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  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
    I don’t need to say it again but Trump really is a colossal piece of shit. Who does this win over? Do you think that Jewish voters on the fence will find this appealing?

    Trump is very much a BoomerCon and he is not up to speed on modern "dos" and "don'ts" with regards to various ethnicities.

    Anyhow, his attitude is that Jews should vote Republican because the Rs are more hawkish in favor of Israel and don't have an Ilhan Omar in their ranks. (not yet, at least, but it's only a matter of time).

    It's clear that he does not understand this voting bloc. Nor his own, many of whom are really sick and tired of American politicians kowtowing to Israel.
    Last edited by Hannibal; July 30, 2024, 01:03 PM.


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

      There's many a prominent conservative who says you can't be a good Christian and vote for a pro-choice Democrat too, I'd reckon.

      But the topic was specifically about Jewish voters and how they should vote Trump if they want to be considered a "good Jew" and whether Israel is the only issue they should care about (Trump says yes). Also some yadda yadda about Kamala hating Jews and her husband is a horrible crappy Jew so he doesn't count as a "real" Jew I guess.

      Hey it's a bold strategy, Cotton. I don't question Mr. Trump's savvy understanding of the Jewish people and unparalleled success at winning elections.
      Calm down, Alice. I'm not Jewish but if I belonged to a particular demographic that was reviled as much as the pollical Left in this country hates Jews/Israel, I personally wouldn't vote for that party. Pointing that out doesn't seem controversial, IMO. The rest of this Kamalaesque word salad is nonsensical projection.


      • If Trump were sane (he isn't) and the Republicans Werre smart (they aren't), they would be reminding the public hourly of Kamala Harris's enthusiastic support for BLM rioter bail funds. It's an incredibly easy Dub.


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

          Supposedly labor unions really like him. I assume the UAW leading the charge.
          UAW endorsements don't mean as much as they used to. Their leadership and the sheep that always vote D might love him. but a large percentage of the rank and file will quietly cash their inflated paychecks and pull the lever for Trump.

          And don't think the recent strike and capitulation by the Big 3 is as popular as the MSM wants you to think. Salaried workers, suppliers and customers all ended up getting screwed..


          • I see tons of Kamala Harris ads on youtube. It's striking how much more effective Dem messaging is. Democrats actually campaign like you are supposed to.


            • Well I'm not going to go into huge detail over the long history of Jewish-Americans being more aligned with the Democrats in this country. Part of it is that the Republican Party, prior to Reagan, was the less friendly to Jews and Israel in general (Catholics too), less friendly to immigrants, and was highly isolationist in the leadup to WWII.

              But part is also that Jewish immigrants believed in social welfare programs like the kind FDR started. Thats because in Europe Jews historically had to stick together and act as a united group more than probably any other minority group for centuries. They have centuries of practice of acting collectively. The State of Israel at its founding was extremely socialist and had ties with the Soviet Union that were at least as good as its US ties, possibly even more so (Stalin, being personally very antisemitic, highly encouraged Russian Jews to leave for Israel).

              Jewish voters are not single-issue voters anymore than any other group. Trump doesn't get that and likely never will.


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                I see tons of Kamala Harris ads on youtube. It's striking how much more effective Dem messaging is. Democrats actually campaign like you are supposed to.
                Kamala may stink as a candidate but she will at least put in the work. Biden was an invalid in comparison. And I think Trump will look very, very lazy in comparison by the end. But he is absolutely the favorite.

                EDIT: By this time next week the Dem VP choice will be made. The pair are reportedly going to campaign together all next week.


                • kamala defund.jpg
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • The only question about Gary Peters is can he hide behind Giggles as well as he hides behind Stupidnow?

                    He's good at hiding.

                    He also owes his re-election to the infamous Wayne County poll workers who drive around aimlessly with ballots locked in their trunks until 4:00 am, before they get counted. He was getting beat until those votes were 'counted'.
                    "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                    • You had him beat until you didn't.

                      Remember how MAGA morons chanted "Stop the count!" in some states and "Count the votes!" in others?


                      • Olympic spoilers

                        SPOILERWomen Gymnasts take home the gold again at the Satanic Games! Wooo! MURICA!


                        • DSL...little trivia for you here...did you know that women were not allowed to have brackets until 2022 for the NCAA Basketball Tourney?

                          Did ya?
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                            You had him beat until you didn't.

                            Remember how MAGA morons chanted "Stop the count!" in some states and "Count the votes!" in others?
                            I remember all of that.

                            But Wayne County has had shady vote counting practices for many decades now. Its not just been since 'trumpers' arrived on the scene.

                            Its amazing how a modern city like Detroit and Wayne County can have such an archaic vote counting process when places like Ironwood and Petoskey can have their votes counted and certified by the local county clerks before 10:00 pm. You'd think that Detroit/Wayne County would have the ultimate in vote counting systems. But, no... those votes just seem to disappear until the wee hours of the day following election day. Been that way for years and years.
                            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                            • DEMOCRACY DENIER!!!!!1111
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Well, when you stop and think about it, Detroit is only 8 miles wide. Literally, 8-Mile road is the city boundary, at least on the north side. Its about 8 miles on the west side as well. So, how long does it take for ballots from even the 8 mile road area to reach the Wayne County Clerk's office? Its only 8 miles, tops. Yet, "The Detroit Area" is still counting votes at 4:00 am on most election days. And its been this way all the way back to the sixties. Even Flint, as corrupt as it is, can count its votes quicker.

                                Maybe those who transport those ballots to the Clerk's office need to be guided by GPS. Perhaps they'd get there a few minutes earlier....
                                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"

