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  • Well that's a VERY broad overgeneralization, you malignant tumor on the human condition.


    • Cmon guys. April Fools was over a month ago.


      • are slowly approaching CGVT Loon neighborhood...
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          Yes, we get it Geezer. You and crash are on the same page here. Democrats never legitimately win elections. That's just a fact and it's obscene to ask you prove it in court when it's such a natural truth. God's Law. Got it.
          Well, do you believe 81 million people voted for Biden?


          • There was an interesting commentary piece in the WSJ today proposing a Trump'Haley ticket. It would really expand the map for the Rs. Interesting that, in the comments, the regular progressives thought it was a horrible idea.

            A debate between Kamala and Nikki would be pay-TV worthy.


            • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

              Well, do you believe 81 million people voted for Biden?
              I do, yes. Where is your evidence that Biden's 7 M vote margin was only achieved by falsifying votes, having illegals vote, or registering dead people? That's a conspiracy requiring the silence of perhaps millions of people.

              You always claim conservative America is filled with nothing but highly competent workaholics. Why hasn't even one of you been able to successfully document this outright thievery with evidence in a court of law?

              Because it's a lie told by grifters and believed by morons. Trump and the scum around him would fall from power if they were ever branded LOSERS like they should be. Nobody likes a LOSER. That's why it's important for them to keep up the lie that Trump did, in fact, win all 50 states by the biggest margin in history.

              They thank you for going along with this horseshit.


              • You know, it's incredible that more Republicans don't wake up and realize all the election fraud horseshit is ultimately self-defeating and subconsciously killing the motivation of your base voters. Especially the infrequent ones that Trump relies on. Why bother voting if the Dems or the "Uniparty" can steal any election they want?


                • Summary of the CPFB decision

                  More attention starting to be drawn to Kagan's concurrence because she takes a few pokes at originalism and was joined by both ACB and Kav.

                  Supreme Court upholds CFPB funding, saving agency - POLITICO


                  • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                    There was an interesting commentary piece in the WSJ today proposing a Trump'Haley ticket. It would really expand the map for the Rs. Interesting that, in the comments, the regular progressives thought it was a horrible idea.

                    A debate between Kamala and Nikki would be pay-TV worthy.
                    Bigger rout than DJT over The Chairman...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      Summary of the CPFB decision

                      More attention starting to be drawn to Kagan's concurrence because she takes a few pokes at originalism and was joined by both ACB and Kav.

                      Supreme Court upholds CFPB funding, saving agency - POLITICO
                      It's only drawing attention from Progs. Because, well KAGAN!!!

                      Kagan joined, ENITRELY, with the Thomas majority. She specifically says in her concurrence that, yeah, EVERYTHING HE SAID...and also not only was this true at the founding, but it's been true ever since.

                      For a neutral observer -- the real interesting discussion is Thomas v Alito. That's actually worth considering. Fanboying Kagan, thought, is just what The Media does.

                      And, btw, I guess this is just another opinion bought and paid for by some conservative donor. That motherfucking out their pimping for separation of powers. So disgusting. So bought. Such an uncle tom.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Kagan didn't veer wildly off from what Thomas wrote, sure. But Kav and ACB are apparently prog fanboys of Kagan because they liked what SHE wrote enough to attach their own names to it.

                        Rather than comment on that or even declare who is right, Thomas or Alito, our resident "neutral observer" takes shots at liberals. By your own admission the real action in this case was between Thomas and Alito. Who is right? Who is wrong? You decline to declare either wrong, because they're both conservatives, and it pains you to disagree with either. Far, far easier to attack the hell out of good, honest liberals like me and your wife than utter the most minor difference of opinion with a Geezer, a WIZARD_, or a Crashcourse (your tribal fellows and intellectual peers).


                        • PGA getting started late today because someone got run over by a shuttle bus. Regrettably NOT the Wizard


                          • Oh and Scottie Scheffler was arrested and charged with assaulting a cop among other things. WHO SAYS GOLF IS BORING?

