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  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
    If you need DeSantis so much, you need to convince Trump not to run.
    That might be true but it’s not a 100% guarantee.


    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
      The Chairman is set to announce his re-election bid next week. Let's review some of his recent efforts:
      *The Chairman's CFPB sues a Chicago bank because it's CEO makes comments about how bad crime is in some neighborhoods. The case gets tossed and the CFPB appeals because The Chairman's CFPB MUST censor dissent

      *The Chairman's FHFA proposes a rule to make folks with better credit pay more for their mortage to offset risk so that people with worse credit can pay less for mortgages.

      *The Chairman's EPA proposes a rule to centrally plan an entire market by requiring that EVs account for 66% of all new vehicles have zero emissions by 2032. China couldn't have proposed a rule any better for them.

      *The Chairman's DoE proposes a rule to prohibut States from saying that men compete with men and women compete with women. Almost implausibly, The Chairman is using Title IX to take away opportunities from women and give them to men.

      *The Chairman is set to honor lawmakers who led a mob on to the floor of a state legislature to force the legislature to stop its work, which it had to, and force legislators to leave to find safer spots. Again, these legislators are to be HONORED by The Chairman..

      *He still retains Kamala Harris as VP.

      Ron DeSantis would bury this guy. JFC.
      I don’t know about that anymore. The six-week abortion ban will make it incrementally tougher.


      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

        I don’t know about that anymore. The six-week abortion ban will make it incrementally tougher.
        Maybe. I would prefer the Rs stick to 12-15 weeks. That seems like a fair compromise. But such is life.

        Look, nobody wants to vote for The Chairman. He's delapidated. He's bad. He only has a chance if our generally strong freer-market-than-most economy gets past his bad policy choices and recovers by election time. I would exepct that to be the case, but if it's not then he might actually lose to DJT, let alone an actual competent R.

        If the economic situation is trending good then it'll be tougher, but he's still delapidated and bad. The Ds know this. They're only hope is to get DJT nominated. And I'd expect a lot of Ds to cross lines to vote in the R primaries.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Shit. I forgot about line crossers.


          • In a general election, he would get beat over the head with the 6 week abortion ban. Biden has the winning message on that, go back to the Roe framework. It's a message that the Democrats can run on for the next 40 years.

            Some Democrats are going to vote in Iowa because they don't have a caucus, but Democrats will have little influence over the race. There is 30 percent true believers in Trump, the type that storm the capitol and pack the rallies. Those are the ones you fellas have to worry about. Until DeSantis steps into a debate with Trump, most.of this is wish casting.


            • IMO -- and I could turn out to be way wrong on this -- but I think 2024 will be entirely about which candidate can get the American public to focus on how bad the other candidate is. The Chairman and Kamala are awful. But DJT can't get the folks to focus on that because (a) he wants everyone to focus on him and how "great" he is; (b) he can't acknowledge his loss; and (c) generally, he's an undisciplined asshate egomanic of massive -- probably unicorn -- proportions.

              DeSantis has some negatives, no doubt. But he's way more disciplined. He has things he can actually run on ("Where Woke goes to die" is going to be effective, IMO). And he can make the folks look at The Chairman. There is a mountain of shit to work with that is winning in states where it matters. Maybe not isolated, but in the aggregate. The only thing that gives The Chairman a chance is a good economy, but even then, you could still run on a ton of shit highlighting his "handling" of inflation with one comment after another.

              Anyway, I have almost no hope that DeSantis can unseat DJT. So, I've more or less resigned myself to The Chairman's continued efforts to fuck this country up.

              However, if DeSantis does get out of the primary, he'll rail The Chairman -- well, absent DJT nuking the entire party.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                Not only do we need Ron, but it has to only be the beginning. If all that we get from Ron are a few short-lived victories and a brief retreat up the slippery slope, then it will be all for nothing.

                The cancers have to be chemo’ed into oblivion. The Overton window has to be dragged back to the right on every topic. Demographic trends have to be stopped and then reversed.
                100%. The problem is that the standard bearers for the Rs are largely a bunch of ass bags that repulse large swaths of the country. They need better messengers.


