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  • In the primaries I always vote for the Libertarian candidate...although if DeSantis runs I may have to help him out. But in the General I cannot vote for The Chairman...or any Prog. The fucking R party has not had a great candidate since Reagan.
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • The Libertarian vote in a primary is a waste of time and part of the reason why you haven't liked a Republican candidate since Reagan. If you are always going to vote for Republicans in general elections,.then you should be participating as a Republican in the primaries. You are letting the single issue voters have more say in who you are voting for then yourself.


      • My oldest grandson got suspended this week for 3 days. He was hanging with his 2 black friends ( yeah, I know its racist saying he has black friends). They were messing around and some how he said you are a black monkey after his buddies were talking about him being white and can't jump or some shit. Somebody over heard the conversation and my grand son got suspended.

        I went and talked to the principal and he even admitted that the other kids were just messing around and they weren't offended....Still they suspended my grandson.....Today my grandson decided he wanted to hurt himself and his mom got him into pine rest for a week.

        You guys think I'm a loon but this shit has gotten ou to fhand, My grandson doesn't care about the color of your skin. He has depression problems because he has dumb ass parents and he sees what the world is turning into.

        The kid has enough worries without the bullshit going on. Do you loons actually think the crap going on is a good thing

        But I'm sure the loons here will just say I'm full of shit and don't have a clue. We are trying our best to live in a free world where you can still fuck with friends and all be happy.

        Laugh, make jokes or all you want but this is real life. It bothers the fuck out of me.


        • The Republican Party is the party for “smart” people. That’s why Donald J. Trump keeps winning the nomination year after year. Because the party is full of very smart very mature people who know reality TV star Donald J. Trump is as close as it comes to being a perfect avatar for themselves. Anyone who says otherwise is a Marxist tranny who like watching Disney+ and beating off to Beaches.


          • In the least surprising news of the day the subway rider that subdued a violent maniac on a Manhattan train will be charged with manslaughter.


            • Yeah, Progs gonna Prog. To be fair, it's 2nd degree manslaughter, but still.

              Bragg (and Progs) side with criminals at every turn. The resignation letter from the Cook County state attorney is spot on. That's what you vote for when you vote D. And no borders.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Has DSL weighed in on the Progs efforts to smear their most hated Uncle Tom? I know he's off defending The Chairman at every turn, but, again, has he weighed in on Justice Thomas? Or the even more laughably terrible pieces on Gorsuch and Alito?

                Wondering for a friend.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • ​​Every time one of you jackholes votes democrat, you're voting for this.

                  Del Rio.jpg


                  • Pretty indisputable.

                    And, of course, the rights of criminals to be criminals w/o law-abiding folks getting in their way.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Governor Abbot is gonna need a ginormous fleet of Greyhounds to get those folks to sanctuary cities. Godspeed, Gov.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                        Has DSL weighed in on the Progs efforts to smear their most hated Uncle Tom? I know he's off defending The Chairman at every turn, but, again, has he weighed in on Justice Thomas? Or the even more laughably terrible pieces on Gorsuch and Alito?

                        Wondering for a friend.
                        You mean the effort to find out just how corrupt a corrupt and compromised SCJ is?

                        It's a witch hunt, I tell ya! A witch hunt!
                        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                          Has DSL weighed in on the Progs efforts to smear their most hated Uncle Tom? I know he's off defending The Chairman at every turn, but, again, has he weighed in on Justice Thomas? Or the even more laughably terrible pieces on Gorsuch and Alito?

                          Wondering for a friend.
                          Funny how these progs run from their own opinions when they get a little pushback.


                          • Yeah, they have no chance, Mike, when you actually ask for, you know, actual evidence. Especially under oath. LOL. In the case of their most hated Uncle Tom the most they can do is say "Abe Fortas!" as if that has any meaning given that Fortas had actual, real and massive conflicts he brazenly ignored. It's like:

                            Hey....that fucking house negro (or way worse) -- he has a friend that gives him so money
                            So what? Is that illegal? Is that an ethical violation? Is that a conflict? Did that influence Justice Thomas in any decision?
                            Well, ummmm.......ABE FORTAS!!!!!
                            Ok, so, no. You have nothing. Zero. Zilch.
                            Yes, but ABE FORTAS. MONEY!!!!

                            I would rather enjoy destroying all of these arguments, but there is such lack of good faith from the Progs on this that's it's fucking astounding and pointless. Justice Thomas voted to overturn Roe. So, they gotta get that Uncle Tom. And, well, any other Justice that doesn't vote who they "should" vote.
                            Last edited by iam416; May 12, 2023, 08:03 AM.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • SOTOMAYOR IS ON THE TAKE!!

                              It turns out Justice Sotomayor left six free or reimbursed excursions off her 2016 financial disclosure report, which she amendment last year but was only released to the public (i.e., us) today. Read Sotomayor’s original 2016 disclosure and her amended disclosure (compare the page threes). In 2020, via public records request, we discovered that Sotomayor’s […]

                              Justice Sotomayor Amends Financial Disclosure to Include SIX Trips She Had Previously Omitted


                              • Supreme Court Justices Earn Free Trips and More on the Side


                                The justices do not have to disclose the costs of their reimbursed travels, which included a three-week multi-stop trip that Justice Anthony Kennedy took to Salzburg, Austria, San Francisco and Aspen, Colo., last July, paid for by the Aspen Institute and the University of the Pacific. New York University also paid for Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg to travel to Florence, Italy.

                                LIBERAL JUSTICES COMPROMISED!!!!!!

