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  • The picture on the battlefield in Ukraine remains exceedingly hazy and getting worse as mostly Russian disinformation clouds the information space. There's visual confirmation by ISW that shows Russian forces took Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine after Ukrainian forces conducted a tactical withdrawal. This is hard to do and requires covering fires. The Russians say they routed UA forces and captured hundreds of UA soldiers and equipment. Officials in Ukraine say that is inaccurate, that a successful withdrawal was executed over a 4 day period that ended yesterday. There were some UA soldiers taken captive. Russian milbloggers talk about the advance of Russian troops into Avdiivka in much less glowing terms than official Russian sources who claim it as major victory. Its not but it looks bad.

    A report appeared today that a Russian milblogger committed suicide after a Russian Colonel told him to take down his most recent posts alleging 16000 Russian troop losses and incompetent leadership since the Russian offensive in the Avdiivka direction took shape several months ago. Reportedly there is a long and detailed suicide note that criticizes military leadership for wasting thousands of soldier's lives in a tactically and strategically useless offensive. ISW has verified the authenticity of the suicide note. They also tend to assess the loss of Avdiivka as a symbolic accomplishment but not strategically important.

    I think the picture that most of us get is that Ukraine is losing the war. Some of that has to do with skillfully crafted disinformation that lands in the hands of journalists reporting on the war. That's been my take for over a year. In ISW's most recent updates, they talk about the sophistication of Russia's disinformation programs with the alleged infiltration of Russian Intelligence agents throughout Europe and in both Great Britain, and Australia. There's a focus on the US because the news is so easily manipulate.

    The link below is an interesting take on Putin's decades long approach to destabilize most of Europe and curtail western global influence, particularly that of the US. From ISW's perspective Putin is executing a carefully planned operation to ultimately re-establish the boundaries of the USSR if not the entire Russian empire before WWI. The west has failed to be long-sighted in assessing Putin's long term objectives and are decidedly short sighted in it's approach to grand strategy. The failure of western powers who have a stake in this to defeat Putin in Ukraine is going to allow Putin to achieve one more goal in his long range grand strategy. That is a very dangerous outcome but it appears the US and the EU/NATO is unwilling to do what it takes to defeat Russia. While sanctions are taking a bite out of Russia's war plans, Putin has skillfully maneuvered to reduce the impact of them. Words, condemnations and more sanctions are symbolic but essentially worthless.

    Ukraine has been defending itself against illegal Russian military intervention and aggression for 10 years. Russia violated its commitments to respect Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity and began its now decade-long military intervention in
    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


    • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
      I think Hurs testimony in a few weeks might be the last straw for Joes campaign

      mainstream media has certainly covered the written version. Now that Hur will supply details of his conclusions and information he may have left out the pressure will ratchet up for Joe to get out
      It won’t have any effect. The lines have been dug for years now.


      • The Google AI shit is absolutely hilarious. I mean -- fucking hilarious. An extremely useful reminder that "AI" is always controlled by its designers -- and, well, heh -- they're woke and liberal as fuck.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • According to Google, there has been no white men of note in history. Wow!


          • Not even Bill Clinton? The first black POTUS? What about Ted Danson? George Soros? Bernie Sanders?

            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Oh wow. I hadn't heard about this but damn...


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                  • Screenshot 2024-02-23 123407.jpg


                    • It looks pretty clear that Bebe is going to keep bombing the shit out of Gaza until there is movement toward surrender by Hamas. Netanyahu made public his post war plans for Gaza and the West Bank today. That includes the establishment of military control of both of these areas - Gaza and the West Bank - that were previously established by the Camp David Accords in 1990. There is no mention of anything that could be viewed as Palestinian statehood - the two state solution. That should be no surprise. Netanyahu has consistently refused to pursue that objective and he has a strong Israeli right (his own party) supportive of that view.

                      TBH, I get it. I've said this before but what sane leader would welcome the establishment of a hostile state, whose stated goal is their elimination, within its internationally recognized boarders. IMO, what to do with the Palestinians is an Arab problem to be solved by the Arab states. If these states want to take the issue to the UN and re-energize the several UNSC resolution that pertain, well, go right ahead. It's my view that Israeli leadership over the last 20 years (minus Netanyahu's Israel) has worked to accommodate UNSC resolutions with Palestinians refusing plans that amount to anything less than kicking Israel off the map of the ME.

                      That is such a delusional stance it renders Palestinian's leadership incapable of compromise through serious peace negotiations. And that is exactly where we are today with Israel bent on the destruction of Hamas, militarily and politically. What the news media of the world doesn't fairly report is that the predominant Palestinian leadership, currently made up of the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas, has brought upon themselves by their decades long intransigence. The Hamas military operation into Israel that started the current shit-storm is THE DIRECT cause of undue suffering among Arab residents inside Gaza. That suffering ends the minute Hamas surrenders and releases Israeli hostages. It' that simple. Instead we have to put up with the daily reports of casualties and human suffering that fail to attribute that very thing to Hamas directly and Iran indirectly.
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                      • Netanyahu is proving to be the right man for the job at this moment in time. Israel has every right to demolish Hamas to the greatest extent possible.


                        • Netanyahu will be kicked out of office right after the war is over. He is wildly unpopular within Israel now. They are uniting behind him because it’s a war of survival. Not because they like him. A majority blame him for fucking up and allowing Hamas to do what they did. He’ll be dealt with in due course but first things first.


                          • All true. But in the interim he won’t be deterred by squishes from other countries.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              I don’t necessarily think the number must be fixed forever at nine. There are 11 circuits plus the DC circuit so I tend to think there should be 11.

                              And it wouldn’t take a constitutional amendment to do that. Just an act of Congress. But the only way that could happen is if the bill only took effect after the next presidential election.

                              I also personally don’t like that we fixed the number of Reps at 435 but again, that’s an issue that could be solved by Congress. Not changing the Constitution.
                              The reason to set the number of SC Justices by constitutional amendment is to avoid what is going on in CA right now with the major Senate contenders on the Dem side all agreeing that the membership should be raised to 13; coincidently the number needed to outvote the 6 Republican-appointed justices. Then, if the Rs ever had a chance again to control the Senate and Presidency, they would change the makeup of the Court in the same way. IMO, changing the makeup of the SC should be done by current constitutional processes and a 9-Justice constitutional amendment would make changing the court's political leanings take a long time (like it did with overturning Roe)

                              And DSL, as to your argument for 11-12 Justices, how about agreeing to that, and, because the current court is 6-3, then new justices (3) could be appointed at that ratio. Two Rs and one D. So much for logic and for the canard that the court is overworked. It is all about power and the outcome of keeping the court at nine is conservative by its very nature.


                              • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                                They should be able to fix it through legislation. From what I gleaned from skimming a couple articles about the court's ruling is that the law they were evaluating doesn't make any clear distinction. It's too vague so that led to the ruling they made. If the legislature passes something that tightens up the language it SHOULD suffice but you never know because Alabama.

                                Speaking of Alabama, happy 52 day anniversary of the 2024 Rose Bowl!
                                There is a difference between a zygote and a fetus. Easy fix.

