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  • Interest rates now hit 22 year high.

    BIDEN BOOM!!!!!
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Mitch McConnell just had a stroke or something on camera.


      • ....and Sinead O'Connor dead at 56....coincidence?
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Well that's not good for Mitch McConnell now, is it?


          • Mitch probably was shocked by the Wilmington, DE court proceedings...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • He was talking about a bipartisan deal then abruptly stopped talking and just stared into space awkwardly for maybe 20 seconds before one of the other Senators came up and asked if he was alright. Presser was over, he was taken back to his office.


              • Oh, the kids call that "pulling a Biden".

                They're gonna have to wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him in his office until after Kentucky's gubernatorial election this November.


                • 81 years old and not in good heath, he was in the hospital for a week after falling in March


                  • Lot of confusion in DE at the Hunter hearing. The Judge wanted more information regarding the tax matters and Hunter ended up pleading "not guilty". At least that is the most recent thing I read in the WSJ.

                    Good if true.


                    • REVOKED!!!get out of jail hunter.jpg
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • I heard yesterday that one of Hunter Biden's attorneys (Latham & Watkins), was busted for calling the court clerk’s office and falsely claiming to work for a Republican lawyer in the hopes of persuading the clerk to remove documents that apparently contained Biden’s personal tax information. Im sure nothing will come of it.


                        • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                          Lot of confusion in DE at the Hunter hearing. The Judge wanted more information regarding the tax matters and Hunter ended up pleading "not guilty". At least that is the most recent thing I read in the WSJ.

                          Good if true.
                          Yeah, the judge smelled the rat and once she asked a couple questions the whole thing collapsed like a house of cards.

                          At one point, Noreika asked Justice Department prosecutor Leo Wise whether there is an "ongoing investigation here."

                          "There is," Wise said, adding that he could not tell the judge what the investigation was.

                          Noreika asked if the government could potentially bring a charge related to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), to which Wise replied: "Yes."

                          At that point, the original plea deal broke down. Defense attorney Chris Clark said he did not agree with that.

                          "Then there’s no deal," Wise said.

                          Clark countered, "As far as I’m concerned the plea deal is null and void."


                          • Poor little Hunter.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
                              I heard yesterday that one of Hunter Biden's attorneys (Latham & Watkins), was busted for calling the court clerk’s office and falsely claiming to work for a Republican lawyer in the hopes of persuading the clerk to remove documents that apparently contained Biden’s personal tax information. Im sure nothing will come of it.

                              The judge who will review Hunter Biden’s plea deal on Wednesday accused a member of Biden’s legal team of misrepresenting herself in a phone call to the court — a bizarre episode that prompted the judge to threaten sanctions even as Biden’s lawyers insisted it was all a misunderstanding.

                              Shortly after Kittila filed the brief, the clerk’s office informed the judge that a Latham employee, Jessica Bengels, had called the clerk and falsely claimed to work with Kittila. During the call, Bengels asked that Smith’s filing be removed from the public docket due to sensitive information in it, the judge wrote in her order.

                              “It appears that the caller misrepresented her identity and who she worked for in an attempt to improperly convince the Clerk’s Office to remove the amicus materials from the docket,” Noreika wrote, before ordering Biden’s legal team to explain why Noreika should not issue formal sanctions “for misrepresentations to the Court.”

                              “The matter under consideration appears to stem from an unfortunate and unintentional miscommunication between a staff member at our firm and employees of the Court. We have no idea how the misunderstanding occurred, but our understanding is there was no misrepresentation,” Latham partner Matthew Salerno wrote, stressing that Bengels is not part of the team of lawyers assigned to the Hunter Biden matter.


                              • Just another example of the BCFS believing that the law does not apply to them.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

