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  • He may be on his own, but look at how many morons follow this guy. Look at the shit that comes from the mouths of the jackasses in Congress. There is a shit-ton of pro Russia bullshit coming from right wingers.

    Why do they hate America?
    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
      Why the fuck is this guy spewing Russian propaganda, and even maybe even more perplexing is why is the right in America embracing Russia?

      I thought they didn't like Communists?

      Jesus. What the fuck has happened to this country?
      The enemy of our enemy is our friend. You could ask it another way. Why are the Dems so anti Russia. Besides the obvious fact they're not China. Maybe, there's a racial aspect. There always is with the DNC.


      • Wait till Tucker sees some of the subway stations in Pyongyang!!


        • Originally posted by klondike View Post

          The enemy of our enemy is our friend. You could ask it another way. Why are the Dems so anti Russia. Besides the obvious fact they're not China. Maybe, there's a racial aspect. There always is with the DNC.
          There's a bunch of normal Republicans who are quite anti-Putin too.

          It's only the knuckle-dragging New Right crowd that views Putin as some kind of damn Messiah, who will save Christianity from the atheist Chinese and the decadent, gay-friendly West. Tucker even asked Putin a leading question about how important Christianity was to him and Putin basically laughed the question off. Dude doesn't give a shit about all that but the Weirdo Online Right has wishcasted this role onto him.


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            • If there is something the Russians do well it is designing and executing a purposeful and robust disinformation campaign. They are experts. They've correctly assessed America's population is exquisitely vulnerable to being led to slaughter by the careful placement of whatever number of stories they can gin up onto social media.

              Juicy stories go viral and soon enough millions believe what ever shit has been concocted. Tucker Carlson is being duped. Do you really think Carlson was selected to interview Putin by the Russians for any other reason than to be a part of a skillfully designed disinformation plan?

              American broadcast media is less susceptible but still vulnerable and you see it, at least I do because I follow it closely, in the wide variance in the way the conflict, on a daily basis in Ukraine, is described and conclusions drawn. There's still some decent reporting out there but you have to work to find it.
              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


              • Just read Reuters on Navalny's death and his widow's response. (She's a knockout by the way). Typical Russian shenanigans. Just goes to show the difference in two superpowers an how lucky it is to be in this country. But we still need to find a way to get along


                • The BBC webpage is all over the Nalvany story. Worth a look as there's wide spread belief and condemnation in Europe of Putin who is alleged to be behind Nalvany's death. Well, no-shit.

                  Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.

                  Re Klondike's post..... "but we still need to find a way to get along." The way to get along with Russia is to present a credible threat to Putin. The US is failing at that. The clown act in the House with aid to Ukraine being held up by a group of R extremists shows weakness not strength.
                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                    There's like one semi-legitimate case against DJT and that's the one in DC. The NY cases are ludicrous. The Georgia case is dubious. And the DC case at least has interference with government duties or something charge (no insurrection or treason, OBVIOUSLY).
                    I agree, but we have seen jury nullification take place in NYC. I doubt Trump can find an impartial jury in DC.


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                      My understanding is that she not going to be disqualified unless there's evidence, not accusations, that she was given free vacations and paid for none of it. OR she lied under oath about when the relationship started. The ONLY evidence as to the latter is a solitary witness who seems fairly unreliable.

                      One of the other witnesses today was a no-show. Wade's firm partner couldn't answer much of anything because of attorney-client privilege.
                      1. I'm not sure you know what "evidence" actually is. Under-oath testimony by a former friend saying she SAW the two kissing and hugging in 2019 is evidence.
                      2. She claims she reimbursed Wade fully, but in "untraceable" cash. Her words. There are no withdrawals in her bank records to indicate she took out cash, and there are no records that Wade ever deposited the cash.
                      3. Today was to be the day where she was to testify to about the trips Wade made to DC to meet with White House officials. Willis decided not to testify today. Wade will not testify either. You may not understand that judges and juries are allowed to infer criminal activity if a witness takes the 5th, or if they refuse to testify.
                      4. When I watched her take the stand, I could see why they call her Fanni.

                      I'm hoping the judge brings in the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to do a thorough finding of the facts in the case. If she did lie under oath she should be charged. Did she hopelessly taint the jury pool? That is the question.


                      • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                        1. I'm not sure you know what "evidence" actually is. Under-oath testimony by a former friend saying she SAW the two kissing and hugging in 2019 is evidence.
                        2. She claims she reimbursed Wade fully, but in "untraceable" cash. Her words. There are no withdrawals in her bank records to indicate she took out cash, and there are no records that Wade ever deposited the cash.
                        3. Today was to be the day where she was to testify to about the trips Wade made to DC to meet with White House officials. Willis decided not to testify today. Wade will not testify either. You may not understand that judges and juries are allowed to infer criminal activity if a witness takes the 5th, or if they refuse to testify.
                        4. When I watched her take the stand, I could see why they call her Fanni.

                        I'm hoping the judge brings in the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to do a thorough finding of the facts in the case. If she did lie under oath she should be charged. Did she hopelessly taint the jury pool? That is the question.
                        1. If one person testifies under oath that the two were a couple in 2019 and multiple other witnesses testify under oath that's not the case, aren't you demonstrating bias by choosing to only believe the first person? She had no corroborating evidence, just her own personal recollection of them kissing or whatever. AND this one witness just happens to be someone Willis FIRED several years ago so doesn't THAT ding her credibility a bit? Disgruntled employee getting back at her bitchy boss? What's good for the goose is what's good for the gander, if you want to read your own spin into everything.

                        2. The burden's on the Trump lawyers. Again, they basically have nothing to show the court. The whole procedure was to try and get Willis/Wade to slip up in aan obvious lie and they didn't.

                        3. The defense team was already finished with their questions for Willis. They had rested. The DA's office was supposed to be doing all the questioning today and they chose not to put her back on the stand. She didn't take the 5th. This isn't a separate trial.

                        The judge is going to look at these text messages himself and decide things. Based on what I've seen, she's not getting disqualified unless there's something really bad in those.


                        • It’s Atlanta. She won’t be disqualified, period.


                          • NY is ludicrous. I mean -- it really is banana republic shit. Political persecution.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • $350M judgment against Trump in the civil fraud case. No corporate death penalty but Trump banned from serving as an officer of any NY corporation for 3 years.


                              • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                                It’s Atlanta. She won’t be disqualified, period.
                                If she's disqualified then no one in the Fulton County DA's office can handle the case either. It will be sent into legal limbo where it could languish for years.

                                I trust that the Judge isn't going to do that without really, really good cause. One person claiming, without outside evidence, that their relationship started 3 years earlier doesn't rise to that level IMO and I don't think the Judge thinks it does either. It'll come down to these texts probably.

