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  • Well Mister Rogers made us boomers believe in a make believe world years ago...then came H. R. Puffenstuff...Ronald McDonald and his McDonaldLand...but funny thing is...we didn't want to become Mayor McCheese...maybe Hamburglar cuz of the cool outfit...but I digress...
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by Mike View Post
      Toward the end of my time at the Center, it became clear that many children coming to the Center had gender identities that were likely the result of social contagion. When I first started in 2018, the Center would receive between 5 and 10 calls a month. By the time I left, that number was more than 40 calls a month.

      Many children themselves would say that they learned of their gender identities from TikTok.

      In one case, a child came into the Center identifying as “blind,” even though the child could in fact see (after vision tests were performed). The child also identified as transgender. The Center dismissed the child’s assertion about blindness as a somatization disorder but uncritically accepted the child’s statement about gender and prescribed that child with drugs for medical transition without confirming the length or persistence of the condition. No concurrent mental health care was provided.

      The Center also tells parents, children, and the public that puberty blockers are fully reversible. They are not. In children going through normal puberty, puberty blockers do lasting damage. They cause children to go through menopause early, they reduce bone density, and they worsen mental health.

      Trust the experts! Nothing nefarious going on here. DeSatan bad!!
      Yeah, it's only one piece of evidence, but it confirms what I think are fairly self-evident points -- a lot of these kids are dealing with some real issues and they now tend to bleed these issues into gender transition because why not -- it's a sympathy/victim card. But because of the former, the trans issues aren't likely to be permanent. We ought to be treating these kids for their actual issues and reaching the trans issue only after they're almost certain it's real. I mean, teenage kids go through a lot of shit. And they're kids. We ought to consider that and do so with real empathy and I think that manifestly requires working with them to address their actual problem(s). Incidentally, the kneejerk acceptannce of "trans!" is what countries like Sweden and England -- who were way ahead of us on this shit -- are now finding to be extremely problematic as these people mature into adults.

      Fuck, man -- as stupid as I am now, I was a metric fuckton stupider when I was a teen. JFC. I'm lucky to be alive. I would never defend the dumb shit I said, did and thought when I was 14.

      And this gets to a point that ought to be made -- my objection isn't to trans kids or trans people. If that's sincerely who you are, so be it. My objection is to the grown-ups in the room not treating people and, instead, in some instances, using them as props to further their ideological views. And in so doing, irreversibly fucking up human beings.
      Last edited by iam416; March 17, 2023, 09:42 AM.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • You go down the slippery slope of what exactly is children's rights. How old should they be before they are not considered wards of the state or household. You can then say parents who teach them religious and conservative themes are provoking white supremist behavior and kids should be given over to the state to raise.
        Last edited by klondike; March 17, 2023, 10:21 AM.


        • You're comparing cutting a girls breasts off to taking a kid to church?


          • Originally posted by klondike View Post
            How old should they be before they are not considered wards of the state or household.
            18 is the legal standard.


            • What the earliest they start doing actual surgeries on anyone? Do they have to wait till 18?


              • Originally posted by klondike View Post
                You can then say parents who teach them religious and conservative themes are provoking white supremist behavior and kids should be given over to the state to raise.
                Who can say this? Are you using it as an extreme example of the government being involved in people's business personal lives? I wouldn't worry too much about that scenario as it will lead to rivers of spilled blood. That usually is a deterrent.


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                  What the earliest they start doing actual surgeries on anyone? Do they have to wait till 18?


