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  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

    I mean, ok. But IMO Trump lost reelection because he handled covid and the summer riots terribly, not because his "pristine" reputation had been tainted four years prior. If you asked Independents why they voted against Trump I doubt "I think he colluded with Russia" would be at the top of the list for many.
    He lost because people were tired of riots and vandalism and basically made to believe if Trump won there would be more unrest.

    Didn't the head of Facebook admit the FBI ignored Hunter because it would have interfered with the election among other instances


    • Maxine Waters told us that cities would burn...but inciting violence is ok from the left...
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post

        It was an unprecedented event in our lifetime. Loads of people were in denial that was a huge issue, initially. Hell, Fauci denied the need for masking initially and then did a 180 later. I find it hard to blame him (or anyone) on a response to an 100-year unprecedented that we were making up (and changing daily) as we went along. But whatever.

        What about the Floyd riots? What action did he need to take that would have calmed the masses and stopped the looting and burning?
        Hey some of it's just bad luck. But covid made him look incompetent because he was wrong about it not being a big deal and he said asinine stuff in his daily press conference. There was no reason for him to be at those things every single day for like a month. Or at least shut up and talk less.

        I'd have to go back and look at things he said and did at the early part of the riots. I honestly don't remember what he had to say about George Floyd in the first days after he was killed. One small thing he certainly didn't need to do was tear gas a bunch of people so he could march to St. John's to hold up a Bible, take pics for social media, and scurry back to the WH immediately. But he'll always choose stupid theater over substance given the opportunity.

        I think his response to covid has long-term damaged him more. The riots just added an additional element of chaos to 2020. And all the January 6th/election fraud junk is greater baggage for him today, at least with Independent voters.


        • This letter from John Ratcliffe (former Director of National Intelligence) is troubling. Especially bullet #2.

          Attached Files
          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


          • Originally posted by klondike View Post

            He lost because people were tired of riots and vandalism and basically made to believe if Trump won there would be more unrest.

            Didn't the head of Facebook admit the FBI ignored Hunter because it would have interfered with the election among other instances
            He lost because Independents were sick of him. He went from being a jackass to an incompetent jackass in 2020. And he's still toxic for them even today. The one question is whether Biden can reach that point. Polls say we aren't close yet. Who knows? It's 18 months off. Plenty of time for a brain to degrade further.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

              Hey some of it's just bad luck. But covid made him look incompetent because he was wrong about it not being a big deal and he said asinine stuff in his daily press conference. There was no reason for him to be at those things every single day for like a month. Or at least shut up and talk less.

              I'd have to go back and look at things he said and did at the early part of the riots. I honestly don't remember what he had to say about George Floyd in the first days after he was killed. One small thing he certainly didn't need to do was tear gas a bunch of people so he could march to St. John's to hold up a Bible, take pics for social media, and scurry back to the WH immediately. But he'll always choose stupid theater over substance given the opportunity.

              I think his response to covid has long-term damaged him more. The riots just added an additional element of chaos to 2020. And all the January 6th/election fraud junk is greater baggage for him today, at least with Independent voters.

              1) Re: him at the podium for Covid briefings: That was lose-lose. If he hadn’t been there the media would have screamed, “WHERE IS HE?! PLAYING GOLF DURING THE WORST DISASTER OUR NATION HAS EVER FACED??”

              2) The rioters and looters needed to be tear-gassed. Not necessarily so he could go to a church, but generally and repeatedly.

              I didn’t vote for Trump either time and Covid and Floyd riots had zero to do with my decision either time.

              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


              • So voted for a white supremacist also?
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • The summer riots of 2020 damn near made me vote for Trump. He's the only R I haven't voted for in any election since that time.


                  • This world is just so full of white supremacists...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • AA- Is that your first time seeing that letter? Lindsay Graham made it public the same day it's dated.

                      fwiw Brennan and Hillary both sat down for depositions with Durham. Comey, McCabe, most of the FBi people did not, as far as I understand it.

                      Chairman Graham Releases Information fro... | United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary


                      • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                        This letter from John Ratcliffe (former Director of National Intelligence) is troubling. Especially bullet #2.
                        I find the 3rd bullet most damning. The FBI was investigating Trump all the while they had this info from the CIA that it was a political hatchet job from the Clinton campaign.



                          If this was in reverse...heads would be rolling...the left would be grandstanding...the media would want blood...
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Hillary should be in jail...and many people should have their national security clearance pulled...including Adam Shit for brains...
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                              Also true that (1) There was no actual collusion (2) The FBI abused its power and went well beyond what the evidence warranted and (3) Trump had some sketchy people on his campaign, who made some suspicious decisions, and he himself has consistently sounded quite pro-Putin.
                              Agreed. His adminstration's actions toward Putin were different than DJT's ramblings.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                                Agreed. His adminstration's actions toward Putin were different than DJT's ramblings.
                                Yeah he had pretty normal, even Neocon people, in most national security positions up until maybe his final year when more sycophants started taking on those roles in "Acting" capacities to dodge Senate confirmation for a time.

