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  • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
    DSL the point is, the beer drinking market is made up of more drooling idiots, than it is the LGBTQ persuasion. To me, I'd throw the LGBTQ bunch right in with the drooling morons, because its all the same to me. But, I'm not a marketing person, so what do I know ...

    Seems like the owners of AB would want their products marketed to the most people who will actually go to the party store and buy the beer. But instead, they'd rather sell it to gay bars and Ohio State fans.
    I was not aware of this until this bruhaha started, but AB actually does have a much longer history of supporting gay rights than most major companies. They were sponsoring Pride marches back before it was "cool". For whatever that's worth.


    • Re abortion pill news

      The drug company has officially appealed to the SC. What's likely to happen is Alito (it's his Circuit) will issue an administrative stay by the end of the day. That will probably be in place until sometime next week when the full Court decides if they will stay Judge Flanders' order in its entirety or just stick with what the 5th circuit did. After that it'll be years before the case is decided on its merits.

      If the SC does NOT go any further than the 5th Circuit did then I think they will have to address the conflicting district court order out of Washington.


      • The 5th C opinion is pretty interesting. There's a section where they talk about how the FDA ordered that non-fatal adverse effects are no longer reportable and then relied on the absence of evidence of non-fatal adverse effects to, in part, justify the move from 7 weeks to 10.

        I would generally defer to the FDA and would do so on this. But, I think it's more probable than not that they weren't particularly vigorous on this one. Again, I'd still defer.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
          The 5th C opinion is pretty interesting. There's a section where they talk about how the FDA ordered that non-fatal adverse effects are no longer reportable and then relied on the absence of evidence of non-fatal adverse effects to, in part, justify the move from 7 weeks to 10.

          I would generally defer to the FDA and would do so on this. But, I think it's more probable than not that they weren't particularly vigorous on this one. Again, I'd still defer.
          Did it go into whether that was a general policy for all drugs? I'm just speculating that maybe after a drug's been on the market for a certain length of time they no longer collect data on no-fatal adverse effects. If they made changes to reporting only for this one drug that's obviously a ding in the government's case.


          • Look, I’ve noticed an unfortunate trend here. I am your resident purveyor of knowledge and wisdom. I’ve taken your edification as a cross I must bear, but you - my acolytes - are failing in paying tribute to your sage by neglecting to hit the like button on all that I post.

            Please correct that asap. I’m an all-knowing god, but I need tangible signs of your fealty and admiration or I will have to flood these pages with kilt selfies as righteous punishment of your wickedness.
            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


            • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
              Look, I’ve noticed an unfortunate trend here. I am your resident purveyor of knowledge and wisdom. I’ve taken your edification as a cross I must bear, but you - my acolytes - are failing in paying tribute to your sage by neglecting to hit the like button on all that I post.

              Please correct that asap. I’m an all-knowing god, but I need tangible signs of your fealty and admiration or I will have to flood these pages with kilt selfies as righteous punishment of your wickedness.
              Sad to see a once-marginal poster reduced to busking for likes, perhaps hoping a Bud Light talent scout happens to be walking past and immediately offers an Ambassadorship.


              • lol.
                "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                • Ouch!


                  • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                    If I understand the situation correctly, AB hired a woke woman who decided that effeminate men were a group that she wanted to focus on for more sales of their beer. Problem is, effeminate men are only a tiny sliver of the male market that buys beer. So, she decided to go very publicly after that small sliver of the market, and in doing so, alienated the vast majority of the beer buying market. So, she will reap the reward for her strategy, which is that majority will now buy beer from someone else. I'm not sure that the grand poohbah's of AB will like the idea of a marketing strategy that alienates the vast majority of the beer-buying public, but I guess that remains to be seen.
                    She(?) didn't "alienate" them. She flat out said that her company didn't want anything to do with them (IOW, "cancel the deplorables"). And, so what? The vast majority of the group that she's discrediting is strong enough and smart enough to grab a 30 pack of something else and laugh their asses off when AB scrambles to understand why Bud Light becomes the new Schlitz.


                    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                      In any event, the REAL issue of the week is The Chairman's ludicrous EV mandate.

                      Another is the CONTENT of the leaked DoD classified documents, particularly the intelligence community's assessment that the Ukrainians are losing the war. That is big news if true. So is the leak that China is already supplying weapons to Russia, and so is the fact that US soldiers are actually engaged in battle directly against Russian soldiers.

                      Again, IF TRUE.


                      • The documents do not really allege we are engaged in combat in Russia. We have less than 3 dozen troops in Ukraine and they mainly serve as guards for US assets.


                        • The 29 troops inside Ukraine also includes oversight inspectors.

                          US Inspectors in Ukraine Won't Be Near the Front, Pentagon Says |


                          • The stuff specifically about Ukraine that was leaked contained a slide with a lot of statistics on it. Russian propagandists got their hands on that early and altered it to make Ukraine's losses look enormous and Russia's fairly benign. So there's two versions of that document, one doctored. I think that is where the claim comes from that Ukraine has lost 7 men to every Russian killed. Ask yourself if that figure makes any sense. How has Ukraine not already lost the war if they are truly losing 7 men to every Russian?


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              The stuff specifically about Ukraine that was leaked contained a slide with a lot of statistics on it. Russian propagandists got their hands on that early and altered it to make Ukraine's losses look enormous and Russia's fairly benign. So there's two versions of that document, one doctored. I think that is where the claim comes from that Ukraine has lost 7 men to every Russian killed. Ask yourself if that figure makes any sense. How has Ukraine not already lost the war if they are truly losing 7 men to every Russian?
                              Where did you find this info? What did the "undoctored" slide show?


                              • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                                Where did you find this info? What did the "undoctored" slide show?
                                I briefly saw a picture of both versions, original and doctored, that I'll try to refind. I think that stuff may be getting wiped from twitter though.