                  • More of a symbolic thing but it does mean Putin basically can't ever travel to Europe for the rest of his life. Might not care but meh

                    Russia-Ukraine war: Arrest warrant issued for Putin over war crime allegations - BBC News


                    • There were about 700 "top" surgeries and about 50 genital surgeries last year. I agree, that is too many. Period

                      I also agree with Talent on most of this (mark this down on your calendar)
                      ​​​​​​Yeah, it's only one piece of evidence, but it confirms what I think are fairly self-evident points -- a lot of these kids are dealing with some real issues and they now tend to bleed these issues into gender transition because why not -- it's a sympathy/victim card. But because of the former, the trans issues aren't likely to be permanent. We ought to be treating these kids for their actual issues and reaching the trans issue only after they're almost certain it's real. I mean, teenage kids go through a lot of shit. And they're kids. We ought to consider that and do so with real empathy and I think that manifestly requires working with them to address their actual problem(s). Incidentally, the kneejerk acceptannce of "trans!" is what countries like Sweden and England -- who were way ahead of us on this shit -- are now finding to be extremely problematic as these people mature into adults.
                      The trouble with these bills is that they don't stop at surgery. They deny treatment that should be available.

                      There are a lot more kids getting fucked up by running around in KKK hoods with their parents or not having enough to eat than there are being fucked up by trans treatment, including surgeries. Where's the outrage?

                      This "grooming" bullshit is just that. Bullshit. It is just a way to fire up the base.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                        More of a symbolic thing but it does mean Putin basically can't ever travel to Europe for the rest of his life. Might not care but meh

                        Russia-Ukraine war: Arrest warrant issued for Putin over war crime allegations - BBC News
                        Russia's Commissioner for Children's Rights is also accused of war crimes

                        This is related specifically to the fact that Russia has kidnapped thousands of Ukrainian children, deported them to Russia, "deprogrammed" them, and putting them in foster homes.


                        • Putin doesn't care ...... the US does not recognize the ICC either. That is because of the legal issues associated with deferring to a court outside of the US judicial system for an alleged war crime committed on US soil would be unconstitutional. I have no idea nor do I care why Russia does not recognize the ICC.

                          At Putin's direction, Russian actors have been moving Ukrainian children from Ukraine and placing them in Russian occupied Ukrainian territory or in Russia itself since the start of the war. Putin is working on eliminating Ukrainian culture including art, literature and education and replacing it with fabricated culture meant to define what is now Ukraine as historically part of Russia. Moving kids to places where they can be indoctrinated in these lies is part of that process. It is one sick operation.

                          These activities, beyond his illegal military aggression, make Putin's actions in Ukraine abhorrent and crimes against humanity that raise them beyond a regional issue to an international one. Opponents of western involvement in the war in Ukraine tend to ignore this reality. By fence sitting or openly arguing against western intervention to prevent Putin from obtaining his objectives, those who do so tacitly approve of this shit.
                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                          • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                            At Putin's direction, Russian actors have been moving Ukrainian children from Ukraine and placing them in Russian occupied Ukrainian territory or in Russia itself since the start of the war. Putin is working on eliminating Ukrainian culture including art, literature and education and replacing it with fabricated culture meant to define what is now Ukraine as historically part of Russia. Moving kids to places where they can be indoctrinated in these lies is part of that process. It is one sick operation.
                            Russia isn't really hiding what it's doing with the kids either. In fact it's boasted about it. I believe Putin had a "rescued" Ukrainian kid at his Fatherland Day celebration, expressing gratitude for no longer being a "Nazi".


                            • Who knew that DSL was a Putin apologist?
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Estonia's PM, Kaja Kallas, already notable for her strong support of Ukraine tweeted this minutes ago:

                                Step closer to judgement day. With first warrant of arrest for #Putin, #ICC sends out historic signal: all atrocities against Ukraine stem from criminal policy of Russian leaders. Reminder that no-one is immune, not even heads of state. Russian regime will be held accountable.

                                If the court of public opinion​ could muster the support of world leaders over the inhuman actions of the world's authoritarians, particularly Vladimir Putin, it would be a step in marginalizing actors like him and those that openly support or have failed to condemn Russia's aggression in UKraine and elsewhere.

                                It's pretty clear to me that the world order that Russia, China, Iran and NK seek, to replace the one that is currently in place and has been since 1945, is a world order that should be, without reservation, rejected.
                                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time

