In Ukraine, Putin has faced a set-back on the public, global stage with the touted results of the Russo-Ukrainian Peace Conference just concluded in Switzerland. There were 78 countries in attendance and the UNSC resolution of establishing a pathway to peace in Ukraine was its basis. Zelenski scored a PR potential game winner against Putin. Only a few did not sign the communique that was made public on Sunday. The most important outcome was recognition that Ukraine's territorial integrity is the starting point for any peace plan. This put's Putin's demands that he articulated last week that Ukraine must cede territory, some of which is not controlled by Russia, including Crimea, to Russia on the defense. Rational thinkers - especially those within the EU and specifically within NATO, want the Russian army out of Ukraine including Crimea entirely and seem prepared for the long haul to achieve that end by making Putin's war too costly for him politically and economically.
The non-signatories (non-attendees) are the usual culprits who would like to see a change in the world order with letting Russia over-run Ukraine as a catalyst for that change. NATO has been publicly very clear that by letting Putin have his way in Ukraine, the entirety of the eastern European countries of the former USSR are threatened by an expansionist Putin controlled Russia with visions of the restoration of Russian Czarist empire. NATO will not allow that to happen. Putin's retort is his typical nuclear saber rattling which cannot be dismissed. I don't think NATO is doing that either. Plenty of shows of force going on around the world by both sides in strategic game playing. It's interesting to follow it but, at baseline, the risks are high and I think all involved know it ..... or at least I hope they do! The deployment of a Russian Naval flotilla, including a nuclear missile capable submarine to Cuba, was intended to revive memories in the US of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The US Navy responded by ordering a fast attack sub to Guantanamo Bay accompanied by recon and submarine chasing airborne platforms to NAS Key West FL.
The non-signatories (non-attendees) are the usual culprits who would like to see a change in the world order with letting Russia over-run Ukraine as a catalyst for that change. NATO has been publicly very clear that by letting Putin have his way in Ukraine, the entirety of the eastern European countries of the former USSR are threatened by an expansionist Putin controlled Russia with visions of the restoration of Russian Czarist empire. NATO will not allow that to happen. Putin's retort is his typical nuclear saber rattling which cannot be dismissed. I don't think NATO is doing that either. Plenty of shows of force going on around the world by both sides in strategic game playing. It's interesting to follow it but, at baseline, the risks are high and I think all involved know it ..... or at least I hope they do! The deployment of a Russian Naval flotilla, including a nuclear missile capable submarine to Cuba, was intended to revive memories in the US of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The US Navy responded by ordering a fast attack sub to Guantanamo Bay accompanied by recon and submarine chasing airborne platforms to NAS Key West FL.