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  • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post

    Would Crooked Joe ever agree to do a debate hosted by Fox in a red state? Guffaw. Nope. He only plays when he has all the cards. Typical POS democrat.
    The first debate in 2020 was moderated by a Fox News host (Chris Wallace) in a red state (Ohio). Ya fuckin asswipe.

    So I guess you'll have to move the goalposts again. Debates aren't fair to Trump unless his son serves as moderator and it's held at a rural Oklahoma County Fair​


    • Would he do it now? Of course not. This is more crooked than a Pelosi stock trade...

      btw Chris Wallace is no conservative and was hostile to Trump...ya fuggin' idiot...let's let Fox host it with Sean Hannity as the moderator...never happen...cuz dems are spineless lying chicken shits...
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
        Would he do it now? Of course not. This is more crooked than a Pelosi stock trade...

        btw Chris Wallace is no conservative and was hostile to Trump...ya fuggin' idiot...let's let Fox host it with Sean Hannity as the moderator...never happen...cuz dems are spineless lying chicken shits...
        lmao. move them goalposts Wiz...move em. Busted. You dumb jackass.

        "Joe Biden would never agree to let a Fox host ask the questions in a red state!!!"

        "It happened in 2020, you fucking moron"

        "Yeah but it was Chris Wallace! The debate isn't fair unless it's Sean Hannity asking the questions!!"

        lmao ya fucking goofy maroon.


        • Mr. Trump should have sole control over where the debate is held (no big cities, no universities) and only his friends and family members should be allowed to serve as moderator. Otherwise the debate is rigged and unfair.

          Also Mr. Trump should have no time limit and gets to choose all the subjects. Otherwise the debate is rigged and very unfair.

          Expecting him to answer questions instead of letting Mr. Trump brainstorm live on tv is very unfair. This is Marxism at its worst. Why can't life be fair? Just for one night, please?


          • Anyways I hope y'all enjoy watching the unstoppable force vs. the immovable object. It'll be totally rigged and VERY unfair but suffer through it and report back to me tomorrow. Thanks bunches.


            • I don't think the substance of the policy line that Putin is having his US Ambassador, Anatoly Antonov, put out there for the world to hear is fully comprehended as .......

              ....... a "disinformation and propaganda ecosystem," consisting of "official government communications, state-funded global messaging, cultivation of proxy sources, weaponization of social media, and cyber-enabled disinformation" to serve the Kremlin's narrative.

              The Russians are really good at this and have been for decades. No surprise given the repressive regime of Vladimir Putin that he uses to deceive and subjugate the Russian people.

              I've bitched about the US leadership, including the present President, failing to counter this disinformation. Part of the problem is a disinterested US public that is more interested in consumption than recognizing the real threat to their freedom that allows them to make money and consume shit in the first place.

              You really should read this:

              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


              • It's still wild to me that we had three straight 2-term Presidents and not only are they all still alive, but they're also all younger than BOTH Biden and Trump (and so is Al Gore)


                • ...what amazes me is that you are only slightly more cogent than Biden...
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • I ground this place in reality, sir. You're welcome.


                    • pathetically sad
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Open war between Israel and Hezbollah could start within weeks

                        US intel indicates war between Israel and Hezbollah inching closer - POLITICO


                        • Shouldn't we check with The Squad before allowing this?

                          btw...are we certain that Biden is alive? He hasn't been seen in a week. He may be wandering the hills around Camp David...
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Coming off his defeat at the Oklahoma Supreme Court, this guy now tries this

                            Okla. Dept. of Education to require Bible taught in schools (​​


                            • TerryPorter.png
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Jake Tapper throwing a late flag on DJT...
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