                • EFZ
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Mike:

                    You have line-crossers in the primary, and then if DeSantis somehow navigates and wins the primary, you have DJT going nuclear on the backend.

                    It's an almost impossible feat for DeSantis.

                    So, reconcile yourself to more utterly fucking illiterate ideas like "HELICOPTER MONEY!!!" and "EVs!!!" and "BAD CREDIT=LOWER MORTGAGE RATES!!!!" and "INFLATION IS TRANSITORY!!!" and "MEN SHOULD PLAY WOMEN'S SPORTS!!!" and, christ....they just go on and on and on....
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                      In a general election, he would get beat over the head with the 6 week abortion ban. Biden has the winning message on that, go back to the Roe framework. It's a message that the Democrats can run on for the next 40 years.

                      Some Democrats are going to vote in Iowa because they don't have a caucus, but Democrats will have little influence over the race. There is 30 percent true believers in Trump, the type that storm the capitol and pack the rallies. Those are the ones you fellas have to worry about. Until DeSantis steps into a debate with Trump, most.of this is wish casting.
                      The 6 week ban will be a huge problem in the general, no doubt.

                      Among the 30% true believers you mention, Ron has an ace card to play that has massive appeal to that crowd (and others): COVID. Lockdowns, Fauci, The Free State of Florida, etc.


                      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                        You have line-crossers in the primary, and then if DeSantis somehow navigates and wins the primary, you have DJT going nuclear on the backend.

                        It's an almost impossible feat for DeSantis.

                        So, reconcile yourself to more utterly fucking illiterate ideas like "HELICOPTER MONEY!!!" and "EVs!!!" and "BAD CREDIT=LOWER MORTGAGE RATES!!!!" and "INFLATION IS TRANSITORY!!!" and "MEN SHOULD PLAY WOMEN'S SPORTS!!!" and, christ....they just go on and on and on....
                        I WILL RESIST!!


                        • Trump nuking the party should he somehow not win the nomination is the very big elephant in the room. I have no doubt he will not support Captain Ron. If just 5% listens to him Ron will lose crucial states. On the plus side I think Trump's influence in Georgia is largely shot so DeSantis probably beats Biden there.


                          • Speaking of Progs --

                            In Los Angeles, they want to make possession of a catalytic converter that isn't your own, illegal. Apparently, there's a real theft issue. Go figure. Anywho, it passed 8-4, but in true Prog fashion, 4 voted against and one articulated Prog ideas to a fucking tee:

                            In this case, I think one of the things that infuriates me, is that we have a company — whatever, Toyota — who makes the Prius, that essentially has a device on their cars which is super easy to remove. It’s basically the value of a MacBook, right? That is put in a place that is incredibly easy to access in your car and the thefts related to this issue have essentially — all of the costs of that — are given to us to bear instead of them [Toyota] having to manufacture a car that actually is not so easy to be stolen.

                            And, of course, another gem from a different "nay" vote:

                            “When somebody gets something stolen, the city should be doing everything we can to make sure they’re made whole — not to punish another person,”
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              Trump nuking the party should he somehow not win the nomination is the very big elephant in the room. I have no doubt he will not support Captain Ron. If just 5% listens to him Ron will lose crucial states. On the plus side I think Trump's influence in Georgia is largely shot so DeSantis probably beats Biden there.
                              If that happens so be it. Job #1 is Trump must be taken out by his own party if they are to ever move forward with a real agenda.


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                Trump nuking the party should he somehow not win the nomination is the very big elephant in the room. I have no doubt he will not support Captain Ron. If just 5% listens to him Ron will lose crucial states. On the plus side I think Trump's influence in Georgia is largely shot so DeSantis probably beats Biden there.
                                Oh, it's not just an elephant, it's motherfucking KING KONG. It's an absolute scorched earth disaster.

                                The Rs will either lose with DJT or DJT will do everything he can to ensure they lose without him.

                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

