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  • That post I had addressing your point about "the bullshit investigation", you think it's bullshit but the Mueller was appointed by Republicans. When you and many others complain about it, you always make it sound like it was started by the Democrats. They didn't start it, they had no power. You had the keys to the government. Total power!
    Last edited by froot loops; March 8, 2023, 10:58 AM.


    • Just gonna put this here.... No reason. Just looking for some place to put it.



      • Heh.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Comey had joined the resistance after he was fired! Just like Scaramucci. Big tent party, no purity tests.


          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

            The "send them home and then keep on counting" routine happened in multiple states.

            I have never seen the Guliani/Trump-edited videos. I have seen the original. Very little of what I think went wrong with the 2020 election has come out of the Trump camp.
            You posted a response to the video 2 minutes after my post. The video's 5 minutes long so you obviously didn't watch it just now.

            Watch the video and get back to me on why you think Sterling's explanation is nonsense and why you think intepreting the video as clearcut fraud is just as likely.


            • TDS
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                Comey had joined the resistance after he was fired! Just like Scaramucci. Big tent party, no purity tests.
                I forgot about "The Resistance". My god the left lost their fucking minds when Trump got elected. They went full Richard Dreyfus from What About Bob. I was along with them until the summer of 2020 provided the requisite clarity.

                Which party are you saying has no purity test?


                • Literally the night of (or night after) the election there was protests and "rioting" in the streets. And then you had Feinstein and Schiff and all the other Ds and D Media screaming COLLUSION!!!!!! almost instantaneously and certainly before DJT was even sworn in.
                  Last edited by iam416; March 8, 2023, 11:26 AM.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • Virtuous.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • At least the Dems had the dignity to choose a statesman like Honest Joe Biden. Frankly had my party chosen a debauched game show host as its lifetime leader I’d die of shame or find a cave somewhere and turn my life over to God. But I was raised right, a rarity in these hard times.


                      • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                          Literally the night of (or night after) the election there was protests and "rioting" in the streets. And then you had Feinstein and Schiff and all the other Ds and D Media screaming COLLUSION!!!!!! almost instantaneously and certainly before DJT was even sworn in.
                          You just knew things were going to fly off the rails when pink vagina hats showed up IMMEDIATELY after the inauguration. You just can't ever unsee that insanity.


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                            He lost. JFC.
                            The official tally has Joe Biden getting more votes, yes. And Donald Trump has no legal recourse or precedent for being declared the winner, yes. That doesn't mean that the election wasn't tainted. Joe Biden was the first President to be elected by virtue of ballots that you didn't have to show up in person to cast. And it just so happens that the Democrat Party has a pretty advanced ballot harvesting operation to produce those votes. Under these conditions, you are right to not trust the results.

                            Our method of electing officials changed drastically in 2020, much of it without any legislative changes, and absolutely none of it by necessity. Those changes handed Joe Biden the win. I think that's all a pretty big deal.

                            And that is on top of the massive advantage that Joe Biden got from all major social media outlets controlling the news and censoring news that was anti-Biden or pro Trump. The openly and proudly admitted to this. They called it "fortifying the election". That included dozens of intelligence officials lying through their teeth about the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian election interference.

                            That's on top of the law enforcemernt apparatus of our country pushing a fake "Russia Collusion" narrative. Do you think that the people responsible for that should be held accountable? Or is "progs gonna prog" your only response?
                            Last edited by Hannibal; March 8, 2023, 01:04 PM.


                            • Avirl Haines, the US DIrector of National Intelligence, told a senate hearing today that Russia was unlikely to make further territorial gains in Ukraine. That is because Russian ground forces have suffered too many casualties and loss of fighting equipment over the last year, and especially since January trying to capture Bakhmut, to pursue further territorial gains through the current level of offensive operations.

                              Recall Putin declared in July that Crimea and 4 Oblasts were part of the Russian Federation. Notable, that outside of probably Crimea, and even control there is questionable, Russia does not have complete control of any of the territories Putin has claimed that are Russian. Moreover, Putin redefined his objectives in Ukraine just a month ago to control the entire Donbas (that would be the Donetsk, Luhansk and part of the Zaphorizia Oblasts) by March 31st. That isn't going to happen. Even though the outcome of the battle for Bakhmut will be symbolic, Ukraine has managed to keep the Russians from gaining full control of that obliterated city ...... Bakhmut is, however, tactically significant, that fully controlled by the Russians opens a pathway for Russian forces, if they were able and they are not, to continue offensive operations westward.

                              The bad news is that Putin has probably recognized the limitations of his armed forces in Ukraine and is the process of redefining his broad objectives there...... this will be for the 3rd time. Those are likely to be deploying defense to hold what territory has been captured to date. Figures vary but the percentage of Ukrainian territory that Putin has been able to call "controlled by Russia" ranges from 17% to 25%. Take a look at this article - the geographical presentation is quite good including a depiction of what you read is "Bakhmut being surrounded:"

                              There's been on again, off again talk of a Ukrainian counter-offensive that seeks to drive SE to coastal Melipitol, seize that and divide Russian forces - to the north east and to the southwest that would isolate Crimea. While the Ukrainian armed forces have sustained fewer losses than the Russians, their army too has lost combat power - to what degree is unknown. Even estimates aren't found in the public domain. Even under the best of circumstances, that is a very tall order, Putin and his generals probably know it, and failure of such an operation by the Ukrainians would be a huge strategic set-back that favors Russia.

                              At this point, nobody knows how Putin's war will end or if it will end at all. We have the luxury of sitting on safe hill-tops and watching events unfold. Most analysts I'm reading (and Avril Haines just echoed this) Putin is prepared to wait, probably years, to obtain a level of control in Ukraine that suits him.
                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • In related news, you've been reading about the US warning China, not to send lethal arms to Russia. Yesterday, their foreign minister asked, if the US can send arms to Taiwan, why should China not send arms to Russia? Chinese policy makers are smart. How they choose to publically shed light on their FP is usually subtle. Not only is this pronouncement not subtle it is also a glaring false equivalency. The US is arming a nation at peace to defend itself should China elect to try to return Taiwan to the motherland by military force. Russia's war in Ukraine is blatant aggression seeking to take territory by military force in violation of international law and the UN Charter. The most disgraceful thing about China seeking to bail Putin out is that they are getting behind an international criminal who has committed war crimes, including genocide and removal of Ukrainian adults and children from Ukraine to Russia or Russian controlled territory in Ukraine.

                                Good luck with justifying that shit to the international community while at the same time claiming to broker a peace deal.
                                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time

