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  • Originally posted by Whitley View Post
    The Republicans really don't want to solve the border crisis just like back in the day they didn't really want a balanced budget.

    A question I rarely hear get asked about people coming to our border is what is bringing them there.People are not going to walk thousands of miles to a place unless they have a compelling reason to start the journey. Find the reason for leaving and fix that problem (if able) and the numbers will go down.

    Also hire enough people so their cases can be processed, so there is not such a backlog of being processed.

    BTW building a wall doesn't solve things either.

    And I would like to point out that Title 42 was a Trump era policy that the Biden Administration continued until the courts said they couldn't.

    Ummm... Trump pulled off a major upset thanks to pretty much this one single issue. Ds are ON RECORD advocating for what amounts to open borders.

    As for root causes, that's plainly obvious. They come from third world shitholes and want to live in a nicer place. The Ds have perverted what qualifies as asylum. It's supposed to be fleeing for your life, as in a war-torn country like Ukraine. You then apply for asylum in THE FIRST SAFE COUNTRY YOU COME ACCROSS. What is happening at the border is gross and it is 100% the fault of democratic policies.

    EDIT: And it's not our fucking job to "fix" some socialist hell hole like Venezuela. They should be a cautionary tale, not something we want to import en masse. JFC!
    Last edited by Mike; May 4, 2023, 12:09 PM.


    • Prog Playbook at work...when their policies fail (and they always do) blame conservatives...
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • First, they have to pretend that the problem doesn't exist. Then once they acknowledge that it does, it can only be the result of our system of oppression, etc. The entire border crisis is manmade and can be significantly lessened in like 5 minutes and the stroke of a pen.


        • A top Senate Democrat is hammering a plan to send another 1,500 active-duty troops to the southern border, calling it “the militarization of the border” and “unacceptable.”

          “There is already a humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemisphere, and deploying military personnel only signals that migrants are a threat that require our nation’s troops to contain,” Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”

          There's the D platform in a nutshell. But Rs don't want to do anything about the problem?? Are you fucking kidding me??

          From the 2020 D presidential primary:

          Every candidate supports a path to citizenship for the people currently living in the United States without papers — not just those who came in as children. Sanders, Harris, and Castro have publicly said they would pursue legislation to provide a path to citizenship for the 11 million unauthorized immigrants currently living the United States in their first 100 days in office.

          And candidates’ first priority is to stop Trump’s immigration agenda. Inslee said his immediate actions include stopping the construction of Trump’s border wall, reinstating the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — which the Trump administration decided to sunset, and which remains tied up in courts — and increasing the number of refugees the United States admits.

          But some candidates are taking the debate further. Castro, the only Latino candidate in the Democratic primary, was first to propose a radical reshaping of immigration enforcement by calling to repeal the provision that makes “illegal entry” into the US a federal crime. The law has been on the books for decades but was rarely enforced until the George W. Bush administration, when criminal prosecution of unauthorized immigrants for illegal entry became increasingly common.

          Many candidates have followed suit: Sanders, Warren, Harris, Booker, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Inslee, Rep. Seth Moulton, Marianne Williamson, Andrew Yang, and Miramar, Florida, Mayor Wayne Messam have all support repealing the provision that makes being apprehended at the
          border a criminal offense.

          Gee, I CAN'T IMAGINE where these immigrants get the idea that it's easier to get into the United States under this administration. You have to be crack-smoking stupid to not connect the dots.

          100% the result of Democratic policies, proposals, and rhetoric regarding immigration. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT AND THEY DON'T TRY TO HIDE IT. Listen to them.

          So to summarize, Ds want to:
          • Decriminalize illegal border crossings
          • Increase the # of refugees the U.S. admits
          • Grant citizenship to 11 million illegals
          • Generally oppose/reverse any R policy aimed at addressing the problem
          They are ON RECORD PUBLICALLY STATING THESE POSITIONS. I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.
          Last edited by Mike; May 4, 2023, 12:49 PM.


          • Are you disagreeing with Witless?
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • No, why do you ask?


              • Look, no reasonable person can argue that Biden’s management of the border has been as good or better than Trump’s. Just a cursory glance at the numbers is all it takes.

