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  • Does this mean I have to pretend to enjoy WiZZie's "world-famous" ketchup wings?


    • Oh hell no. As long as you eat them then each bite brings you one step closer to death and we're all good. Do it with a frown or smile. Matters not. We're just looking to expedite shit, here.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Right-o, see you in Hell!!!


        • And so the Republicans will continue to flush massive amounts of money down the toilet in a futile attempt to stop Trump. Again.

          And then in the battleground states they'll get outspent 2 to 1. Again.


          • That's no dumber than spending massive amounts of money to make your nominee the only "Republican" Joe Biden has proven he can beat.


            • Trump isn't spending massive amounts of money. He never does. The big money is all coming in for Haley and DeSantis. The midterms demonstrated how important it is to spend money intelligently.

              The R establishment is not in charge of who the base wants, and the base wants Trump. No amount of insulting them will change that. The only semi-intelligent thing to do at this point is to get behind him, or at least stop trying to actively undermine and sabotage him. Save that money up and at least try to take back the Senate. Despite the gloom and doom about Trump not being able to win, he has helped get the base out for the down ballot races and he's doing way better in the polls than he was four or six years ago at this time. You'd think that after 8 years of this shit, they would have learned, but you don't get called "The Party of Stupid" for nothing.

              I didn't want Trump this time around but it's not up to me.
              Last edited by Hannibal; January 16, 2024, 10:23 AM.


              • Trump's been raking in tons of cash, what are you talking about?

                Nikkie Haley raised $24M in Q4. Trump + the RNC (which is run entirely by Trump sycophants at this point) raised $125M. But if you want an apples to apples comparison, his campaign alone raised $45M in Q3.

                Haley campaign announces $24 million haul in 4th quarter | CNN Politics

                Biden raises over $97 million in fourth quarter, $117 million on hand (

                Trump campaign says it raised over $45.5 million in third quarter | Reuters​​​


                • He's not spending it though.I'm pretty sure that he pockets the money that he raises for his "campaigning" at this point. But yeah, I don't think that it's wise to donate to the guy either, but at least you're not funding an R Civil War. I'm also guessing that he gets a much higher fraction of his money from small donors too, which indicates that he has much stronger grass roots support than Haley or DeSantis. Ron should drop out now.


                  • I also can't stress this enough: Trump IS the Establishment. How can anyone portray him as the underdog up against sinister, powerful forces represented by Mitt Romney, the Bushes, and Paul Ryan?

                    Oh right. When you're addicted to playing the mistreated victim you can.

                    Trump's raised vast amounts of money including all the morons he suckered out of several hundred million to fight "election fraud". Nearly every R member of Congress who's taken a position has endorsed HIM. His people dominate rightwing media. His people dominate the Republican party. His people dominate every rightwing cultural space. HE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT


                    • TDS
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • He is not the establishment. The establishment are still predominantly Bush era Rs who would stick a knife in his back the first opportunity that they get. And, more importantly, big money donors like the Koch Brothers and the other guys who want a Romney type in office. In a healthy, functioning party, someone like Nikki Haley wouldn't raise enough to pay for a meal at Burger King.

                        DeSantis was worth backing at first, but he has been effectively out of it since the middle of last year.
                        Last edited by Hannibal; January 16, 2024, 10:45 AM.


                        • The Trump hate is out of Fear of Trump.
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Trump's movement is all about eternal victimhood and to be a victim you need an eternal boogeyman. "The Establishment", RINO's, whatever you want to call them, are that boogeyman. They are the knife in the back. The Kochs and Mitt Romney (lol) clearly have an insignificant amount of power and influence compared to Trump and his disciples but that's irrelevant. The mere existence of ANY dissent is enough to threaten the movement. The enemy is both very strong and very weak at the same time. As always.

                            Anyways polls indicate Haley and DeSantis would both outperform Trump vs Biden but whatever. For about a decade now the R base has rejected the notion of "electability" in favor of ideological purity tests. Which are more accurately described as Trump loyalty tests. Whatever he wants, you want. Hasn't exactly been working out well.


                            • Just keep in mind...this is the alternative...biden falls.jpg
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                                Just keep in mind...this is the alternative...biden falls.jpg
                                30% of the GOP voters in Iowa told a poll that Trump getting convicted of a felony would be disqualifying in their eyes. A significant chunk of Nikki Haley's voters said they would vote Biden over Trump. Are they lying? Maybe. But people are too focused on current polls and not thinking ahead to when independents and casual voters realize that Trump IS going to be the alternative to Undead Joe. I've had people who don't follow politics closely, who don't like Biden, react with disbelief when I tell them that yeah, Trump's going to easily win the GOP nomination.

                                Despite all these powerful "Establishment" forces...

