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  • 399686409_3510811765837952_1690671439706922072_n.jpg
    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • Not everything. Mostly just far left social ideology that results in bloated, publicly-funded entities, who's only purpose is to race-bait, promote victimhood, and create jobs for otherwise useless employees.


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

        Or put somewhat differently....

        Millions of women don't want to have their sex lives regulated by unappealing, overweight, bitter, middle-aged to elderly whiny men. The idea that sex MUST have negative consequences is one of your least appealing beliefs and thankfully, society strongly disagrees with you. But hey I love that you exist because it makes it all the easier to portray the American Right as woman-hating, incel weirdos.
        If you are so self-indulgent that this issue is literally the only thing that matters to you, then you are a broken human being.

        BTW I don’t agree with the far right at all on this issue and I’m not anti-abortion. I voted “yes” on the Ohio amendment. I just think that it’s crazy that so many people are still obsessed with keeping it legal when there are a shitload of birth control options already available. One of the easiest things to do in the world is not get pregnant. But I don’t really care where the country lands on this issue. The massive economic and social destruction wrought by Democrat constituents is a much bigger concern for me.
        Last edited by Hannibal; March 5, 2024, 10:41 AM.


        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

          Interesting that you use “White men” as a perjorative (like all Liberals nowadays). So it would totally be fine to outlaw abortion if it was banned by brown men or brown females? LMAO. What a dumb fucking statement. The overwhelming majority of the countries where non-whites are in charge do not even allow abortion. And LMAO at your “overweight” statement too. Apparently you’ve never seen a gathering of feminists. Or a picture of Lizzo. “Overweight” is a resume enhancer for you guys.

          If you are so self-indulgent that this issue is literally the only thing that matters to you, then you are a broken human being.

          BTW I don’t agree with the far right at all on this issue and I’m not anti-abortion. I voted “yes” on the Ohio amendment. I just think that it’s crazy that so many people are still obsessed with keeping it legal when there are a shitload of birth control options already available. One of the easiest things to do in the world is not get pregnant. But I don’t really care where the country lands on this issue. The massive economic and social destruction wrought by Democrat constituents is a much bigger concern for me.
          I said nothing about "white men". I said "whiny men". Unlike you I don't revise my posts 4 times either.

          It's pretty hard to get women voters to prioritize, let's say, trade policy when your allies make it clear upfront that they regard them as little more than gestation chambers and think they should be punished in some way for having sex or finding sex enjoyable.


          • I saw that and I edited my post. My bad. I’ll take the “L” on that one.
            Last edited by Hannibal; March 5, 2024, 11:07 AM.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

              I said nothing about "white men". I said "whiny men". Unlike you I don't revise my posts 4 times either.

              It's pretty hard to get women voters to prioritize, let's say, trade policy when your allies make it clear upfront that they regard them as little more than gestation chambers and think they should be punished in some way for having sex or finding sex enjoyable.
              “Gestation chambers”

              Stop getting your political education from works of fiction. The Handmaid’s Tale is not real life.


              • Most of the Incel, Christian Nationalist, TradLife, and Manosphere crowd regards them as little more than that. Those are heavily online-only communities but whatever. They want to roll back everything connected to the "Sexual Revolution" of the 60's. It's not hard to find a rightwinger railing against no-fault divorce, birth control, or premarital sex. They're everywhere online.

                You yourself display contempt for women voters, imply they are simpletons, cannot comprehend why abortion might seem existential to them, and then act frustrated and baffled that they won't ally with you. Your hostility towards them is pretty obvious so I'm not sure why exactly you think they owe you absolutely anything.


                • Birth controls is still legal in all 50 states. You don’t need abortion to not have children. Once again, I don’t want it universally banned, but it’s incredibly easy to avoid situations where you need it.

                  And yeah, I have contempt for women (and men) who vote Democrat solely so that they don’t need to use condoms. It’s a narrow-minded, self-absorbed behavior.

                  The people who champion “women’s rights” are totally fine with illegal immigrants raping women. And they consider the ability that women have to create life as a burden, and not a blessing. Barack Obama himself referred to babies as “punishment”? Who are the real misogynists here?

