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  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

    Isn't that the way our constitutional republic works? Government or citizens try shit. Sometimes the Court says it's no bueno. We carry on. You advocate for positions and win some and lose some. In this case, it wasn't remotely close to winning anything anywhere.

    I mean, you don't to go to far back into the wayback machine to remember a time when The Chairman was signing executive orders he knew damn well were unconstitutional. The proper recourse was the bitch-slapping he got from the Court. That's the way it works.​
    I dunno. Another article mentions that Chesebro (who took a plea deal in Georgia) is scheduled to meet with the AG of Arizona next Monday. So the phony electors there should be nervous. I believe it was the ones in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that covered their bases with the caveat that they were simply alternates to be used in the event the original electors were invalidated. To me that's trying shit and hoping it works, only to be told no. Insisting you're the one and only true set of duly-appointed electors is something different. That's an outright lie.


    • TDS
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
        What are you getting for the grandkids, Wiz? "Fuck Joe Biden" t-shirts?


        • Well, I mean -- a lie to whom? If they lied under oath that's a problem. I get that. It's not one we penalize to much, but it's at least illegal. If we lie, you know, to the American public then it's generally fine unless you're trying to defraud consumers -- and political advocacy ain't ever, ever been that. I mean, The Chairman lied about canceling student debt being Constitutional. Politicians lie all the time.

          I certainly don't mind criminalzing conduct if it's tied to something more than advocacy of nonsense. If you advocate nonsense and then, e.g.,, assault people to advance that nonsense that's a problem.

          If, however, you advocate an absurd lie like, e.g., that Georgia is implementing Jim Crow -- BUT EVEN WORSE -- then that's merely advocating fucking nonsense.

          And the sort of worrisome thing about criminalizing this shit is that DJT getting his hands on the DOJ again isn't some sort of remote possibiity. And here were are establishing that advocacy of nonsense is criminal -- well, man -- that boils down to what you think is criminal nonsense and what is ok nonsense and that's not a good place to be. It's actually a terrible place to be.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • I get what you're saying and it's not realistic to prosecute every single person who's ever lied in an affidavit, under oath, etc. But you probably SHOULD go after the really big whoppers. I think prosecutors have enough internal communication between these people that indicate many of them knew what they were attesting to was a lie and what they were doing was potentially criminal. They weren't duly-certified by their states but swore under oath that they were. If this was someone caught lying in an affidavit in some small-stakes civil case I wouldn't give a shit, yeah let it slide. But this was an orchestrated effort to overturn the results of a presidential election by deception. I'm not cool with letting incompetence be a get-out-of-jail-free card for these people.

            If prosecutors go after the fake electors who included the hedge that they are simply "alternates", then I will criticize that.


            • I understand, DSL, and if there's perjurious shit, then it's fine to criminalize within reasonable bounds.

              Like I said, the Ds aren't going to control this shit forever. And the worst case scenario has to be way too plausible for your tastes.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                What are you getting for the grandkids, Wiz? "Fuck Joe Biden" t-shirts?
                They already have those. I'm getting them some FREE HUNTER stuff now...
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Random, but did you ever read that Andy McCarthy piece I posted a few days ago? It wasn't profound or anything but found it informative. He made a pretty strong case to believe that Trump is definitely going on trial in the DC case in 2024, probably before summer.


                  • I missed it. Probably too focused on the massive dirty fucking cheat operation of HARBAUGH*****.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                      I missed it. Probably too focused on the massive dirty fucking cheat operation of HARBAUGH*****.
                      Understandable. The shameless, brazen, game-fixing operation run by House HARBAUGH!!! has held the nation's rapt attention for months now.

                      McCarthy basically went through a lot of info about how federal courts typically operate and why Trump's motion/appeal options aren't going to successfully postpone the trial until after the election.


                      • Who is more deplorable...Trump or HARBAUGH*******?
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                          Who is more deplorable...Trump or HARBAUGH*******?
                          Oh HARBAUGH!!!, most definitely. At least with TRUMP!!!, when he scores a rare victory, he wins clean.


                          • lucid
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • They always said the damn, dirty liberals were coming to take our guns away. We should've listened.



                              • STFU
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