                Why they come here is our social services. Sure, you can say there is unrest in El Salvador or Nicaragua, and that’s true, but there is a reason they aren’t stopping until they get to the US: Our social services (housing, welfare, Medicaid, EBT/SNAP, etc) provide them with a much better quality of life than what they came from. And it’s understandable. If my family were in some El Salvadorian barrio ran by crime lords, I would try to get here, too. Likewise if I were some criminal on the run, I would try to escape to the US. The thing is, we cannot continue to pay the rest of the world’s way, especially since more that 50% of Americans already pay no Federal income tax.

                "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                • It's such basic common sense that it hurts my brain trying to figure out why so many people can't understand it. It's really as simple as 2+2 but half the country is convinced it doesn't equal 4 and we need to dig deeper and really try to figure out the real answer.


                  • It's Trump's fault. It all started with the horse whipping of migrants which Trump ordered...and when he put kids in cages.

                    fuckin' Trump
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Illegals entering the US is solvable. We just don’t have the stomach to dish out the medicine.

                      The answer is four-pronged.

                      1). Allow zero social services for illegals. No money, food, healthcare, schools, housing. Nothing.

                      2) Severely fine US business owners who facilitate the hiring of illegals. Have repeat offenders face jail time.

                      3) Build a wall and man it. It’s not perfect, but it would slow the influx.

                      4) Quickly repatriate illegals back to their country of origin. Maybe fly them back in C130s. Let the National Guard train their pilots by making these runs.

                      We won’t do any of this. The most innocuous of it is the wall, and we couldn’t even come together to agree on that.
                      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                      • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                        Illegals entering the US is solvable. We just don’t have the stomach to dish out the medicine.

                        The answer is four-pronged.

                        1). Allow zero social services for illegals. No money, food, healthcare, schools, housing. Nothing.

                        2) Severely fine US business owners who facilitate the hiring of illegals. Have repeat offenders face jail time.

                        3) Build a wall and man it. It’s not perfect, but it would slow the influx.

                        4) Quickly repatriate illegals back to their country of origin. Maybe fly them back in C130s. Let the National Guard train their pilots by making these runs.

                        We won’t do any of this. The most innocuous of it is the wall, and we couldn’t even come together to agree on that.

                        1). Allow zero social services for illegals. No money, food, healthcare, schools, housing. Nothing.
                        I believe this and building a serious wall would go a long way toward solving the problem.

                        We are then faced with the matter of sending the 11 million illegals back to their country of origin. If you want to truly discourage this kind of criminal behavior, there need to be consequences. Once the lavish benefits stop, I'd imagine some would be willing to go back. I'm only talking of those illegals who have entered during the Biden administration when the President behaved in a lawless manner.


                        • The problem with any "amnesty" is that businesses will need to come clean about the under the table employment of undocumenteds. You kinda have to pay "official" people more- and pay taxes and benefits too.. It will also be pretty embarrassing to a LOT of companies and politicians.

                          That's probably a good reason why, at the end of the day, the D's REALLY don't want to do anything besides talk about how humane and noble it is to offer asylum to these poor refugees.
                          Last edited by Tom W; May 4, 2023, 04:35 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                            It's such basic common sense that it hurts my brain trying to figure out why so many people can't understand it. It's really as simple as 2+2 but half the country is convinced it doesn't equal 4 and we need to dig deeper and really try to figure out the real answer.
                            Mike, Trump had the problem mostly solved with the "Remain in Mexico" policy along with Title 42 and building the wall.

                            You gotta examine yourself and ask if your hatred of Trump has had a negative outcome. You say that the border is as easy as two plus two, and so it is. But there are a lot of us who feel that the differences in policy of Trump v. Biden are at least that clear.


                            • Originally posted by Tom W View Post
                              The problem with any "amnesty" is that businesses will need to come clean about the under the table employment of undocumenteds. You kinda have to pay "official" people more- and pay taxes and benefits too.. It will also be pretty embarrassing to a LOT of companies and politicians.

                              That's probably a good reason why, at the end of the day, the D's REALLY don't want to do anything besides talk about how humane and noble it is to offer asylum to these poor refugees.
                              And add to that that the 11 million will eventually be given the right to vote, and our country will become a kleptocracy like Mexico.


                              • The Progs want chaos. They cannot survive in good times.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