                  This is probably a good time to point out that polls and surveys show only small differences between the attitudes of men and women when it comes to abortion. Men who cheat on their wives and/or don’t want to pay child support are pro-abortion too.
                  Last edited by Hannibal; March 5, 2024, 12:17 PM.


                  • In Ukraine, a lack of artillery rounds is limiting UA's ability to defend against advancing RA units across the entire front. ISW classifies these advances as positional changes and comments that the RA is unable to translate these positional changes into coordinated strategic or even tactical gains. RA C&C remains suspect in its effectiveness.

                    The Russians have increased the use of tactical aviation in the battle space in an attempt to gain air-superiority. That's not happening and instead the UAF has commensurately increased its ground based air defense systems in meaningful engagements of RAF tactical jets. If you're keeping track, there have been 8 shootdowns including a recent downing of another A50 C&C and radar surveillance aircraft. In response, Russia has stopped deploying the A50 over the Sea of Azov, it's normal duty station, and have reduced the use of tactical aviation assets to deploy glide bombs against dug in UA defensive positions.

                    A recent Newsweek article (a source seemingly overly optimistic in its reporting of UA successes) commented that these recent RA advances, not only occurring because of a lack of UA artillery rounds, but also aided by poorly and hastily created UA defensive positions. The explanation from the UA General Staff included a lack of available civilian personnel to construct these defenses. Another assessment from sources offered that the UA planning expected a much more effective offensive operation that commenced last fall and culminated without significant gains for Ukraine in late January. IOW, the UA did not anticipate the RA to regain the battlefield initiative. It has done that.

                    Still, the government in Kiev is not close to collapsing and Ukrainians, in general, are still supportive of Zelenski. As I posted a week ago, Ukraine, despite difficult conditions on the battlefield, continues to have these strikingly effective, and accordingly newsworthy, events. Today's sinking of another Russian Black Fleet ship and some kind of partisan operation that blew-up an important Russian railway supply point inside Russian occupied Ukrainian territory are more examples. It seems Ukraine is in a kind-of holding pattern trying to mitigate the perception of Russian Army successes with hybrid victories of their own. Meanwhile, the UA awaits military kit from EU countries (a lot of it promised but not yet delivered) and for the US aide package, stalled in the House, to get un-fucked.
                    Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; March 5, 2024, 01:29 PM.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      Most of the Incel, Christian Nationalist, TradLife, and Manosphere crowd regards them as little more than that. Those are heavily online-only communities but whatever. They want to roll back everything connected to the "Sexual Revolution" of the 60's. It's not hard to find a rightwinger railing against no-fault divorce, birth control, or premarital sex. They're everywhere online.

                      You yourself display contempt for women voters, imply they are simpletons, cannot comprehend why abortion might seem existential to them, and then act frustrated and baffled that they won't ally with you. Your hostility towards them is pretty obvious so I'm not sure why exactly you think they owe you absolutely anything.
                      Most of this is total bullshit, Strangelove.

                      I lived the "sexual revolution" and I can tell you that the advent of birth control was the biggest driving factor. It was consequence-free sex and everyone took part. That includes most members of what is now the right.

                      As for abortion being "existential" to some women, that is just you copying some click-bait from hard-left propaganda. "Existential"? Really? If it is that important, why don't these oppressed women avail themselves of all the forms of birth control now available? How about tying a poor woman's welfare check to taking a monthly shot of Depo-Provera? There is very little basis for using abortion as a birth control method. Your belief system assumes that women are either too stupid or too lazy to access birth control pills. Which is it?

                      I believe (as I think you do) that the various abortion debates are proxies for debating feminism. College-indoctrinated women today have bought into the idea that they are an oppressed minority. This is why a 5'5", 210 lb. woman with green hair is leading the march against any limitation on abortion. It's not like she ever will need an abortion, but she surely hates men as a category and feels oppressed.

                      Finally, you will never understand Roe v Wade until you read The Population Bomb by Paul Erlich. We were assured that overpopulation would create a world in 2000 in which the few remaining humans would be killing each other over resources. Like almost all of the beliefs propagated by the leftist elites, this turned out to be wrong.


