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  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

    I'm a little surprised they weren't charged earlier after hearing the details. Maybe there was a lengthy fight over search warrants that held it up.
    Unlike the Michigan GOP, the dems are organized, and calculating. Witches gotta hunt, and they do, it's usually pretty well-timed.


    • They take their politics seriously unlike the GOP which is a part time job


      • F1arqnIWwAUjP3G?format=jpg&name=medium.jpg


        • That’s a bit harsh.


          • Originally posted by Mike View Post
            That’s a bit harsh.
            I wouldn't know. I'm just a Whtie Racist so I'm not qualified to speak on the violent fantasies that Left Wing members of minority groups have vis-a-vis Whtie people.

            But don't worry, it's not as if this hatred actually translates into real life violence (graph below totally unrelated0.

            Attached Files


            • That’s because of redlining in the 1930s.


              • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                That’s because of redlining in the 1930s.
                Nailed it!


                • Facts are a white invention that must be exterminated


                  • Ukraine: I've touched on this story line in my last two posts - fractures emerging within the Kremlin, both on the political and military landscape. Russia has a history of political infighting, maneuvering for advantage and advancing the self interests of key players. Most prominently in 1917 and again in 1990 when these activities brought about the collapse of the sitting Russian government.

                    This kind of thing goes on all the time but has been kept in check over the last 20 years by Vladimir Putin's strong arming. What's different this time around is that Putin is experiencing an alternate reality and is simply out of touch with spreading discontent among political elites and oligarchs and the larger fractures evident among flag rank (general) officers in the Russian army. I think part of the seemingly extensive coverage of these circumstances is a result of the void of battlefield news, such void being filled by talk of infighting. Prigozhen's mutiny is the spark that has ignited what appears to be a more wide-spread conflict among major players in Russia all of them attempting to position themselves among the right crowd if Russia gives up in Ukraine facilitating the downfall of Putin. Alternatively, even things going badly, which they are for the most part, could produce an opposition party capable of unseating Putin. We're not there yet but it appears to be moving in that direction.

                    The evidence is mounting that there is serious discontent with Putin's handling of the war and his apparent favor being tilted toward the current military leadership within the Russian MOD - Generals Shoigu and Garrisimov. Pro-war milbloggers have been actively criticizing both Putin and the MoD for the damage, the second time in less than a year, to the Kersh straights bridge that links mainland Russia with Crimea. There is also mounting concern being voiced by the inability of the army to manage reserves that are capable of rotating units that have been engaged for well over 6 months - some as long as a year. The lack of counter-battery capability, a mainstay of Russian army tactics, is also being singled out as an unsolved problem that General Popov brought to light and got reassigned because he did.

                    At this point, any impact back in Moscow or at the Ukrainian front of these fractures is purely speculative. But there are signs. ISW reported the equivalent of a degraded battalion (three companies) of Russia's army surrendered in mass to Ukrainian forces on July 18th in the southern zone. It's being reported they did so becasue they are out of ammunition and rations. There were no numbers but it could have easily been 100 soldiers or so. Meduza ran a story on Monday featuring an anti-war activist and organizer who was fired from Moscow State University and quickly made his way out of Russia to organize and mount an opposition movement from outside Russia. Admittedly, all of these stories resonate with anyone who is following the war and wants to see it end on the Zelenski government's terms. It could be nothing with Putin's iron hand still capable of retaining power. I remain very much aware of the bias that plays here. Nonetheless, that there is even talk in the public domain about it has to be taken seriously.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • Country ruled by cold, calculating, brutal dictator invades country ruled by globohomo kleptocrat. I don't fucking care at this point. Whoever wins, we lose.


                      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                        Country ruled by cold, calculating, brutal dictator invades country ruled by globohomo kleptocrat. I don't fucking care at this point. Whoever wins, we lose.
                        Well, it's fairly clear that you have an isolationists view of America's place on the global stage. I can accept that. You'd probably agree with Steve Bannon who said, "I don't give a shit about Ukraine. I care about the situation on America's southern boarder." He was quoted as saying that when an interviewer asked him what will happen to America's commitment to Ukraine (made by the current administration) if Trump is re-elected president?

                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                        • This exchange defines the New Right about as well as any. JFC what a bunch of losers and clowns.


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                            This exchange defines the New Right about as well as any. JFC what a bunch of losers and clowns.

                            Roller coaster ride? Catturd has been nothing but peaks of stupidity.
                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • He’s not even particularly funny. He posts exactly as I’d expect a thrice-divorced, 60 year old, retired mailman would post.

                              Thank you for your service, Mr Catturd. I hope you get that burial at Arlington you so richly deserve.


                              • F Russia.

                                F Ukraine.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

