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  • Lots of LOONS in here...and out there...
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

      This is who will be running the "new" PGA. They're calling it a merger but the more you hear about details it starts resembling a takeover...
      Really disheartening. I guess enough money getsyou whatever you want.
      2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


      • Yet another election denier...Jen with an exchange with New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu...

        Psaki also repeated the claim that Russia intervened to help elect Trump as president, in an allegation that was debunked by Special Counsel John Durham’s report. Durham found that "the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" during the origins of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. "I have to stop you there," she told Sununu. "Because we know very clearly that Putin and the Kremlin did intervene in our election in order to try to help Donald Trump back in 2016. So we know that is true," Psaki repeated. "Yeah, I will not relitigate the Russian collusion nonsense that went on for two years," Sununu told Psaki. "You do not need to relitigate it. It’s been relitigated by lawyers and investigations," Psaki said. "It is nonsense," Sununu shot back.

        But I thought only MEGA MAGA were election deniers??? These idiots (Psaki isn't the only one obviously) STILL believe the Russian Hoax...heh...
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • The reason you still hear that established Dem BS about Trump in 2016, is because if they admit it then they would actually have to do a real look at WHY they lost the election. The reason is that HRC was the absolute worst possible candidate to run in 2016. But the DNC had annoited that HRC must be the one to run in 2016. Much like Romney was annoited in 2012. HRC never offered a vision of America throughout her campaign. The pissed off public (and there were and still are a lot) wanted to throw a brick through the window and Trump was that brick.

          The Dems didn't offer a vision either with Biden beyond I am not the bad orange man. The difference is that Trump's record on COVID 19 was terrible. He didn't take it seriously and every time he opened his mouth about it he dug his hole a bit more. His handling it scared off the seniors in droves. Even with all of that he only lost around by 50-75k over 4 states that would have been enough to flip the election.

          2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


          • Covid-19 was ironically a ticket to a landslide reelection for a President with just a modicum of ability to show leadership. Even just the occasional reassuring dialog. Basically Bush Sr.'s 91% approval rating during Gulf War I. George W. was wildly popular for about six months after 9-11 too. America loves a crisis manager who doesn't look like a dumbass.

            Trump was not alone though in failing there. All of America's management class, from politicians and the CDC down to CEOs and school board administrators failed their constituents miserably. The CDC was essentially the fourth branch of government because nobody dare go against their recommendations, and that means having all of your policies dictated by people like Dr. Fauci and Rachelle Walensky who have total shit for brains. And that is how we ended up with pants-on-head retarded policies like masking on airplanes for two years, people being arrested on sunny beaches, playgrounds literally being destroyed so that kids couldn't use them, and remote learning for little kids for the better part of 2020 (longer in some places). Covid-19 governance was unforgivably stupid, and I would vote for just about anyone who would promise accountability for it.

            Society for years coasted on having midwits in these spots and when a real crisis came, virtually none of them were mentally equipped to handle it. I liken it to the difference between "peacetime generals" and "wartime generals". The peacetime generals are good at paperwork and kissing ass but they fall apart when the shooting starts.
            Last edited by Hannibal; June 6, 2023, 01:39 PM.


            • Freedom Caucus appears to be sabotaging GOP legislation cuz they’re still pissed about the debt limit deal. GOP members yelling at each other on the House floor. They were in the middle of trying to advance a bill that would ensure the govt can’t ban gas stoves when FC people screwed it up.

              EDIT: One of them, Andrew Clyde of GA, claims to have been threatened by leadership because he voted no on the debt deal.

              Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; June 6, 2023, 01:52 PM.


              • The Rule has been defeated by a vote of 206-220. The House cannot vote on the Gas Stove Protection Act unless the Rule is adopted first.

                One congressional reporter says this is the first time a Rule has been defeated since 2002.


                • interesting comment from a year ago


                  • You know I dont pay attention to a lot of conspiracy theories but this one caught my eye. Robert kennedy on a pod cast with mike tyson

                    kennedy maybe a nut but i think he knows a lot more then we know


                    • He firmly believes that the CIA killed John and Robert. I'd wager that theory has grown in popularity over the past decade or so.

                      Public trust in society's institutions has got to be at an all time low. The people running those institutions very much have themselves to blame for that.


                      • Ludicrous. JFK was killed by Joe DiMaggio...and RFK was killed by Jimmy Hoffa.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • I wish someone would kill you.
                          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                          • Odd...I hear that a lot.

                            Take a number.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Sources I'm following on the war in Ukraine are surprisingly late in reporting details of the rupture of the dam located on the Dinipro River at NovaKhalova. The Economist reports that it is hard to argue that Ukraine blew the bridge. The Russians are doing just that. Completely in character. There were several loud explosions in the morning hours of June 5th. The Russians have been in control of the dam since the start of the invasion and have the means and access to plant the kinds of explosives to produce the intended rupture.

                              There is no question that this is a catastrophic event for Ukraine. It meets the criteria of war crime if that sort of thing ever gets pinned on Putin. Beyond that, critical sources of fresh water for cities served by the Dinipro have been severely impacted. Farming and irrigation of the vast fields that produce Ukraine's grain products and damage to them by flooding has been interrupted. The ecologic damage is still being assessed. Interestingly, Stalin ordered the destruction of a similar dam on the Dinipro as the German army rapidly advanced east from Polan in 1941. The intentional destruction of the dam in this war shows Russian weakness and fears that they believe they cannot thwart a Ukrainian counter-offensive on this axis and lack the combat power to attack further west and into Ukraine.

                              From a military perspective, it floods a possible Ukrainian attack axis that involves crossing the Dinipro to get to its east side, force the Russians out and continue to threaten Crimea. Even before the rupture of the dam and related flooding of that axis, analysts considered that a Ukrainian attack along that axis was unlikely anyway. It seems out of the question now.

                              Further study of what's on the wires reveals that the full force of a Ukrainian counter-offensive has not yet occurred. What we're seeing are feints and probes to identify weak points in Russian defensive positions. That's based on observations of the amount of armor and tracked vehicles deployed at the front. I'll have more as the situation becomes clearer
                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • Your tax dollars will go to rebuild that dam.

