The first actual policy proposal from Harris is economically illiterate. And anti-Constitutional. And, well, Communist. Let's use the unelected State (FTC) to impose price controls.
Are these people even vaguely acquainted with rudimentary economics?
These are the same people, though, who think the way to bring down costs of higher education is to throw money at the purchasers to literally increase their purchasing power.
These are the fucking morons who are going to run our country.
But, hey -- why actually acknoweldge that your own dumb ass policies spiked inflation when you can blame the boogey man of price gouging and, in the same instant, literally advocate for a government price controls.
Are these people even vaguely acquainted with rudimentary economics?
These are the same people, though, who think the way to bring down costs of higher education is to throw money at the purchasers to literally increase their purchasing power.
These are the fucking morons who are going to run our country.
But, hey -- why actually acknoweldge that your own dumb ass policies spiked inflation when you can blame the boogey man of price gouging and, in the same instant, literally advocate for a government price controls.