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  • There's a handful of polls that'll probably be out by Halloween that are worth paying attention to more than others.

    Any PA polls conducted by an instate university: Susquehanna, Franklin & Marshall, and Muhlenberg.

    Marquette for Wisconsin

    Ann Selzer's final poll in Iowa not because Iowa is in doubt but her final poll is usually very spot on for the state and the national mood can be read off of it. If Trump leads by double digits that would be REALLY good for him. A 9 point lead would be good. The last Selzer poll done mid-September was Trump +4. If he's that low again it would be encouraging for the Dems (probably won't be though).


    • It's gonna come down to about 50,000 people in a few key states that just realized there's a presidential election that morning.


      • The R's are going to control the Senate but probably with a margin where they will have to appease Collins/Murkowski on everything. Right now I feel better about the Dems retaking the House than Harris winning.


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          If the Dems lose the election, it's primarily on Biden for breaking his understood promise to only serve one term. He dropped out too late to hold an entire set of primaries, so only an open convention was a possibility. And that would've almost certainly been a fiasco with multiple factions forming and the media yelling DEMS IN DISARRAY for weeks. Harris obviously stinks but we had to coalesce fast around somebody and she made the most sense.

          Anyways thank you to Donald Trump for agreeing to an unusually early debate in June. Without that Sleepy Joe would be the candidate right now.
          That's problematic, since it should have been clear to anybody near him BEFORE the debate that he just wasn't going to be a viable candidate. You can't fault his party for "pushing him out", just that they waited too long to do so. Sorry Joe, but you just can't keep holding that nuclear football. Not sorry.

          Again, the Dems are playing the voters for idiots by thinking that they could fool us with Kamala. That's not entirely without merit, however, because the R's were too lazy and/or stupid to not be able to look past Trump. I think we all wish that they would have, but, well, here we are.


          • Honestly, I have the House/Senate divide happening. I’m hoping for GRIDLOCK(!). Whichever moron wins doesn’t need an easy path to legislation success.
            Last edited by AlabamAlum; Today, 10:30 AM.
            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


            • And the Rs taking the Senate will at least somewhat prevent the D's from sliding through a bunch of radical leftists into the judiciary should Harris win. Can you Ohio guys comment on weather Sherrod is in actual jeopardy? Seems like Tester is toast so it'll be 51 R seats unless they can pull an upset in Michigan (unlikely) or Ohio.


              • He's in jeopardy but I'd still call him a slight favorite barring a bad poll from a good pollster.


                • Sherrod's gotten lucky in the timing of his elections and his opponents. 2006 & 2018 were anti-Republican wave elections and he took out DeWine in the first one. 2012 he was up against the always-unpopular Josh Mandel (and had Obama on the ticket as well). This will be his hardest race or should be. The Ohio GOP lately has a real knack for elevating unlikeable people.


                  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                    Oh bullshit. if Trump wins it's on the people who vote for him. Period. Have some goddamn personal accountability. You had a choice and you chose Trump. The Dems didn't make you do it. You chose it.
                    And you guys "kinda" chose Joe to run again, (at least that was the impression I got from the first debate) and then you didn't choose him. Then there was the sham 'convention' where Giggles was substituted "with Joe's blessing", .. until you listen to Jill's comments since then which seem to indicate that Joe didn't want to be replaced by Giggles on the Dem ticket.

                    I'll even argue that democrats like YOU didn't even choose Giggles, but yet here she is, at the top of your ticket. The Democrat "primaries" indicated that you all wanted Joe, but you got Giggles. How does that work? Is this the type of democracy that the Democratic party wants? What makes your party better than the Republicans. Donald Trump is supposed to be the "danger to democracy", but the Democrats haven't exactly been the leaders and best in demonstrating what democracy looks like.

                    Face it. Your party should have put up a better candidate. One that is closer to the center. That candidate would have made a clean sweep of the RINOS, because they'd vote for anyone but Trump. Instead, many of those people are going to sit at home and not vote at all, because Giggles isn't a better option that Trump.

                    Its like America has been backed into a corner, and there are only 2 doors leading out of the room. Stupid, and stupider. There is no excellent candidate.
                    Save Michigan Football. Fire Warde Manuel.


                    • There’s a name floating around that’s alleged to be the Iran leaker. Fox reporter says the story is BS and she’s spoken to the alleged suspect.


                      • Comment

                        • Pennsylvania has turned in just over 1M mail in ballots. In 2020 about 2.6M votes ended up being mail-ins. Should note only about 1.8M ballots were requested this year.

                          In 2020 the party breakdown was 64.7 (D) to 23.7 (R) and the rest Independent. So far this year the R's make up a bit more of the early vote: 61.7 (D) and 28.6 (R)
                          Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; Today, 12:48 PM.


                          • Election denialists dealt a big blow in Georgia.