                            Scottie Scheffler detained and handcuffed by police outside of PGA Championship (


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              Kagan didn't veer wildly off from what Thomas wrote, sure. But Kav and ACB are apparently prog fanboys of Kagan because they liked what SHE wrote enough to attach their own names to it.

                              Rather than comment on that or even declare who is right, Thomas or Alito, our resident "neutral observer" takes shots at liberals. By your own admission the real action in this case was between Thomas and Alito. Who is right? Who is wrong? You decline to declare either wrong, because they're both conservatives, and it pains you to disagree with either. Far, far easier to attack the hell out of good, honest liberals like me and your wife than utter the most minor difference of opinion with a Geezer, a WIZARD_, or a Crashcourse (your tribal fellows and intellectual peers).
                              Read Kagan's opinion.

                              She didn't veer at all from what Thomas wrote -- in fact, she completely endorsed it. She added what I mentioned.

                              I mean, look, you can either get your opinions from some fanboy Media site or read it yourself. I don't really fucking care. You don't have any real interest in figuring this this shit out on your own. So, whatever.

                              I think Thomas was right. I think the decision is correct on an appropriations basis because it's capped. Fundamentally this is a legislative problem.

                              My wife and you, mercifully, aren't even remotely close when it comes to partisanship. She actually gets, e.g., what a total sham the NY shit is (both cases). She actually heard me out and agreed. And is pissed because it damages the credibility of other cases. You -- you don't give a fuck. You literally have zero fucking principles -- ZERO -- when it comes to DJT. So whatever dude.
                              Last edited by iam416; May 17, 2024, 08:45 AM.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • I don't have a problem admitting I'm partisan. I AM. You on the other hand are wildly dishonest in your constant presentation of yourself as being totally neutral, not a partisan bone in your body, the one impartial judge of everything discussed in this forum. It hasn't been remotely true for well over a decade but you still preen and praise yourself for your immense powers of total objectivity.

                                Someone who was actually objective would call out his own side when they say incredibly stupid shit, but you almost never do. That's fine. I don't feel obligated to answer for stupid things that Froot or CGVT might say. But then, I don't claim to be the voice of God declaring one side to be indisputable fact like you do. The neutral observer should correct any stupid or wrong shit he sees,. You absolutely do NOT do that. You ignore anything that makes your side look embarrassing and focus your rage posting exclusively against me or CGVT. Maybe once in every six months Hannibal will say something so racist that even you can't stay silent.

                                Again, I don't care if you don't feel the need to take to task your own side's lies. But if you don't, please stop the neutral observer act. It's a total sham and complete lie. It's pompous, its self-rightoeus, it's self-aggrandizing, and it's enormously condescending to everyone who posts here (well, for the next two weeks this place exists). I am used to your colossal ego, obviously, but you need a dressing down from time to time.

                                And getting you to admit that ANY of the cases against Trump have even the slightest credibility is like getting Wiz to give back a nickel you overpaid. You can go into immense detail on why the NYC case is shoddy, but the others get maybe a couple words combined on how there's MAYBE a bit of substance to them. Just a few months ago you went through them one by one and suggested none of them were very credible. When I responded that you'd forgotten the classified docs case where there's testimony that Trump ordered his lawyer to destroy evidence and he pretty explicitly did not comply with a federal subpoena, you said nothing in response. You didn't agree that there was "something" there, you said nothing.

                                And that's basically your schtick. If a liberal here (and there's really only two of us anymore) says something you probably agree with, you say nothing. If we say something you don't like, oh-ho, we will hear about it. The cons never get attacked the snarling, nasty way you attack CGVT. And neither he nor I probably mind that very much. I'm just tired of your schtick is all. You're not impartial, you're not objective. You're partisan like the rest of us. Descend from the lofty heavens, oh angel of mercy.

