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  • Here’s hoping a leopard can change his spots and Trump adopts focus and a “new tone” in the final six weeks. We need him to save us.


    • Kamala can’t raise taxes without Congress. Trump can and will raise tariffs all by his lonesome and he says so almost daily.


      • Originally posted by Mike View Post

        Speaking of Covid quacks, have you heard about the NYC Covid "Czar" Jay Varma? He was a leading advocate for strict lockdowns that caused 5,000 Manhattan businesses to shutter but he was having drug-fueled sex parties at hotels with his wife and as many as 10 others at a time. And that's not even the damning part.

        Didn't have a choice? These are the people who are running the country and will continue to do so unless Trump pulls his head out of his ass (unlikely). These are disgusting pieces of shit who completely fucked over kids and their developing minds for YEARS and they will pay no price or face any consequences.
        Yeah, it's not gonna be good. However, given what Progs are adamantly in favor of allowing adults to do to kids, this isn't quite so bad.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


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          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


            • Trump is Abe Simpson but a huge colossal asshole who craves attention all the time. At least Harris will probably keep her dumb ass hidden away most of the time.

              Unless you view this election in the most apocalyptic way possible ( and I don’t) there’s no reason to vote for the asshole.


              • Unless you view this election in the most apocalyptic way possible, there's no reason to vote for her utterly incompetent ass.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • When you have two absolute fucking incompetent jokes to pick from you either don't vote or pick the one who is most likely to do the least harm. IMO, that's easily DJT. Harris is a total Prog.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • Correct. I hear arguments against Trump along the lines of "he'll never actually get any of that done". To which I say, GOOD. Secure the border and make appointments. That's all I need.

                    For some reason we've adopted this idea that government is the answer to all that ails us. It's fucking bizarre to say the least. The vast majority of government "fixes" usually make the problem worse or creates a new problem that didn't exist prior to the government coming up with some super cool wiz-bang plan to make everything better. Trump will have none of that because he's a lazy grifter who has little interest in actual governance. TRUMP 2024!!


                    • Et tu, Vivek?

                      Come to think of it though, JD prob is an obstacle to Vivek’s future political career. Would do well to start undermining him


                      • The walking 25th Amendment -- well, slowly shuffling 25th Amendment -- is set to address the UN. Can't miss TV. The level of incompetence in that room will be staggering.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Helmut Kohl, God bless him, Helmut Kohl was the first to call and congratulate me when we beat medicare. Helmut? Helmut, where are ya, jack?


                          • Michigan poll has Harris up 3 points but more interesting (to my dorky ass) is she's up 3 points in Kent County. Kent County (the fourth biggest county in the state) went for Trump in 2016 but Biden won it by 6. In the MAGA age it has become a bellwether county.

                            The story also contains this choice quote.

                            “I’d vote for a cockroach-infested hemorrhoid over Donald Trump,” said Parsons, 46, an antiques dealer from Holly, Michigan.

                            Well said, sir.

                            Exclusive Harris-Trump poll shows VP holds small lead in Michigan (


                            • This is the first election where I feel like Trump is actively hurting the Rs. He has previously taken lots of the blame for the failures of the R establishment, but this year is on him. It's looking like Harris will win a narrow victory and I'm not seeing anything that suggests a shift in power in Congress to the Rs. And it's not because the Dems are popular. This one's there for the taking.

                              It's the downside of the double-edged sword that Trump has been. DeSantis should have been the guy. But the base doesn't trust the establishment and DeSantis fits into that bucket. He didn't do himself any favors in that department, I suppose, during his campaign. Hopefully, he has learned some valuable lessons about messaging to that base.

                              Unlike previous cycles, I think that this is genuinely the end for Trump. He might show up to endorse someone for President in 2028 but this time, I don't think anyone will care. In 2028 I imagine that we'll see Vivek, Ron, Nikki, and Rubio again. I see Ron coming out on top of that bunch, but I wouldn't completely write off Vivek. Choosing between those two is actually a pretty damn good position to be in though, if you ask me. In Vivek, you have a Libertarian/Conservative idealogue who articulates ideology and gives off a positive energy more than any R since Reagan. In Ron, you have a results-oriented. bureaucratic,Terminator who is the most successful R since Newt was speaker of the House. I'd take either very happily.

                              That's the only future that the R party has.


                              • I mean...has he really helped the Rs since 2016? The 2018 midterms were a disaster, he almost single-handedly cost the Rs the Senate in 2020, and the 2022 midterms were massively disappointing. It's conceivable the Rs would have 55-56 Senate seats right now if he wasn't so involved in choosing fucking terrible candidates.

