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  • Well it's obvious the inmates have been running the asylum for 3.5 years now...
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

      (1)Trump's stated proposals include a massive tax hike on all imports and his people are continually talking about devaluing the dollar. Because they're obsessed with trying to run a trade surplus and nothing else matters.

      (2)Please explain in detail how this will lower inflation or if there's some other secret plan to lower inflation what that might be. Shrinking the labor supply by deporting even the well-behaved, employed illegals won't exactly help either.
      1. I'm a free trader. Tariffs do raise consumer prices. Dems take this fact in a vacuum. Trump, first of all, wants to restore the Trump tax cuts that were passed during his first term and which are going to expire in 2025-6. That was the largest tax cut in history for the bottom 60% of earners. If it takes tariffs to "fund" tax cuts, that is a debate worth having. Trump is not "obsessed" with any trade surplus and "nothing else matters". That is pure Dem propaganda and has no truth in it.

      What causes inflation is the government putting our tax money into the economy without getting a corresponding output of goods and services. There is a large difference between buying an F-35 and paying money to favored groups like the climate change crowd that do not produce anything. Government bureaucrats produce next to nothing. With the F-35, you have American workers making a product that is real and usable. With the Inflation Reduction Act, you have Trillions spent on pure nonsense like the subsidy of windmills or solar panels

      2. Trump has a not so secret plan to lower inflation. It revolves around increasing the SUPPLY of products available in the market and also a reduction in the bureaucratic regulation of virtually every productive endeavor. Unleashing American oil and gas production is a big part of this because Biden is making every effort to shut down fossil fuel production. You will say that we are producing more O+G now than ever, but that is because of the permits issued during the Trump administration. Again, this war on cheap energy is all about limiting supply so that non-economic spending on "green energy" can go to Dem constituencies.

      Now, what "good" do tariffs do? Well, China is now selling EVs in China for $ 10,000 and their most popular version is around $ 12,000. Following your line of logic, importing those $ 12,000 cars into the US would be deflationary. Is that the way you want to address inflation? What Vance did a brilliant job of last night was his point that "Coastal elites wrote the checks, but middle America paid the price". The Dems gave China most favored nation status, and signed NAFTA. All that cost real live American manufacturing jobs. Is it the Dem policy to offshore (to Mexico too) American manufacturing?

      And of course tax cuts and regulation reform have always increased productivity and lowered prices whenever they have been tried. The Dems always talk of the rich "paying their fair share", but what the rich pay is not nearly as important as what the lower 60% of earners have in their paycheck after taxes. This is due to the Multiplier Effect that I have discussed at length here. This is why the CPI was 1.4% when Trump left office and jumped to over 9% after Biden started throwing money willy-nilly into the economy.

      And let's be clear, over 80% of Dems rely on some form of government largesse. Tax cuts help working people, not welfare people, or bureaucrats or public sector unionists. That is why Trumps proposal to make tips tax free is met with such disdain by the left. This benefits only working people.

      Memorize Bastiat's axiom from The Law: Government is that great artifice by which one man lives off another's labor.


      • GStD9oqbAAAKMSf?format=jpg&name=medium.jpg
        Last edited by Hannibal; July 18, 2024, 10:36 AM.


        • In plain sight. This was purposely allowed to happen. That's not incompetence. It's intent.

          Last edited by Hannibal; July 18, 2024, 10:40 AM.


          • I don't know who needs to hear this but the US is the largest crude oil producer in the world for the sixth straight year and produced more crude oil in 2023 than any time in history.
            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • The Trump assassination attempt is going to get memory-holed after a fake half-assed investigation finds that nobody did anything wrong. Maybe one sacrificial lamb will get fired (at most).

              I guarantee you that's how this will play out. I would literally bet my life on it.


              • The fact that the dumbass USSS leader has not been fired yet is mind boggling. Mind boggling.
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Hannibal said DEI!

                  Everybody drink!
                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                    I don't know who needs to hear this but the US is the largest crude oil producer in the world for the sixth straight year and produced more crude oil in 2023 than any time in history.
                    It's not just production that is the is what the House Oversight and Accountability Committee found re: Biden and Energy:

                    President Biden has conducted an unprecedented assault on our nation’s ability to produce energy by shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline, implementing a moratorium on oil and gas production on federal lands, draining U.S. oil reserves, and enacting energy policies that increased costs for Americans and killed thousands of high-paying American jobs.
                    • In his opening testimony, Dr. Oliver McPherson-Smith, Director for Energy, Trade, and Environmental Policy at the American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research said, “Since January 2021, the Federal Executive Branch of government has sought to inhibit and disincentivize the domestic production and refining of fossil fuels.”

                    Americans with low, middle, and fixed incomes suffer the most under high inflation and the Administration’s war on domestic energy production.
                    • “Since January 2021, President Biden and Democrats in Congress have taken over 125 actions aimed at shutting out the use and development of the very energy resources we need more of, not less. Suppressing domestic supply and setting America on a path towards energy scarcity has exacerbated inflation and made costs skyrocket,” testified Mandy Gunasekara, Director at the Center for Energy & Conservation at the Independent Women’s Forum in her opening statement. “Low-income Americans are the hardest hit by high energy prices. They’re being forced to choose between heating their homes and putting food on the table.”

                    By suppressing U.S. energy production, the Biden Administration left American energy prices vulnerable to a global energy shortage.
                    • “The absence of [Strategic Petroleum Reserve] oil left the American economy and American families vulnerable to international oil market fluctuations,” said Dr. McPherson-Smith.

                    Secure and reliable pro-U.S.-energy policies allow for lower prices and a higher quality of life for all Americans.
                    • “Additionally, a range of proposed or impending policies at the federal level serve to disincentivize investment in future productive capacity within much of the American energy industry,” Dr. McPherson-Smith said, warning that the Biden Administration is doubling down on their harmful policies.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Meanwhile back at the Corrupt Zombie's Delaware bunker...The Chairman continues to defy the USSC and authorize student debt forgiveness yet again.

                      Captain of Democracy!!!!!
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • She probably has a "Hate has no place here" garden flag at her home.


                        • Is that Mrs. CGVT?
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • What? Wiz posted a bunch of spin to refute a fact.|

                            The hell you say!
                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • Sorry I said that was your wife CGVT...I forgot you were gay.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Getting the sense that Rep. Van Orden might not like Gaetz.


