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  • USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned.

    U.S. Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned from her job, according to a statement released by the White House.
    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


    • Skimmer


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        • I would not expect a good outcome for Ukraine and possibly Taiwan under Trump Season 2. Stop deluding yourself that everything will be fine and Trump handles a crisis well. He does not. Full stop.


          • Kamala is the Joe Bauserman of politics.
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • But what about our southern border?


              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                I would not expect a good outcome for Ukraine and possibly Taiwan under Trump Season 2. Stop deluding yourself that everything will be fine and Trump handles a crisis well. He does not. Full stop.
                ........and Kamila will? Stop deluding yourself that when a national security threat arises, Giggles will take charge. That's nonsense. Shell surround herself with left leaning advisors who hate America. At least DJT, with all his warts, can lead from the front and be advised in that role by Rs who aren't going to hate America.
                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                • Trump carries a personal grudge against Ukraine and Zelensky specifically. The MAGA base is OVERWHELMINGLY in favor of cutting the country off, Day One. The weirdest among them revere Putin and think he's a model for what the US Presidency should be. The idea that Trump will listen to DC Establishment folks or Neocons and simply carry on Biden's policies mostly unchanged is incredibly delusional hopecasting.

                  Trump is likely going to be President again. Some of you need to start thinking about what downsides there might be to that. I get that some of you think there ARE no downsides beyond "mean tweets". You are idiots. I get that.

                  As for the southern border he'll make it better but the problem will still exist. It's up to you how much weight the southern border has in your vote.


                  • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                    ........and Kamila will? Stop deluding yourself that when a national security threat arises, Giggles will take charge. That's nonsense. Shell surround herself with left leaning advisors who hate America. At least DJT, with all his warts, can lead from the front and be advised in that role by Rs who aren't going to hate America.
                    Lead from the front is such a meaningless, cliched bit of tripe. What is that supposed to even mean? When and where did he "lead from the front" in a crisis? Virtually nothing significant happened his first three years in office and when he actually faced multiple crises in Year Four, he was HORRIFIC and it cost him reelection.

                    There's a ton of people IN YOUR PARTY that think aiding Ukraine is actively hurting America. They are in control of the party. They are who will put Trump back in office. He ain't listening to you interventionist hand-wringers that have never done anything for HIM, give me a friggin break.


                    • If the Biden administration had done a better job we wouldn't be in this predicament. Alas.... that is not the case. Did Putin invade Ukraine while Trump was president? No. Did he under both Obama and Biden? Yes.

                      As for Kamala, I was reminded this morning that her voting record in the Senate was the furthest left of all 100 members. She is literally to the left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Today it was announced that she will not preside over Netanyahu's visit to Congress tomorrow as an obvious slap in the face to Israel. So tell me again who is selling out our allies?


                      • The fighting in Ukraine has never really stopped since 2014. Trump will cut off aid almost immediately, the govt will fall, and every con here will pin the blame entirely on the Democrats and not the MAGA folks who have been cheering on the country's destruction for the past 3 years.

                        The guy who took laundered CCP money to suddenly about-face and protect TikTok is definitely always putting America First. He sure fucking is. ​


                        • If this ain’t rock bottom, I’d like to know what is. This is what happens when you decide you have no identity outside of politics and it totally consumes you.


                          • Leadership becomes apparent to those that have led themselves and been led by great leaders. I wouldn't expect you to understand what leadership is. Some of the best superiors I worked for were uncompromising hard-asses. You don't need to like leaders. When comparing Harris and Trump in leadership abilities, I'll take Trump every time. His critics hate the way he commands a room when he shows up. People may not like his style but fundamentally he's going to take charge. I'd expect Harris to act like the mouse she's been for most of her political career in Washington.

                            Look, I know what's been said about Trump abandoning Ukraine. He's said some dumb things, we know this. But there are constraints on the whole range of policy decisions he will make as President. One of them is momentum. I'm for what's already going down in Ukraine - the shifting of costs to EU members of NATO. He'll piggy back on that but he's not going to abandon Zelenski because he wouldn't cooperate with Trump by having one of his prosecutors that was digging up dirt on Biden's son hand it over.

                            Talk about the relationship between Trump and Putin is just that. Future casting that Trump will abandon Ukraine giving what Putin wants isn't going to happen. That's because he'll be constrained in what he can actually do with regard to separate entrenched mutual defense agreements between the US and just about all NATO sovereigns. Many of these defense cooperation agreements involve military and logistical support for Ukraine. There are big dollars involved. None of this just evaporates if Trump says it will.

                            Your out of your league discussing this stuff. Stick to practicing Patent Law or whatever it is you do.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              If this ain’t rock bottom, I’d like to know what is. This is what happens when you decide you have no identity outside of politics and it totally consumes you.
                              I'd say its sad that her family is that upset that she supports a different candidate than they do.


                              • "Your" [sic] getting me confused with Talent. He's the IP guy.

                                And you're delusional if you think Trump's going to defend Ukraine like a standard Neoconservative would. Period. Full stop. End. Of. Story.

                                Jim Mattis ain't walking through that door in a second Trump term. It's going to be a lickspittle. And if the Senate won't confirm them, he'll appoint an Acting Secretary from the able pool of eager-to-please lickspittles already at the Pentagon.