                      • Remember three years ago when the “my body, my choice” people wanted to compel everyone in the country to get an experimental vaccine?

                        Now we’re back to “my body, my choice” again.


                        • Remember when angry Bolsheviks were tearing down statues of the founding fathers because they owned slaves and stuff?

                          Hooo boy, just wait until you hear what Margaret Sanger said about black people!

                          When are we going to see angry Bolsheviks tear down all of the country’s Planned Parenthood buildings? We can’t have any structures even loosely associated with the deadly sin of racism.


                          • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                            Most of this is total bullshit, Strangelove.

                            I lived the "sexual revolution" and I can tell you that the advent of birth control was the biggest driving factor. It was consequence-free sex and everyone took part. That includes most members of what is now the right.

                            As for abortion being "existential" to some women, that is just you copying some click-bait from hard-left propaganda. "Existential"? Really? If it is that important, why don't these oppressed women avail themselves of all the forms of birth control now available? How about tying a poor woman's welfare check to taking a monthly shot of Depo-Provera? There is very little basis for using abortion as a birth control method. Your belief system assumes that women are either too stupid or too lazy to access birth control pills. Which is it?

                            I believe (as I think you do) that the various abortion debates are proxies for debating feminism. College-indoctrinated women today have bought into the idea that they are an oppressed minority. This is why a 5'5", 210 lb. woman with green hair is leading the march against any limitation on abortion. It's not like she ever will need an abortion, but she surely hates men as a category and feels oppressed.

                            Finally, you will never understand Roe v Wade until you read The Population Bomb by Paul Erlich. We were assured that overpopulation would create a world in 2000 in which the few remaining humans would be killing each other over resources. Like almost all of the beliefs propagated by the leftist elites, this turned out to be wrong.
                            There's rightwing trash all over the internet continually belittling and denigrating women and plenty of younger women see that. If you think the Incels, the Manosphere guys, the "I want a TradWife" crowd doesn't exist, it's because you're old and out of touch.

                            The fact that you think it's only women with green dyed hair and weigh 250 pounds that support abortion rights is another demonstration of how out of touch you actually are. Tons of women who are otherwise conservative privately do. That's demonstrated when a constitutional Amendment to protect abortion rights can pass with almost 60% of the vote IN OHIO.

                            The fact of the matter is every time one of you unlikeable, bitter old cons wags your hypocritical fingers in a woman's face and tells her "I won't allow you to damage that precious zygote in your body but I won't give you one cent to help raise it either" you've lost another vote. Keep it up. Super smart strategy. And it IS existential because even women not inclined to have an abortion don't like it when 84 year olds like you are ordering them around, telling them what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. Why the holy hell do you think YOU get a say?

                            And obviously Hanni is going to snicker about vaccines, but my wife getting an abortion doesn't impact Hanni's kids in the slightest. My refusal to get my kid a measles shot very much CAN affect Hanni's kids.

                            Were women EVER an oppressed minority in your eyes, Geezer?


                            • I ain’t talking about measles, brah.

                              And no — someone else not getting.a measles vaccine does not affect you. The only people who can be affected by it are other unvaccinated.
                              Last edited by Hannibal; March 5, 2024, 02:27 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                                Remember when angry Bolsheviks were tearing down statues of the founding fathers because they owned slaves and stuff?

                                Hooo boy, just wait until you hear what Margaret Sanger said about black people!

                                When are we going to see angry Bolsheviks tear down all of the country’s Planned Parenthood buildings? We can’t have any structures even loosely associated with the deadly sin of racism.
                                I don't give two shits about what Magaret Sanger thought about minorities or why Planned Parenthood was founded, it's got zilch to do with whether abortion should be legal today. It should be in the first trimester, absolutely. No fucking questions asked.

                                I represent mainstream America on this. 100%.

                                Whether people want to have sex with or without condoms is none of your business. Whether people want to have an abortion after accidentally getting pregnant is none of your business. The fact that you think is very much IS your business and you are entitled to control the behavior of women you don't even know, let alone your own poor wives and daughters, is why you suck at attracting women to your dungheap of a political movement.

