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  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
    Here is what DSL is talking about.

    If anything that's a plus in the Harris column. Take the crazy conspiracy theories to the GOP, there are no shortage of kindred spirits there
    Yeah. Like I said I assume this stuff happens. He's being surprisingly open about it. He went to Trump and asked what can you give me to make me go away? Then he went to Harris, to see if she had a better offer, and she told him to go kick rocks.


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

      It’s probably wasted words but thanks for posting this.
      Probably?? It’s my biggest waste of time since buying that Mike Dubose voodoo doll from Marie Laveau’s VooDoo gift shoppe on Bourbon Street in December of 2000.

      Libs hate the Trump Vaccine. I don’t know why.
      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


      • I hate you.

        No....make that loathe...
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Originally posted by foxhopper View Post

          My old unhealthy unjabbed friends feel pretty good. Not like 3 of the biggest fans of the vax on the forum who are now dead. If your boy CGVT had any bains he might wonder why he had his recent stroke.
          Come on, Dude. Even for you, that is ridiculous. People die. It fucking happens.

          I have no doubt why I had a stroke. I was sedentary as fuck, let myself gain fifty pounds, was eating like a 20 year old, my blood pressure was out of control and I was drinking too much liquor every night.

          But yeah, it was the shot

          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • So Trump has personally ended the Clinton. Bush, and Cheney family dynasties then ended Biden’s presidency… but Kamala Harris is too formidable a foe? I’m not buying it. 75 days to go!


            • CGVT, I don’t know if was mentioned before but I’m bummed to hear you had a stroke. Happened to a friend of mine’s wife and it doesn’t look like a good time.


              • It's over Mike....ALL HAIL KAMALA!!!! The one who was rejected SOUNDLY 4 years ago...the one they wanted to toss overboard before this years now QUEEN KAMALA.....THE SAVIOR OF AMERICA!!!!
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • I work in a hospital. We are stilll one of the few institutions that routinely tests preoperativeely for covid. of the hundred or so cases we do a week about 5 come up hot for covid. almost all are asymptomatic. About 50% have been vaccinated and 1/2 of those multiple times. The other half said hell no.
                  We dont have anyone really getting sick from it at all.

                  this is all just what i see working over the last 5 years here in zona. had a lot of very sick and dying people all high risk to begin with in 2020-2021
                  This year i bet may be a few since beginning of the year and those you could easily argue diedd with it not because of it. Take it for what its worth just antedoctal from me

                  I got one vaccine in 2020 none since. got a mild case in early 2021 gave it to all my grandkids, wife, daughter, son and DIL. all of us with mild cases No one else in my family has gotten covid since and I think my wife my daughter and I account for 1 vaccination each everybody else lives in kansas had no vaccinations.

                  highly unscientific but since when have I ever been accused of being scientific anyway


                  • TRUST THE SCIENCE!!!!
                    dr cannonball.jpg

                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                      CGVT, I don’t know if was mentioned before but I’m bummed to hear you had a stroke. Happened to a friend of mine’s wife and it doesn’t look like a good time.
                      Thanks, Mike.
                      In the big scheme of things it wasn't too bad. It was small and I have almost recovered fully. Just getting used to the new normal. I'm 65 so I'm not a kid, but man, you have all kinds of things you want to do and then you wake up one day and can't move your arm or lift your leg to put your pants on. With PT and a little determination, I'm getting along pretty well, I'm actually starting to run a bit. Not much loss of function to speak of, although my left leg drags a bit when I get tired and I get tired really quickly now.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Damn sorry to hear that CGVT....hope things get better for you man.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Me too, CG.

                          I also hope Stan comes back and cusses Wiz out again.
                          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                          • No!
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                              The math on the vaccine is still very good despite anecdotal accounts of “I had a friend who died…” or “I just KNOW that’s what happened to Jamie Foxx!” (Etc). Myocarditis is much more common in the unvaccinated post Covid and the vaccine has repeatedly been shown to reduce morbidity and improve mortality numbers. Further, studies show serious symptom reductions across all strains.

                              Not that anyone who is an anti-vaxxer would believe it (because it is all lies put out by Big Pharma so Bill Gates can track people through a “jab”) but I could post research.

                              I call bullshit. The most heavily vaccinated countries in the world had higher Covid fatality rates than unsanitary third world hellholes like Haiti. So much that there have literally been news articles about how scientists are totally mystified by it.

                              Show me your numbers. Preferably from a source that hasn’t already been totally discredited through getting caught in previous lies (e.g. all of the people who spread the lie about how the vaccine prevents the spread of the virus or the hilarious lie that Covid did not originate in the Wuhan lab).

                              As far as negative side effects goes, less than a year after the vaccine came out there were more adverse reactions in the VAERS database than all other vaccines in history COMBINED. I don’t know of any other data available, since studying this subject is verboten.

                              My nephew almost died from blood clots recently. He’s 21. Fully vaxxed and uo to speed on boosters. Healthy. No family history. Anyone here remember healthy 21 year olds getting blood clots without family history until recently? No? Didn’t think so.

                              Anyone else here remember news stories about how cancer is mysteriously becoming a lot more common among young people before the vaccine? No? Didn’t think so.

                              Anyhow, I got vaxxed and boosted once. Almost everyone else that I know has gotten all of the boosters, and despite that, they have pretty much all gotten sick from Covid. Some of them with pretty bad cases. Me? I’ve had one mild case.
                              Last edited by Hannibal; August 23, 2024, 06:30 PM.


                              • I'm 61 and never got a single shot. Got Covid twice. Felt like a mild flu to me. Trust the science. Yep. Shut the whole economy down for what? Protect the vulnerable and leave the rest of us the fuck alone. Fuck Tampon Tim and Gavin Fuckface for shutting down their states...and in TT's case...a fucking snitch line? JFC.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

