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  • The dipshit Trumpers are gonna demand something ridiculous from DeSantis now, like have the Federal courthouse surrounded by state troopers and refuse to let anyone in. Else he's a RINO! Something mind-numbingly stupid.


    • So is deleting 33,000 email...many of them your server (by bleach bit)...destroying devices...cell phones...sim that not worth of an indictment...but this is? It's ok to have classified documents at your office at your garage...and in Chinatown in D.C...??? Those are all ok.

      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • The democrats overwrought politics with this may end up giving the Republican nomination to someone more competent.

        Although, I did read DeSantis might face some heat for flying Texas illegals to sanctuary cities.

        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


        • Trump whines about the indictment in a short video which sounds like it was recorded in a closet and has him standing in front of an odd painting with a man twirling his mustache.

          Truth Social is America's "Big Tent" social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology.

          The past 8 years or so really are like the stupidest reality tv bullshit.


          • Is this for the “classified” document shit?

            I disagree with AA — I think The Chairman’s DOJ is actually trying to get DJT nominated.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • If Trump's being indicted then it seems like at least a few others will be too. Unless all the important people have been flipped, lol


                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Bwahahahahaha

                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                    Is this for the “classified” document shit?

                    I disagree with AA — I think The Chairman’s DOJ is actually trying to get DJT nominated.
                    Yes to the first question. There's no official info on charges. I imagine there won't be until Tuesday. Trump got ahead of things just like he did in NYC by immediately telling the world he's indicted and start the spin spin spin.

                    I'd like to know more about what specifically he took but I'm feeling confident at this point it wasn't just crap like Kim Jong-Un's love letters. I mean I think they have him dead to rights on trying to deceive the National Archives and DOJ in order to keep certain things. I just don't know how important those things really are.


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      If Trump's being indicted then it seems like at least a few others will be too. Unless all the important people have been flipped, lol
                      Well, there have been lots of people who have “mishandled” sensitive documents in a way that violates the law. PAH. Pence. The Chairman. Gads others, I assume. One guy is indicted.

                      Now, you may be able to go through various nuanced distinctions to justify the disparate treatment, but the easiest, simplest thing to understand is that it is disparate treatment. And DJT will nail himself to the cross all day on this AND it will actually have some traction. Because, at bottom, these are probably pretty petty charges.

                      I swear, The Chairman is actively trying to get DJT nominated.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Well...he ain't that bright...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                          Well, there have been lots of people who have “mishandled” sensitive documents in a way that violates the law. PAH. Pence. The Chairman. Gads others, I assume. One guy is indicted.

                          Now, you may be able to go through various nuanced distinctions to justify the disparate treatment, but the easiest, simplest thing to understand is that it is disparate treatment. And DJT will nail himself to the cross all day on this AND it will actually have some traction. Because, at bottom, these are probably pretty petty charges.

                          I swear, The Chairman is actively trying to get DJT nominated.
                          Let's suppose you have testimony from a couple Mar a Lago employees that he instructed them to hide materials from the Archives or the FBI when they came to search the premises. And they were told this even after he'd been served with a subpoena. What would YOU do at that point? Do you just drop it and walk away?

                          I can see Trump not wanting to give back serious documents. But I can also see him being a colossal moron and risking indictment over something insanely stupid and petty.

                          BTW, if you missed it it's looking like this will be tried in Miami rather than DC. Friendlier jury pool for him for sure.


                          • None of these cases by itself are going to do anything but strengthen Trump with his the only logical reason for doing these is the proverbial death by a thousand knives...I do agree with Talent (kill me now)...this almost guarantees he will be the R nominee.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Have you noticed how quick the DOJ works when the defendant is Trump or a conservative...versus say....oh I don't know...the BFCS?
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Jonah is correct. Trump has offered numerous explanations and I believe the very first was that the FBI planted the documents in his house.

