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  • So Heels Up Harris the Giggler goes to Nashville...not to meet with the victims families...but rather to grandstand for the Tennessee legislators who broke rules and were suspended. So she goes not to heal...but to divide...

    Yes...The Chairman and his ilk are unifiers. What a fucking disgrace...yet par for Progs...
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Day isn't over. She still might be able to throw in a trans rally to show support for the shooter.


      • Well she has more balls than The there is that...
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • There's no doubt schools are grooming kids to be deviants

          and society is protecting said deviant because society is a bunch of P***** right and left

          You want to be protected and making a lot of money for and say or do anything you want--be a lbgqrstcvgt and apply/work for a corporation or government job. you're in like flint

          I do think Bud light is taking a big hit so maybe there is hope--now i would love for all women in sports to stage a national boycott for a year and rid women's sports of non women

          and while thats going Jeff better start prepping on his Taiwan vs china updates becsause thats gonna happen also before the end of this presidency


          • I really do think half of todays trannies are doing it to game the system, get and take advantage for monetary or power purposes. being in the medical field i think we see 10x as many as we used to and it seems more then a few want to be labeled for monetary purposes. but at least they hump tractors


            • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post

              I think they are absolutely a very vocal tiny minority. The issue is that that tiny sliver of people are successfully pushing agendas, fomenting public policy change, and serving as the impetus for laws to be rewritten to bolster the crazy shit I listed. Reasonable people speaking up about it and saying, “wait just a fucking minute,” is needed. To squelch those dissenting views, the hardliners in that minority are attempting to make opposition into a hate crime.
              Being a process guy, I have to ask why is this vocal minority successfully pushing its agenda to the extent that the shit were complaing about turns into legislation, then law. Or local policy defined by school board officials, mayors and elected city officials. Where is the "wait a fucking minute" opposition when it gets to that point?

              My take is that conservatives have let progressives and their agenda get legislation to the floor of federal and state legislatures to get debated and fail to block it. They've allowed prog candates to get elected to school boards and city government positions. Who elected these clowns? The uninformed electorate did.

              Look, until conservatives disown DJT and get their heads straight, progs are going to elect legislators to advance legislation that institutionalizses prog policies - like the ones being bitched about here. That's, in part, because of the voting for "any one but Trump" phenomena afflicting conservative voters.

              IOW, conservatives largely own these secondary problems stemming from trans and gender issues by virtue of their failure to offer good candates for election to all levels of government and harassing those who you elected to govern or administrate to oppose all the crazy prog stuff.
              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


              • Jeff,

                I think we’re currently in a kind of Woke Zeitgeist. People are scolded that they’ll “be on the wrong side of history” and other such nonsense. You say something often enough and it tends to become accepted. And to be sure, the situation becomes confused and otherwise good people get hypnotized into conflating freedom to be trans with the foolishness detailed earlier.

                The key is to be able to look at a situation critically and clinically and unravel the conflated concepts. It’s easier said than done for most.
                "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                  Being a process guy, I have to ask why is this vocal minority successfully pushing its agenda to the extent that the shit were complaing about turns into legislation, then law. Or local policy defined by school board officials, mayors and elected city officials. Where is the "wait a fucking minute" opposition when it gets to that point?

                  My take is that conservatives have let progressives and their agenda get legislation to the floor of federal and state legislatures to get debated and fail to block it. They've allowed prog candates to get elected to school boards and city government positions. Who elected these clowns? The uninformed electorate did.

                  Look, until conservatives disown DJT and get their heads straight, progs are going to elect legislators to advance legislation that institutionalizses prog policies - like the ones being bitched about here. That's, in part, because of the voting for "any one but Trump" phenomena afflicting conservative voters.

