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  • In Michigan, Mike Rodgers has closed the gap with Little Debbie for Stupidnow's vacant Senate seat. Most recent polls have the difference within the margin of error. At one time Rodgers was trailing by as many as 8 points.

    Repubs really need to grab that seat. If Little Debbie gets it they won't get it back. Michigan is very kind to incumbent senate dems.
    Go Tigers. Bless you boys.


    • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
      Trump blames it on immigrants.
      Good lord, you're exhausting.


      • Comment

        • Yep! That's exactly what he said! Are you fucking retarded, too!?


          • Originally posted by Mike View Post
            Yep! That's exactly what he said! Are you fucking retarded, too!?
            Retarded? No, I'm voting Harris


            • Been a lot of chatter the past couple days about this race. I'd love to see Perry lose. And if Haris wins this district it's hard to see how she doesn't win the state.

              Janelle Stelson leads Scott Perry in pre-debate Pennsylvania 10th poll | ABC27


              • In the last two weeks the betting markets have flipped from Harris +6 to Trump +6.


                • *sigh*

                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • Retard #2 this morning! Busy day so far. You perfectly personify why Harris is fading.


                    • Nate Silver wrote about Trump's mini-surge in betting markets a few days ago. His conclusion was that whale money was driving odds toward Trump. If there was something of substance improving Trump's odds then the betting on the popular vote ought to be moving in his direction too and it hasn't been.

                      What’s behind Trump’s surge in prediction markets? (


                      • Swing state polls have been slightly drifting back toward Trump as well. It's still super tight but whatever small movement there has been is going toward Trump and away from Harris despite the Ds outspending him 3 to 1. Her surge/momentum is clearly gone and now it'll be a dogfight to the end.


                        • Another solid poll for PA Dems. Cook has this as a R+2 district. Perry’s seat I posted about earlier is R+5.


                          • Would love to see the "uncut" version of Kamala's 60 Minutes interview get more attention. This way, her ads would just be for laughs and not a sign that people may actually be so stupid as to believe them.


                            • That reminds me, on top of the 3 to 1 spending advantage, she has nearly an entire media industry behind her that will lie, edit, and omit anything to polish her turd "interviews".


                              • Juicy new conspiracy

