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    • Fake news!
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • ABC. Heh.
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Comment

          • yawn
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • I've argued many times before and I likely will continue to argue for the remainder of my life that the political class has proven — repeatedly, consistently — that they cannot be trusted with the power of taxation.

              Political elites use the power of taxation to force productive Americans to pay for government spending programs that have only one main purpose: To ensure political elites stay in positions of power and maintain their lifestyles of the rich and famous.

              This happens at all levels of government in our postmodern progressive United States where Constitutional limits on government power are openly mocked and then routinely ignored, where those who have spent our nation into $35 trillion of debt lecture us about fiscal responsibility, where a rude Tweet is viewed as intolerable while Americans yawn with boredom when they learn about politicians misusing power to hurt others and enrich their own family members and crony friends.

              It is shamefully immoral. Enough.

              It is time We The People revoke, retract, and rescind from those in government the power to tax citizens. They do not deserve the power to tax. They cannot be trusted with the power to tax. They abuse the power to tax in order to serve their own interests and stay in office, sometimes for decades (or in the case of Joe Biden, we can measure his time in government by half-centuries).

              Case in point: The man who is presenting himself as the great alternative to and opponent of progressive Democrats — Donald Trump — has pledged that he will use government power to subsidize in vitro fertilization costs.

              He says either he will use government power to force health insurance companies to cover the (expensive) procedure, or he will use the taxing and spending powers of government to pay for it.

              Either way, I don't want anything to do with it. If I own a health insurance company, I want to offer the kinds of coverage I want to offer — other health insurance companies should be free to offer coverage for whatever medical procedures and technologies they value. That's called competition. That's called freedom. The Republican Party used to be the party of freedom.

              If Donald Trump or anyone else in government wants to bribe blocks of voters with government-subsidized IVF, I'm not paying for it. I have many challenges going on in my own life, and I need the money I earn. Political elites — Ds and Rs alike — have no moral right to take my property and use my money to bribe voters in efforts to win elections.

              Those in government are perfectly free to promote their proposed programs on GoFundMe or similar online platforms and ask those who value the programs to donate and fund them, voluntarily. No one is stopping them. That is what politicians should do after we take away from them the power to tax.

              When the top political opponent of progressives campaigns by making progressive promises of free stuff, that is no opponent of progressives. That is just another progressive. And that is why I say, often, that we now live in a thoroughly postmodern progressive United States, where the cancer of progressivism has metastasized throughout the entirety of the Democratic Party and much of the Republican Party.

              We freedom-lovers are now dissidents. We are small in numbers. That is what makes us dissidents. We oppose the corrupt and unjust ways of ruling elites. We lack the numbers to control any major institutions of influence or power. Yet, there is one thing we have on our side: We few freedom dissidents understand important fundamental truths of which the progressive masses today are blissfully ignorant.​
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • What a bunch of crap


                • Originally posted by UMStan White View Post
                  What a bunch of crap
                  Another loon ambulance chaser joins the chat.


                  • So much TDS with the loons. They obviously didn't even read it. It wasn't complimentary of Trump.

                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • It was just, I don't know?


                      Yeah, that's it. Stupid.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • If accurate the numbers suggest Trump is playing a defensive strategy and going all in on PA. Almost conceding Wisconsin, Nevada, and Michigan. No more talk about flipping NH, MN, or NM. Fighting to win New York a distant memory. Pennsylvania or bust.


                        • The Trump-Biden debate was about 9.5 weeks ago now. The election is 9 weeks from tomorrow.


                          • was your weekend my friend?
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Wonderful, Wiz, just lovely.


                              • Good to hear. Have a great day!
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

