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  • 342057927_635566311738173_1743796777954323359_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=2c4854&_nc_ohc=qtLHYnl0TBYAX_1Y4ym&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-1.xx&oh=00_AfBmgoLtBKmnLorOCIhbf0oYi7i3xXi7yGMrPRinIvmeHg&oe=64448F1C.

    You know things are bad when even Wal Mart gives up on an area. Nobody puts local business OUT of business better than Sam Walton's kids.
    "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


    • This is another perfect example of how the Dems have balls and the Reps doin't. The Democrats are excellent at targeting and destroying their enemies. The Repubilcans are great at being the Washington Generals.
      Post of the day so far.
      "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


      • Originally posted by Mike View Post
        Whatever happened to Rittenhouse suing everyone? That seems like a pretty clear cut case.
        That's a great question. As I said, Republicans have nothing remotely resembling balls. If they did, they would be organizing to absolutely destroy the media outlets that slandered Kyle Rittenhouse, as well as Donald Trump with the Russiagate nonsense. Unlike Liberal "victims" who have gotten massive settlements from the Left's enemies, those two actually suffered massive damage as a result of the lies and smears about them. Ditto for George Zimmerman, who has suffered utter life ruination as a result of media outlets doctoting his 911 call to make him look like he was targeting Trayvon Martin solely because he was black.
        Last edited by Hannibal; April 19, 2023, 08:11 AM.


        • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
          I tried it. I don’t mind a screwdriver but the Metamucil made it thick. Think I would rather just take a couple of fiber tabs and then have the screwdriver.
          Metamucil is great. You just have to water it down or it will thicken. The fiber itself in that grain is the world's best fiber for bowels. There's no other fiber that even compares. So I would continue taking it.


          • BTW, anyone know what Dominion's annual revenue is? $23.6 Million. They got a settlement for "damages" that are more than 30 times their annual revenue. It's laughable on its face and everyone knows it.


            • Originally posted by klondike View Post
              Those people were living a lot better when their man was in charge
              Yup. Lots better. But getting rid of mean tweets is more important than having a propserous country with a thriving culture and abundant liberty.
              Last edited by Hannibal; April 19, 2023, 08:24 AM.


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                They could have easily made the case that their guests are who were making accusations about Dominion voting machines, and not Fox anchors, and that it was not obvious to them that the voting machines weren't problematic.
                Dominion made the case that even Fox didn't believe these "guests" were credible or knew what they were talking about but put them on air anyways. They didn't bring on guests that could counter their arguments on the same show (fact-checking them a day later on a different show isn't the same thing). None of the hosts aired the same skepticism on-air that they were strongly verbalizing in private emails and texts.

                Several of these guests ARE being sued individually by Dominion, btw. Giuliani and Mike Lindell are just two.

                The Murdochs and all those Fox hosts are clearly terrified, TERRIFIED of having to testify in public under oath about the 2020 Election. Because none of them believe the election fraud horseshit but don't want their audience to know that.


                • Dominion isn't the left, it's owned by a private equity firm. Fox News knew what it was doing and got off lightly, but it certainly wasn't the left doing the suing. The left was cheering it on especially when we found out that Tuck hated Trump passionately.

                  All Fox.News and the right in general should have done was simply acknowledge Trump lost to Biden and report that these Stop The Steal claims were bullshit. It was always a coping mechanism.


                  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                    BTW, anyone know what Dominion's annual revenue is? $23.6 Million. They got a settlement for "damages" that are more than 30 times their annual revenue. It's laughable on its face and everyone knows it.
                    Seems like that would have been "punitive" but the point is that Dominion had Fox over a barrel and Fox decided that was the price of keeping Tucker, Hannity, Murdoch, et. al, from testifying under oath in a courtroom.
                    Last edited by Mike; April 19, 2023, 08:29 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                      Dominion made the case that even Fox didn't believe these "guests" were credible or knew what they were talking about but put them on air anyways. They didn't bring on guests that could counter their arguments on the same show (fact-checking them a day later on a different show isn't the same thing). None of the hosts aired the same skepticism on-air that they were strongly verbalizing in private emails and texts..
                      In other words, Fox News did not co-sign the accusations. They didn't make any slanderous statements or do any dishonest news reporting on the matter. They were 100% liable though for what guests said on openly editlorial shows. That is an unprecedented take and a new standard that at least half of the media would be bankrupt for if it was applied equally everywhere.

                      Your statement about not bringing on guests to counter the accusations is hilarious. Hardly anyone does that now ever. CNN doesn't and MSNBC definitely doesn't.


                      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                        BTW, anyone know what Dominion's annual revenue is? $23.6 Million. They got a settlement for "damages" that are more than 30 times their annual revenue. It's laughable on its face and everyone knows it.
                        I read yesterday that the entire voting machine industry has an annual revenue of only about $300M. That's how badly Rupert didn't want to testify.


                        • Smartmatic is suing Fox for even more. Their lawyers had to be skipping to work this morning.


                          • FB_IMG_1681911107106.jpg
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                              All Fox.News and the right in general should have done was simply acknowledge Trump lost to Biden and report that these Stop The Steal claims were bullshit. It was always a coping mechanism.
                              Like how CNN and MSNBC reported that Russiagate was complete bullshit? Oh wait, they didn't.

                              Like how when Kyle Rittenhouse was slandered as a "White Supremacist", that was instantly countered? Oh wait, that never happened.

                              Like how every media outlet in the country contradicted the dishonest claims about the Hunter Biden laptop being a Russian election interference conspiracy? Oh wait, that never happened either. LIterally the entire media co-signed that obviously false accusation.

                              "Standards for me but not for thee"


                              • Sadly there's not one conservative lawyer in this country with any balls. NOT ONE. Hannibal is pointing out all these easily, EASILY winnable defamation cases and they aren't listening because THEY ARE COWARDS.

                                Was Lionel Hutz your classmate in law school, Hanni?

