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  • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

    That appointment was a real head scratcher. She has no qualifications other than she had a (D) following her name and was responsible for driving Michigan to the edge of bankruptcy.

    But, Joe likes how women smell, so ...
    "I don't know how any administration would appoint someone with absolutely no qualifications to do the job"
    -Betsy DeVos-
    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • It's not about's about diversity...which we all know is an old wooden ship...
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by CGVT View Post

        "I don't know how any administration would appoint someone with absolutely no qualifications to do the job"
        -Betsy DeVos-
        Education is another one of those useless Departments, BTW.


        • Education, Energy, Transportation and...THE CLIMATE CZAR!!! All utterly useless.
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • I've been posting about Russian forces being unable to advance. That's not entirely accurate although the pace and the human and material costs of limited advancements have been astounding. The point of the map I fiddled with (the print is blurry) to get it to fit is to first, give you an idea of where Bakhmut is - left-center of the map - and were it is in Ukraine - insert left lower corner.

            Note the pincer advance (in red) N and S. The northern pincer has crossed an important highway that is a LOC for Ukrainian forces defending Bakhmut. The S pincer is having less success. This is where the Wagner Group is operating and where it is surmised that the Russian MOD does not want them to succeed and is not resupplying them adequately to slow them down. This sort of pincer tactic is what Russian forces used to force the Ukrainian withdrawal from Mariupol early in the conflict and led to the surrender and capture of the Azov Battalion defenders. Putin made a big deal of this and at the time it was.

            It is unlikely that the Ukrainians will continue to defend Bakhmut, will consider the cost imposed on the Russians is sufficient and will withdraw before becoming encircled, isolating Ukrainian defenders there as happened to the Azov battalion in Mariupol. There's no question that Putin's orders to his generals to capture Bakhmut has rendered the Russian army incapable of launching a renewed offensive, jumping off from Bakhmut to the west. Degradation of Russian army elements are just too great with reserves already committed - analysts believe 87% of the entire Russian Army has been deployed for combat within this compact eastern area (about 60km), the western most part of the Donetsk Oblast. Bakhmut is still 60km from the western border of the Donetsk Oblast. It is unlikely the Russian can advance further west facing a determined and dug in Ukrainian defense relocated to the west of Bakhmut.

            There's been some debate about the strategic v. symbolic nature of the Russian forces being able to claim they've captured Bakhmut. On one hand, their are rail and road hubs in and around Bakhmut that favor whihc forces is holding that ground. OTH, it is of little strategic value. But, it is highly important symbolically for Putin to be able to sell success to the Russian people at the one year anniversary of his invasion of Ukraine regardless of how unimportant in the big picture capturing Bakhmut is.

            Worth repeating, the Ukrainians have attrited invading Russian forces grinding away to cease Bakhmut - probably the plan - so as to neuter them and make them vulnerable to a counter offensive that will drive back though Bakhmut and direct to Mariupol. If that happens, the Russian forces will be split in two. Crimea in the S and what remains of territory they may occupy to the N. They'll be forced to rethink options in Ukraine while discarding the initial goals - capturing Kiev - and Putin's secondary goal - control both the Donetsk (DNR) and Luhansk (LNR) Oblasts for his invasion.


            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


            • You see the reports of Ukraine using something new last night, Jeff?


              • The report summary in the second link eviscerates the claims of voter fraud in Arizona. The promoters were cowards who could never deliver any evidence despite talking tough in public. Finchem would not repeat his ridiculous claims under oath and admitted he basically had nothing. Nutjob Wedny Rogers wouldn't even meet with investigators, undoubtedly not wanting to admit it was all bullshit under oath or risk a perjury charge..

                Ex-Arizona AG Mark Brnovich buried investigation findings disproving election fraud: Report | Washington Examiner

                Kris Mayes releases records of Brnovich's election investigation |

                Arizona State Representative Finchem publicly stated he had a source reporting that more than 30,000 fraudulent/fictitious votes were registered in Pima County during the general election. Agents requested to meet with Mr. Finchem to discuss his allegations. During that meeting, Mr. Finchem did not repeat those allegations, specifically stating he did not have any evidence of fraud and he did not wish to take up our time. He did provide 4 ballots that he said was evidence of a flawed process for mailing and counting ballots. The ballots had been mailed to prior residents of the address on file, the residents had moved, and the ballots cannot be forwarded by the postal service. The ballots were not counted and were unopened, and the MCRO did not have a record of the residents’ change of address. Mr. Finchem did not have any further information and left the meeting in relatively short order.

                We requested a meeting with Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers based upon her assertion there was widespread fraud in the 2020 General Election. Ms. Rogers refused to meet with us, saying she was waiting to see the “perp walk” of those who committed fraud during the election


                • Since the pandemic...Florida has gained 800,000 in population...and California has lost 750,000 in population.

                  Yes...Prog policies are working!!!
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                    She gave multiple interviews today. Foreperson of the Fulton County special grand jury says they recommended indictments against multiple people. “It’s not a short list”. She seems like a character. She’s actually allowed to say what she’s saying but man, putting a target on herself.

                    The DA isn’t required to follow any of their guidance but….hmmmm …

                    These interviews are welcome news to Trump's attorneys. Grand jurists should keep their mouths shut after they serve.


                    • 1.5 million less feet making carbon prints in Cali seems like a huge victory in the fight against climate change!


                      • excellent point

                        Now STFU.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

                          That appointment was a real head scratcher. She has no qualifications other than she had a (D) following her name and was responsible for driving Michigan to the edge of bankruptcy.

                          But, Joe likes how women smell, so ...
                          She did have experience. She is heavily invested personally in green energy projects. Like many Ds.


                          • I'm trying to get around the paywall for this.


                            • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                              These interviews are welcome news to Trump's attorneys. Grand jurists should keep their mouths shut after they serve.
                              It's creating extra work for any potential prosecutors, that's for sure. Anyone charged will probably try and get the indictment tossed based on her comments. They will probably lose but it will drag things out. It would be worse if someone on the actual grand jury handing out indictments were to start talking about specific people.

                              It would be one thing to grant one AP interview but she did a full-on media blitz yesterday that was very weird. Clearly enjoying the attention.


                              • This is very much unverified but there has been a lot of chatter about Moldova and Transnistria recently. Claims that Russia may try and seize Moldova’s only international airport to reinforce the small contingent they have in the breakaway “republic”. Not all of it makes a ton of sense strategically. We’re also at the one year anniversary and there’s been rumors both sides want a big symbolic victory.

