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  • Correct.

    Lab leak? Right wing nutjob.

    Hunter Laptop? Right wing conspiracy.

    Inflation? Transitory.

    The border is not secure? Racist.

    Chicks with dicks can't compete with chicks with vaginas? Transphobic right wing nut.

    Rampant crime? It's the guns...not horrible prog policy.

    The choice today is not left versus right. It's Lunacy vs. Normalcy.

    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

      I think you're wrong on the bolded sentence. Polls tend to suggest the opposite. Independents get turned off by most culture war bullshit. Whether lib or con the culture war stuff is a rallying cry for the base, not swing voters. Wouldn't surprise me if over half the country has no clue there's a Bud Light "controversy".​
      Well, it's also an "independents in which state" thing and it's a context thing. I agree that Disney and Bud Light don't move the needle all that much. School boards, though. Well, that's another story. And, e.g., Rs did pretty well in school board elections in "purple" districts in 2022.

      The "Where Woke Goes to Die" is a line for the primaries for DeSantis and -- as you acknowledge -- and effetive one. FURTHER, it's not going to hurt him in the general -- as you acknowledge -- because independents don't care. There are issues they will care about and, at least as of now, if DeSantis can shine the light on The Chairman on those issues, he'll clobber him. In a world where DJT doesn't nuke the party.

      I know you were responding to a separate point.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Originally posted by Mike View Post
        Let's not gloss over the FACT that Fauci and the Left lied their asses off about the origins of Covid. It's now coming out that a primary factor in these denials was because they didn't want to appear to be agreeing with Trump. That is a big fucking deal. The cause of a worldwide pandemic was covered up over petty politics and people who suggested otherwise were censored by a complicit media.

        John Ratcliffe, who was Director of National Intelligence during 2020/21 testified before congress this Tuesday:

        “My informed assessment as a person with as much access as anyone during the initial year of the pandemic has been and continues to be that a lab leak is the only explanation credibly supported by our intelligence, by science, and by common sense,” he explained.

        “From a view inside the [intelligence community] if our intelligence and evidence supporting a lab-leak theory was placed side by side with our intelligence and evidence pointing to a natural-origins or spillover theory, the lab leak side of the ledger would be long, convincing, and overwhelming, while the spillover side would be nearly empty and tenuous,” said Ratcliffe. “Were this a trial, a preponderance of circumstantial evidence compiled by our intelligence would compel a jury finding of guilty to an accusation that coronavirus research in the Wuhan labs was responsible for the pandemic.”
        That and the fact that Fauci was paying, through an intermediary, to finance the gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab.

        It is just amazing how many of the big fuck-ups that have happened in the last two years are attributable to bureaucrats promoting policies that directly contradict what the laws passed by Congress say. Think about the border. Green energy. The auto industry. Now this Environmental Justice board.

        The thing about Trump is that he has a plan to cut the protections bureaucrats now enjoy. Frankly, I'd prefer the spoils system as opposed to the entrenched bureaucracy. At least then, when things go haywire, you know who to blame.


        • Talent,

          Basically, yeah. Independents want to hear about your stance on taxes, healthcare, and yup, schools. They aren't interested in 15 minutes of you ranting about Dylan Mulvaney's beer can or your plan to end Woke.

          There was a WSJ poll a couple days ago that asked Republican voters what issues they felt were important and by better than a 2-to-1 margin they thought fighting "Woke" was more important than saving social security. There is no chance in hell that Independents agree with that lol


          • If I'm Desantis...and DJT keeps attacking him on his response to Covid in Florida...I hammer him back ten fold regarding the fact Fauci was his guy...and he failed to fire his smarmy lil fucking piece of shit arse...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Yeah, DeSantis got Covid right.

              However, facts and obvious truth is no real barrier to anything DJT says.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Trump's trying very hard to bury DeSantis before he even announces. I've seen probably a dozen anti-DeSantis ads on tv all paid for by Trump's PAC. And Trump attacks him daily with only minimal pushback by DeSantis people and pretty much never DeSantis himself. I'm not sure this is tenable much longer.


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                  Basically, yeah. Independents want to hear about your stance on taxes, healthcare, and yup, schools. They aren't interested in 15 minutes of you ranting about Dylan Mulvaney's beer can or your plan to end Woke.

                  There was a WSJ poll a couple days ago that asked Republican voters what issues they felt were important and by better than a 2-to-1 margin they thought fighting "Woke" was more important than saving social security. There is no chance in hell that Independents agree with that lol
                  Care to post that poll? I read the WSJ pretty thoroughly every day and I don't remember such a poll.


                  • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                    Care to post that poll? I read the WSJ pretty thoroughly every day and I don't remember such a poll.
                    It's question #30. What's more important, saving social security and medicaire from cuts or fighting The Woke? The question was only asked to people who claimed to be Republicans.

                    55% FIGHT WOKE, 27% Save SS

                    Baseline Nationwide April 2023 - 4.20.23.xlsx (

                    NR mentioned it too

                    The WSJ Poll Reveals a Normal GOP Prioritization of Issues | National Review
                    Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; April 21, 2023, 01:52 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                      I'm old enough to remember when suggesting a lab leak was a right-wing conspiracy theory.
                      I'm old enough to remember when being an anti vacciner was a lefty and hippie thing. Trump did change the whole paradigm of vaccines.


                      • This is the Congressman I mentioned yesterday (I think) who fell off his roof. Trump’s weaponizing Florida congressional delegation against Ron and they in turn are now starting trouble in the statehouse.

                        For a long while I thought it was smart of DeSantis to not take the bait but I think we’re rapidly approaching the point where he needs to punch back. Trump is ignoring the rest of the GOP field and most of them except Christie seem to be targeting Ron more than Trump.


                        • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                          Lying is ok when the left says so.
                          Just remember though, lies are fabricated for reasons. People don't just make up shit unless they want hide the truth, misdirect attention or cover some asses.

                          "Tin Foil Hat" ad coming in three, two one..


                          • Lying to the American people over and over is justified because the end (getting rid of Orangeman Bad) justifies the means (lying). But lying on a business form is worth indicting and jail.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Meanwhile people like Roger Stone are openly threatening the remaining Florida congressmen who have yet to choose a side to endorse Trump now or get primaried.

                              Dont underestimate the desperation of the people around Trump. They have no place, no role, in a post-Trump Republican Party. They will be unemployable. There’s lots of them and they don’t mind playing dirty.


                              • Meanwhile...Bidens.jpg
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

