provided by the university in any investigation into a student-athlete’s eligibility.


                            • Guess that's why they never cut these kids from the team. They want to get their money's worth.
                              I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                Great non-news story.

                                NCAA spokeswoman Stacey Osburn said according to NCAA rule 16.3.2, the cost of legal representation is allowed to be provided by the university in any investigation into a student-athlete?s eligibility.

                                Not sure if you are tone-deaf or just mentally retarded...matters not. What if he had a legitimate legal need and crisis to deal with, OSU would leave him high and dry. What about the other 50K students that actually attend OSU in order to earn a degree.....What about the young freshman that is sexually assaulted in Library parking lot or the band student that is paralyzed by a hit-and-run driver leaving practice? Surely these students are actually deserving OSU legal aid, wouldn't any assistance be best spent in this manner and not on another Tressel hoodrat bilking the system?
                                ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?

