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  • Increasing demand for labor at the same time you’re actively trying to shrink the labor pool by millions of legal and illegal immigrants is going to be inflationary.
    Will it have a similar effect as paying a $22/hour minimum wage to fast food workers?


    • I'm not sure DJT can just deport illegal aliens -- any more than he did in his first 4 years. He can, of course, return the asylum process to something that resembles commonsense.

      So, I'm not exactly sure how he's going to shrink the labor market. But, I do know that inflation under DJT was modest and inflation on The Chairman was not. So, I'll go by that.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Originally posted by Tom W View Post

        Especially when most of those jobs are in the minimum wage range. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to the see the connection between raising the wage of fast food workers and the price that they charge consumers. The added cost isn't going to be passed on to the executives or the corporate bottom line- it's going to be passed on to the customers. So, while the kid flipping burgers might think they're reaching a "living wage", they really aren't - and those of us that were making enough to pay our bills and keep our families provided for are paying for that illusion.

        One could apply the same logic to the UAW strike, and how brave and noble the Chairman was in supporting it. Sure, the union ended up winning, but the executives aren't suffering. Salaried people got laid off, suppliers got squeezed and customers will ultimately be paying higher prices for vehicles.
        Yeah, I mean -- I understand how directly and ARTIFICIALLY raises wages is directly inflationary. I'm still unclear on why corporations with more money to invest in the corporation is inflationary, but, whatever.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Again, you’re counting on him not being able to do the things he says he’s going to do. Same goes for the tariffs. You’re not endorsing his ideas as being good for inflation (they aren’t) you just believe he’s a liar, incompetent, or some combination of both. And that’s a very solid bet.

          Point to DSL


          • Job 1 is to secure the border.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              Again, you’re counting on him not being able to do the things he says he’s going to do. Same goes for the tariffs. You’re not endorsing his ideas as being good for inflation (they aren’t) you just believe he’s a liar, incompetent, or some combination of both. And that’s a very solid bet.

              Point to DSL
              I said some of his policies were inflationary. What I took issue was your assertion that corporate tax cuts are inflationary. I mean, go quote my fucking post if it's too fucking hard for you to understand.

              And what is glaring fucking obvious is The Chairman's polices are way more inflationary -- a point you wouldn't touch with a 10-ft pool.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                Job 1 is to secure the border.
                Yep. Or at least one of the 3 must-do jobs. And it's clear The Chairman has zero interest in that -- and, in fact, wants an open border.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • And I've never endorsed tariffs as a good idea, though, at this point I'm pretty much in the F China boat. But, I at least know that's not good economic policy even if it is, conceivably, outweighed by other policy interests. In fact, that tariffs were one of the things I definitively sided with HRC on in 2016.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                    I said some of his policies were inflationary. What I took issue was your assertion that corporate tax cuts are inflationary. I mean, go quote my fucking post if it's too fucking hard for you to understand.

                    And what is glaring fucking obvious is The Chairman's polices are way more inflationary -- a point you wouldn't touch with a 10-ft pool.
                    I find the topic of the Chairman's inflationary policies to be "boring". like you do with election deniers. I mean it HAS been talked to death. I don't feel the need to discuss boring topics just because you demand I address them.

                    There, I'm using the same dishonest debate tactics you use to avoid talking about subjects that are potentially embarrassing to your political "team".

                    And encouraging corporations to go on a hiring spree at the same time the Trump administration plans to reduce the labor pool by elimnating both classes of immigrants WILL spark salary inflation.


                    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                      And I've never endorsed tariffs as a good idea, though, at this point I'm pretty much in the F China boat. But, I at least know that's not good economic policy even if it is, conceivably, outweighed by other policy interests. In fact, that tariffs were one of the things I definitively sided with HRC on in 2016.
                      There is a place for tariffs in protecting select industries or punishing foreign enemies. But obviously, DJT is taking a rock salt in shotgun approach.


                      • Finally, I think it's pretty clear by now that most people on this forum are voting for what they perceive to be less god-fucking-awful choice. Except DSL -- who truly loves The Chairman and carries his water every day.

                        But most of us think this is a giant shit sandwich choice which sort of necessarily means there's lots of shit we disagree with about the dude we'll vote for. One of the features of DJT, for me, is an inability to get almost anything other than sensible administrative changes wrt immigration, Title IX and perhaps Power Plant regulation. And, I guess, EVs.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                          I find the topic of the Chairman's inflationary policies to be "boring". like you do with election deniers. I mean it HAS been talked to death. I don't feel the need to discuss boring topics just because you demand I address them.

                          There, I'm using the same dishonest debate tactics you use to avoid talking about subjects that are potentially embarrassing to your political "team".

                          And encouraging corporations to go on a hiring spree at the same time the Trump administration plans to reduce the labor pool by elimnating both classes of immigrants WILL spark salary inflation.
                          Whatever, man. I mean, if you wanna bring up inflationary policies and then not talk about them, cool. I probably haven't brought up election-denialiasm in years and if I did I'd certain expect to talk about all of it.

                          So -- yeah -- whatever. Dude. You pretty much suck these days. And pretty much irredeemably so.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                            Yep. Or at least one of the 3 must-do jobs. And it's clear The Chairman has zero interest in that -- and, in fact, wants an open border.
                            With the Chairman's flaws being so manifest, abundant, and irredeemable, it's a small wonder that you aren't more violently advocating President Deals be reelected. Like, what exactly are you waiting for with your endorsement? You're amongst friends, not one of your Upper Arlington cocktail parties, sneering at the hoi polloi. Admit you shall relish in your vote for the man.


                            • They're both fucking garbage candidates. This is worse than watching M play Penn State in football. Or USC and Notre Dame. This is like LBJ's Miami Heat playing Tom Brady's Patriots. Except maybe worse.

                              It's just fucking awful.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                Increasing demand for labor at the same time you’re actively trying to shrink the labor pool by millions of legal and illegal immigrants is going to be inflationary.

                                I mean it’s not propaganda to say DJT wants to deport all the illegals in the country. He talks about it all the time. Those of you R’s who know what that would mean to the domestic food industry are counting on that just being hot air. You’re counting on him being incompetent in enacting that policy, not that you think it’s a great policy that’ll help bring food prices down. It’s a solid bet.
                                You are not thinking this through. True, deporting illegals would lower the number of working people. But we have the vast "army of the unemployed" waiting on our welfare rolls. The Chairman paid folks $ 600 per week to NOT work, so a lot of them said OK, and have structured their lives to have welfare as their primary source of income. Trump needs to cut welfare, and everyone knows it.

                                And speaking of welfare, the federal bureaucracy could easily be cut 40% and working-class Americans would never notice. I feel for oil and gas workers whose jobs are being extinguished by executive action ("learn to code") because of a religious belief by the bureaucrats. The believers of such nonsense should be fired and told to learn to use a wrench. Have you ever met a government employee who does his job as well as an employee in the private sector doing the same job?

                                The base of the Dem party is those leeching off the working Americans. Cut government and cut welfare (including public sector jobs) and you would not have to worry about a few deported illegals. And you wouldn't have to worry about inflation or the deficit either.

