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  • Nah. That's too obvious...and a calling you a loon...
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Powell and Chesebro possibly don't have much more to proffer than what prosecutors already know. There's a good chance that's true. But three guilty pleas already and I expect more to come.


      • Well, yeah. When the choice is: Face several years in prison or 12 months probation, that's an easy call. It also signals that if the prosecution is settling for probation, it probably isn't that serious of a crime.


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          Powell and Chesebro possibly don't have much more to proffer than what prosecutors already know. There's a good chance that's true. But three guilty pleas already and I expect more to come.
          To like misdemeanors, right?

          I mean, we're talking TREASON and COUP and INSURRECTION and these guys are pleading to misdemeanors. I'm just saying -- one way to take that is that charges against them were really shitty.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by Mike View Post
            Well, yeah. When the choice is: Face several years in prison or 12 months probation, that's an easy call. It also signals that if the prosecution is settling for probation, it probably isn't that serious of a crime.
            Well early consensus seems to be Chesebro in particular is damaging not directly to Trump but Giuliani and Eastman.


            • Well when they criminalize taking bad advice from an attorney they better build a hell of a lot more prisons...
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Jordan's done. Loses secret ballot. Moving on!


                • I'm running for Speaker of these forums...can I get a second?
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Politico reporter says she was told by a Republican that Jordan himself insisted on a secret vote. Almost certainly so that his allies could blame the "Deep State" when he inevitably lost. Which is exactly what they're doing now.

                    These buffoons have zero interest in governance or winning. They want to pose for cameras, raise money, and play-act as martyrs.


                    • Hell just reinstate McCarthy...limp to 2024...and start over.
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Its being reported that Hamas released two American hostages - a 59 yo mother and 19yo daughter who had been locked in a safe room of a family member's home but abducted from there and taken into Gaza. There were no reports of conditions for the release but I bet there were some. Promised aid to Gaza which was supposed to start arriving today remains in trucks lined up outside the Raffa Gate. Some kind of disagreement about how the trucks would be inspected for weapons is the hold-up.
                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                        • This cracked me up.

                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Comment

                            • A couple of notes on Ukraine v. Russia and Israel v. Hamas,

                              Russia continues to launch cruise missiles and drones indiscriminately into Ukraine hitting targets that may or may not be of military significance. The news we get just talks about injured and killed civilians. UAF spokespersons never comment on the attacks letting the news media do the talking with the familiar narrative that describes Putin as a war criminal committing war crimes in Ukraine - the UAF are fine with that and frequently augment that messaging with reports of relevant political activities, e.g., Ukraine's administrators talking to various war crimes agencies and courts.

                              Meanwhile, on the battle front, territory is lost by one side or the other, then regained by one side or the other. All I can discern from following several sources is that a lot of soldiers and military equipment is being lost with Russian losses >>> Ukrainian losses. At this point we have a lethal battle of attrition being waged by both sides. As this thing goes on, it's hard to envision a definitive end. Neither side is ready to negotiate and remain far apart on how this conflict should end.

                              In Israel/Gaza, now add Southern Lebanon, a second regional conflict started by Hamas' invasion of Israel is underway. Nominally, this conflict would be the IDF v. Hamas in Gaza and v. Lebanon Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. However, enter Iranian supported militants - the Axis of Resistance - which involves at least half-a-dozen other militias with various names - to the fight against Israel. The fight has spread to Iranian supported militias in Iraq and Syria that are targeting US bases in those two countries. For now, across the entirety of the conflict region, it's daily harassment operations with rockets and mortars against Israel and US bases in Iraq and Syria. The goals of each side can be identified as, on one hand, the destruction of Israel and the elimination of US presence in the ME and, on the other hand, the preservation of the Israeli state, the elimination of Hamas presence in Gaza and continuations of US influence in upholding regional liberal democracies in the region.

                              Iranian government and military spokesmen are working to shape the narrative in a way that blames the US for setting off the conflict. The Iranian media, in concert with the government pitch a story on "What the ME will Look Like Without Israel and US presence." This messaging is intended to counter the west's narrative of "What will Gaza look like after Hamas is defeated". What we have is another conflict, apart form the one in Ukraine, that is unlikely to end anytime soon - both sides locked into unalterable positions. In the ME conflict, that should come as no surprise. For decades, the Palestinian/Israeli counter-positions have never been resolved. Two or three key players - in the conflict, Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah have all called for the destruction and dismantling of the Israeli state. Those lands, this side claims, rightfully becoming the "Palestinian Homeland." Pretty clear, that's not going to happen short of major conflict that breaks out in the region between US and Iranian forces with the minor players, including Israel, in supporting roles of one side or the other.
                              Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; October 22, 2023, 11:29 AM.
                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • Here's today's up date on my post above;
                                • Nothing new to report in Ukraine. Ukraine pushes one narrative for the conflict, Putin and his allies push another. We, in the west, see this conflict entirely differently than Russians do. There is no freedom of the press in Putin's Russia. A naïve Russian citizenry and a gullible set of yes-men allies that just hate the US and it's alleged global hegemony should be expected.
                                • The IAF continues to remain in a high state of readiness at jump-off points outside Gaza. IAF air strikes continue in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon (these only occur as counter battery strikes after rockets or missiles are launched by any number of groups within the axis of resistance.) Commercial overhead satellite images show the level of destruction of buildings in Gaza. There is more pressure on Israel to limit civilian casualties than there is on Hamas to stop putting civilians at risk by putting fighters in residential buildings and ammunition and supplies in Mosques, hospitals and schools - that is really sick shit and Arabs that are complaining about Israel's indiscriminate targeting of civilians need to wake up to the reality of what these terrorists do.
                                • It appears that the IDF is holding back a ground attack of Hamas because of both internal and external political pressures. As it has already been said, but gets way too little actual coverage, is this: if Hamas stands down in Gaza, there will be no war and no further civilian casualties. It's simple. Hamas and Arab states + Iran that have a stake in this should forget about eliminating the state of Israel from the map of the ME. Instead, it would be a good idea to sit down and figure out what to do with the 3m Palestinians who claim they want a home and the administration and governance of said home. It can't be terrorists aligned with Iran governing.
                                • I get all this. I understand the history here. What I don't understand is that the Arabs, in general, are incapable of working together to sort this shit out blaming the Jews for everything. You want the hegemons you identify as the US out? Then sit the fuck down, take care of business and act like adults. There are options. Just pick the best one out of a lot of bad ones.
                                • Probably of importance is to reinvigorate the Abraham Accords, the one ray of hope where the gulf states were willing to recognize the state of Israel and from there figure out how to solve the Palestinian issue that's been on the table since 1946. It's pretty clear this whole thing got started because Iran feared getting elbowed out of the group of major players in the ME as the Abraham Accords looked like a promising avenue for a lasting ME peace.
                                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time