                  IOW, conservatives largely own these secondary problems stemming from trans and gender issues by virtue of their failure to offer good candates for election to all levels of government and harassing those who you elected to govern or administrate to oppose all the crazy prog stuff.
                  I have no doubt that if Drag Queen Story Hour or other Trans activities were put to a vote, 95% of the population would vote against it. But votes are not taken in a vacuum.
                  The largest political party in the US is strongly in favor of "Trans rights" because they are enthralled with Critical Theory. Their base, overwhelmingly black, progressive, and urban has a postulate on life that "all are equal". To them, this means outcomes should be "fair" in a just society. Anything that diverges from what they consider equity must be, by postulate, caused by some sort of evil action by an oppressor. When they are presented with the actual scientific fact that the average intelligence of blacks is 1 1/2 standard deviations lower than Caucasian intelligence, they cannot accept that fact. The Dem Party favors "trans issues" because it believes in equity, not equality. And, if any outcome is not equal, Dems are more than happy to give away money to those who will not work. The reason the clowns get elected is that Dem voters are well-paid to vote that way.

                  I've never understood how you guys always bring everything back to Trump. The Dems financially support bad candidates in the R primaries so as to have an easier time in the general election. Dems are way better at this than Rs because Ds vote to eat. It is their meal ticket.​


                  • And upper middle class suburban white women are the biggest voting bloc for that shit outside of the folks you describe. Allies of an ideology that is diametrically opposed to the same system that made them upper middle class.



                    • Did you buffoons talk about anything other than trannies for the past 5 days? JFC.

                      I see Judge Churchy gave the ruling everyone expected on the abortion pill.


                      • I've never understood how you guys always bring everything back to Trump.
                        In the context of the current discussion, its because the "any one but Trump" voting phenomena is real. It's part of the complex issues behind the failure of conservatives, both holding public office and campaigning as candidates for future public offices, to run competent candidates. The lack of push-back and "wait a fucking minute" challenges by conservatives to the crazy shit we're talking about here is discouraging.

                        There are signs that push back is present if not feeble. It's shameful that when a conservative presents an argument against whatever crazy shit is the subject of discussion, he/she gets labeled by progs as a racist, bigamist, misogynist (pick one or more labels). For example, conservative federal Judge Kyle Duncan appeared at a Stanford University Law School forum, the judge being sponsored by the Federalist​ Society, was heckled and shouted down by, I assume, law students with left leaning, progressive political views. First, the hecklers heckled the judge because had fought against abortion and same sex marriage and allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice. They also claimed–falsely– that he had “fought to deny black Americans the right to vote.

                        Second and after Stanford got it's shit together, the dean of the law school apologized in an open letter condemning the tactics of the students that were involved. Unfortunately, the university failed to expel them for violating applicable rules, something they could have done but probably feared back-lash. We just need to keep pushing back, finding and supporting conservative candidates for all levels of government. There's too much fuck hollering about the prog agenda and not enough action. I'm guilty but we can get involved, study the candidates for elected office and vote for conservatives.
                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                          Did you buffoons talk about anything other than trannies for the past 5 days? JFC.

                          I see Judge Churchy gave the ruling everyone expected on the abortion pill.
                          The Loons are back in town. Great.
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • DSL is my favorite loon. Just like you’re my second favorite peddler of shit wings right after anyone else in the world that peddles shit wings.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                              There's too much fuck hollering about the prog agenda and not enough action. I'm guilty but we can get involved, study the candidates for elected office and vote for conservatives.
                              The problem within the R party is that the candidates who are considered the biggest fighters of the prog agenda are largely the "stop the steal" idiots who can't win state-wide or national elections for dog catcher. The conservative movement will not move an inch as long as Donald Trump is the face of it. The only way for him to be kicked off the stage is to get beaten from the right. Like a mafia hit, they have to take out one of their own for the good of the family. Help us Obi-Wan DeSantis. You're our only hope.


                              • The conservative movement will not move an inch as long as Donald Trump is the face of it.

                                Sorry Geezer (and Crash) this is just a political reality present within the conservative disposed electorate.
                                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time

