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  • Several of this group of loudmouths are clearly just rock stupid and sincerely think the House should just pump out one performative piece of bullshit legislation after the next and watch every single one of them die immediately in the Senate (with even half the Senate Rs probably voting against), nevermind making it to Biden's desk.

    I mean Andy Biggs wants McCarthy replaced because he hasn't fixed the border. Does this stupid motherfucker think the next R speaker will get 'er done in 3 weeks flat?


    • Mace just voted to remove. There’s no way he survives. You could hear some bristling when she voted yes.


      • Originally posted by Mike View Post
        Mace just voted to remove. There’s no way he survives. You could hear some bristling when she voted yes.
        That one's very surprising to me. Did he break all his promises over abortion or something?


        • 216-210 is your final. There’s no Speaker of the House.


          • Trump is the winner again as he lambasted the GOP for not attacking Biden and dem policies and fighting amongst themselves


            • Trump is sitting in a courtroom getting lambasted by a judge for tweeting about the clerk. He’s an assclown who has nearly single-handily destroyed the Republican Party.

              He had a large hand in getting McCarthy the Speakership in the first place. Any thoughts on that big win?


              • The Republican Party didn't need Trump to destroy themselves. McCarthy is a RINO. So good riddens.

                Trump is leagues ahead of all this chicanery. Have you checked the polls lately. Whatever feelings you have against Trump, he's in the lead by a ridiculous # and this is another win. Can't deny it. .. and the more they try to faux charge him like the fiasco in NY, the more he'll get sympathy points.


                • So...where do the R's go from here? Who the F would want to be Speaker in this environment? You have the left who knows they don't have to cave on anything because they have the full media sans Fox to assist their narrative...a fully uncooperative conservative wing of the it appears that we are heading for a good old west shootout showdown wrt appropriations IF a Speaker who satisfies both factions is even chosen. Good God what a cluster.
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Originally posted by klondike View Post
                    The Republican Party didn't need Trump to destroy themselves. McCarthy is a RINO. So good riddens.

                    Trump is leagues ahead of all this chicanery. Have you checked the polls lately. Whatever feelings you have against Trump, he's in the lead by a ridiculous # and this is another win. Can't deny it. .. and the more they try to faux charge him like the fiasco in NY, the more he'll get sympathy points.
                    If you think Trump has been winning these past few years, you’re part of the problem. He’s not playing 3D chess. He’s a shady real estate businessman, failed casino owner, former reality TV star, and current cult leader.


                    • Jebus Christmas we’ve found someone more out of touch with reality than crash.


                      • Gaetz ends up winning the R caucus vote 7-210, but thanks to 209 D votes, his self-aggrandizement theatrics carry the day.....and this....partnering with 209 Ds to defeat the wishes of 97+% of the Rs is supposedly defeating the "cucks" and purifying the party or whatever? What in the holy fuck?

                        There are a lot of people out there who think The Chairman is a motherfucking disaster, but who would rather wash down The Wizard's wings with undiluted bleach than cast their lot with those fucking 7 dipshits and especially Gaetz, who is an unmitigated clown.

                        That, my friends, is winning.

                        Again, the Ds and The Chairman remain wildly unpopular on very, very key issues.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • This is, literally, identical to a situation where The Squad partners with Rs to oust Pelosi. The most wildly unpopular part of the Ds partners with the Rs to oust the "party" pick. If that had happened I would have been through the goddamn roof happy. It would have been fantastic to see such asshats take center stage, even if just for a few minutes.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • What he said.......I'm just astounded at the asshatery of the Rs. What they've managed to demonstrate is that legislatively the country is ungovernable. Shameful shit.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                            • Well, we won't have to worry about Rs governing anything in about 15 months.


                              • Funny comment I saw this morning: "At least Gaetz fucked someone over 18".

